A Brief History of the Argument
Before Charles Darwin published, The Origins of the Species no scientific argument existed that could explain the unique nature of mankind’s position in Nature. Although Galileo and Newton had greatly under-mined many of the Holy Scripture’s sacred tenets on the origins of the Universe, and a subsequent lively revolution in scientific thought pervaded the intellectual atmosphere of succeeding centuries - the pivotal miracle of mankind’s origins, as explained in the Book of Genesis, remained organized religion’s ace in the hole.
The Old Testament’s claim in the Book of Genesis, of man’s special relationship with God kept the vast flocks of the faithful congregated inside the cathedrals singing hymns in praise of the Lord, with their heads bowed in reverence before the spiritual authority of their appointed ministers. Nobody dreamed or even wanted to dream that our ancestors could be apes.
Charles Darwin, with over-whelming evidence to support evolution was loath to publish his thesis and further undermine the established order. The ancient Belief in Divine appointment ensured that organized religion’s collection plates remained piled with gold and silver - while the irreverent scientists were relegated to secondary roles in their dingy under-funded laboratories.
Darwin sensed that the publication of The Origins of the Species would end almost two thousand years of religious guidance; alter the balance of power;transfer the flow of money away from the Church; and place the future direction of human behavior, as well as the fate of the planet we lived on, squarely in the hands of science.
In that revolutionary climate, with Marx’s recently published Communist Manifesto loudly proclaiming that religion was an opiate that numbed the minds of the masses of workers, keeping them bowed before their Lords and masters believing that the birth rite of royalty was by Divine appointment, Darwin knew that the evidence he had painstakingly collected in the tiny Galapagos islands would inevitably erase the last and most important tenet in religious doctrine and help remove the millions of worshippers from its pews. The ammunition stored inside his book provided the final proof the revolutionaries needed to end the religious domination of human thought.
The thought that he would be the man chosen to make the masses lose their special connection with God and King, held his hand. Unwilling to face that reality, Darwin wanted to delay publishing his findings until after his death. It was the zoological researches of Wallace, who had independently arrived at the same evolutionary conclusions that forced the publication of The Origins of the Specie. Over the past century and a half since publication, the disarray Darwin’s theory of evolution has created among all cultures that had based their faith on Old Testament scriptures has never abated.
There can be no question that the Theory of Evolution has been a watershed in mass psychology . Scientific insistence on empirical evidence has almost completely negated any and all subjective claims to a mystical relationship with God. The religious testimony of literally thousands of saints and martyrs are, at best, relegated onto a dusty backroom shelf, labelled: Self Delusion.
Scientific indoctrination in our school systems has focused the mass attention on the mechanics of a Universe that runs according to the laws of physics, with no God at the controls. There is no scientific appreciation of the impact that generations of analytical emphasis has had on the intuitive half of the human psyche, which strives to transcend the finite. As a result, the on-going evolution of our collective consciousness is now almost a hundred and eighty degrees in apposition to what it was formerly.
Before 1860 the power of the Church almost totally dictated the politics of government, economic development and human behavior in general. Any man, no matter his private thoughts, who did not religiously attended church service on Sunday, had no chance of ever being elected to any government office or find a seat on the board of any public company. Since then, decade by decade, as the masses have become educated in scientific method, that power has waned. Today the once vast cultural significance and authoritative theological arguments of Religion, which had reigned supreme for almost two millennia over the minds of men, can be challenged by any school-boy.
Though the biblical belief in Creation is now barred from the school classroom, influential sects of religious fundamentalists are still holding out. And like the festering thorn of the Zealots holding out against the might of Rome in the fortress of Masada, the legions of intellectual scientists today are obligated to clean them out.
The dissention between Creationists and Evolutionists creates significant educational, political and economic problems that seriously hamper the kind of healthy holistic development that could take place if the entire nation worked together with the kind of will that can only come if all of us were of the same mind and heart.
As it is, increasing millions of Christian parents have removed their children from government classrooms and are indoctrinating their kids into a separatist mind-set at home. If one factors in the cost of all the wars and persecutions over all the centuries that man has fought in order to instill a unity of modern thought, this rift, (one can almost say a holy war of words) right at the level of childhood education, of who man is and what our purpose on this planet is, is a disturbing trend. If it is allowed to grow wider it can only lead to serious future consequences. With exponential population pressures impacting on an already stressed-out global environment, we need to take steps forward into the 21st Century. We cannot afford steps backwards into the 19th.
For those parents who are truly concerned, it is obvious that we all need a unified understanding of the origins and evolution of human consciousness and try to put an end to the impact our seemingly endless family arguments are having on our home planet,
Nobody as yet can prove or disprove, in scientific terms, that God does or does not exist.
That is the only truly indisputable fact in this war of words. In the meantime, with the jury still out, It might save a lot of wasted emotional turmoil if, instead of trying to batter down the walls of Masada and heap the religious zealots with ridicule and invective, a more constructive tone is politely enforced at every public and private debate on the subject. At the very least it would give us a less contentious platform for engaging in the kind of serious thought that might bridge the rift.
This blog will try to address the 150 year old debate in more holistic terms than the way it has been conducted to date. The arument herin has already been raging on a phylosophical forum for several moths. Each day I will post secions of the arguement and its responses for anybody reading this to jump in and add their comments.
It comes without resorting to religious dogma or literal interpretations of the Bible.
It is purely and simply a debate between physicists and meta-physicists regarding the anomalies that divide the analytical and intuitive aspects of the human psyche. The intention is to try and find a reasonable formula that can unite matter with spirit.
The questions are basic:
Did consciousness precede creation?
Or the reverse.?
The answers are more complex.
No conclusive victory is claimed over either side. But it is hoped that all who read this blog come away from it a little better informed and a little more concerned about helping all of us to come to a degree of consensus that could make the world a better place for ourselves and the coming generations.
The Avatar I go by on the forum is MagnetMan.
Any comments on the above?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
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