I have great reverence
for our ancestral blood, sweat and tears
that have got us this far down the road
but today
in a changing global ecology
what was good enough for my father to exploit in the past
will not last long enough for my sons in their future
i in the present
am obligated to invent a more efficient wheel
and build a smoother highway
for the generations to come
Monday, April 29, 2013
Soul Harvest
the spectacles observed and experienced in life
do not define the meaning of existence
it is the after-taste
of sweet and sour nectar's
that is the true harvest of the soul
and then savored
in the over-life
do not define the meaning of existence
it is the after-taste
of sweet and sour nectar's
that is the true harvest of the soul
and then savored
in the over-life
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Oscillating Universe
To be - An Oscillating Universe!
The Big Bang theory seen as the Universal birth
is generally accepted as a given
Theories of the galaxies gradually dying of fuel starvation
via endless expansion in the Big Chill
or dying statically in Goldilocks
is on hold
while the search for Dark Matter continues.
Though Dark Matter cannot be "seen"
its presence is undeniable
its effect is astronomical
we now know that the speed of the expansion of the Universe
via primal explosion of the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago
is not slowing down
it is in fact accelerating!!
it is impossible to fire a bullet from a gun
and expect the muzzle velocity to keep increasing!
some other force has to be adding the extra speed
and so we are forced to entertain the idea
that some invisible presence of Dark Energy and Dark Matter exists
and here we remain stuck
what that force can be no one knows
a neutrino is the smallest particle discovered
it can pass through a mile of solid lead
and never collide with another particle
Dark Matter has to be even smaller
a decade of intensive experiments
at a cost of billions of dollars
by teams of top astrophysicists and particle physicists
leaves us still groping in the dark
10 years ago I intuitively proposed the idea that the force of emotion
is missing from the atomic equation
it was laughed off
the idea that consciousness could have an effect on the orbits of massive galaxies
was simply ridiculous
my input was dismissed as New Age pseudo-science
all forms of dogma are insidious
intuitive religious dogma once dismissed science analysis as heresy
now analytical science dogma dismisses intuitive inspiration as heresy
we know that massive galaxies are make up of atoms
and we know from quantum mechanics
that atoms can behave like particles of matter
or like invisible waves of energy
in effect
galaxies are not simply masses of matter - subject to laws of physics
they are also centers of radiant energy - subject to laws of metaphysics
and since consciousness exists
and could not have materialized out of a vacuum
it has to have its origins in atomic radiation
and therefore has got to be an essential aspect of the nuclear equation
whether science dogma agrees to it or not
emotion exists in the universe
it has undeniable effect on motion
the ecology of an entire planet has been altered by it
it is building rockets to explore the stars
it all stems from atomic radiation
so how can it simply be dismissed
for example
if the emotional output of one person
can effect the equilibrium of another person
and make that person change direction
(who is basically an association of elementary atoms)
a universe comprised of 90% of invisible emotion
can surely effect the energetic direction of 10% of the visible universe
if Dark Matter is indeed emotive Consciousness
as I am proposing
what then is the essence of that emotive Cosmic Conscious force
how and why does it effect the eerie acceleration of all the billions of galaxies?
The essence of Atomic Consciousness
is the inherent dynamic
of the repulsive negative polarity
by the charismatic attraction of the positive pole
The Big Bang
repulsed and expelled the universal singularity
in an outward direction
away from the negative pole
the entire universe is now emotively attracted
and accelerating towards to its charismatic positive pole
where it will form a new singularity
loaded with its latest harvest of emotional experience
immeasurably enriched by 20 billion years of evolutionary experience
That newly enriched singularity
will then explode into another Big Bang
into a new dimension of cosmic experience
and so the Universe will oscillate
outwards and inwards
from new Big Bang to new Big Crunch
gaining emotive frequency with each oscillation
and go on oscillating ecstatically eternally
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
HeartStart Home School Program
Every birth is a merging of thousands of generations of paternal and maternal lines of ancestral experience
each new born is a permutation of the immediate parent's genes
with both male and female personality attributes
the merging of the two sets of genes produces a unique new personality
the DNA of every infant is imprinted with 100,000 generations of ancestral behavioral experience
Male children are genetically and emotionally more predisposed
to exhibit aspects of their father's personality traits
the reverse is generally true of females
Balanced parental genes produce a balanced number of heterosexual male and female offspring
dominant male genes will mostly conceive male offspring - a female child is likely to have masculine tendencies
the reverse it true with dominant female genes their sons are predisposed to be feminine
In seeking the best possible match during mate selection
with each prospective mate working from a sound base of opposing astrological polarities
it is necessary to exchange intimate family behavioral details
that were in place during one's vital stages of growth
from birth
through infant
and teen development
and then measure them against ideal standards of behavioral development
Ideal Standards
Infancy 0 - 7 years of age
A carefully planned pregnancy in a secure home environment
home birth essential unless there is an emergency
The birth environment is indelibly imprinted in memory
in addition, all five senses are highly impressive
antiseptic hospital births under bright light surrounded by masked strangers
unceremoniously pricked for blood, poked and weighed
is embedded in the psyche
and can resurface as trauma in later adult consciousness
often mistaken for an alien abduction
Weaning process - 0 - 3 years Intuitive right brain development
breastfed for three years - perefct for strengthening immune system
and vital mother/child bonding
permanent body contact with mother until weaned
no unnatural competition for affection from another sibling
ideal to space pregnancies every three years
five or more siblings with thee year peer group spacing is ideal for social development
just enough physical and psychological development between each sibling
to establish a natural mutual benefit hierarchical system
Post Weaning 4- 7 years - Left brain analytical awakening
Ego emmerges
Infant starts referring to the self in the 1st person
Sharing Ethic
the ego is necessary for social development
parents and older siblings must evoke the ancestrally imprinted sharing ethicthe sharing ethic is the base of all future intelligence
it is what separates humans from apes
learning to be mindful of the needs of others
creates an attentive psyche
it took mankind 100,000 generations
99% of it in the stone age family group of hunter/gatherers
to permanently seat the sharing ethic in the human psyche
reminding the 3 year-old of the sharing ethic
is best done via the conception of a new sibling
during the 9 months of pregnancy
engage the expectations of a new playmate
continuous interaction with the fetus
as soon as it begins to kick in the womb
evokes lasting and genuine sibling affection
Intuitive right brain spiritual consciousness
working in conjunction with left brain analysis
of the Natural Law of Cause and Effect
helps with the development and focusing of the budding ego
producing self-policed ethical behavior by age 7
all children are super-naturally clairsentient
evocation of our extra-sensory perception
via nightly fairy tales
where good, kind and generous heroes and heroines
engaged in battle with the forces of evil
help to supplicate and seat a kindly social attitude
the debilitating effects of victimization
via hurts and bruises during play
can be avoided by careful explanations
of Mother Nature's moral warning of non-trespass
which is guarded by the Law of Cause and Effect
the infant soon learns
there are no accidents
nor deliberate harm
every effect has a prior cause
every painful trespass had a prior warning to be careful
an if not obeyed
rightly punished it is amazing how early childish tears vanish
by the seventh year the sharing ethic should be fully evoked
childhood 7 - 14 years
each new born is a permutation of the immediate parent's genes
with both male and female personality attributes
the merging of the two sets of genes produces a unique new personality
the DNA of every infant is imprinted with 100,000 generations of ancestral behavioral experience
Male children are genetically and emotionally more predisposed
to exhibit aspects of their father's personality traits
the reverse is generally true of females
Balanced parental genes produce a balanced number of heterosexual male and female offspring
dominant male genes will mostly conceive male offspring - a female child is likely to have masculine tendencies
the reverse it true with dominant female genes their sons are predisposed to be feminine
In seeking the best possible match during mate selection
with each prospective mate working from a sound base of opposing astrological polarities
it is necessary to exchange intimate family behavioral details
that were in place during one's vital stages of growth
from birth
through infant
and teen development
and then measure them against ideal standards of behavioral development
Ideal Standards
Infancy 0 - 7 years of age
A carefully planned pregnancy in a secure home environment
home birth essential unless there is an emergency
The birth environment is indelibly imprinted in memory
in addition, all five senses are highly impressive
antiseptic hospital births under bright light surrounded by masked strangers
unceremoniously pricked for blood, poked and weighed
is embedded in the psyche
and can resurface as trauma in later adult consciousness
often mistaken for an alien abduction
Weaning process - 0 - 3 years Intuitive right brain development
breastfed for three years - perefct for strengthening immune system
and vital mother/child bonding
permanent body contact with mother until weaned
no unnatural competition for affection from another sibling
ideal to space pregnancies every three years
five or more siblings with thee year peer group spacing is ideal for social development
just enough physical and psychological development between each sibling
to establish a natural mutual benefit hierarchical system
Post Weaning 4- 7 years - Left brain analytical awakening
Ego emmerges
Infant starts referring to the self in the 1st person
Sharing Ethic
the ego is necessary for social development
parents and older siblings must evoke the ancestrally imprinted sharing ethicthe sharing ethic is the base of all future intelligence
it is what separates humans from apes
learning to be mindful of the needs of others
creates an attentive psyche
it took mankind 100,000 generations
99% of it in the stone age family group of hunter/gatherers
to permanently seat the sharing ethic in the human psyche
reminding the 3 year-old of the sharing ethic
is best done via the conception of a new sibling
during the 9 months of pregnancy
engage the expectations of a new playmate
continuous interaction with the fetus
as soon as it begins to kick in the womb
evokes lasting and genuine sibling affection
Intuitive right brain spiritual consciousness
working in conjunction with left brain analysis
of the Natural Law of Cause and Effect
helps with the development and focusing of the budding ego
producing self-policed ethical behavior by age 7
all children are super-naturally clairsentient
evocation of our extra-sensory perception
via nightly fairy tales
where good, kind and generous heroes and heroines
engaged in battle with the forces of evil
help to supplicate and seat a kindly social attitude
the debilitating effects of victimization
via hurts and bruises during play
can be avoided by careful explanations
of Mother Nature's moral warning of non-trespass
which is guarded by the Law of Cause and Effect
the infant soon learns
there are no accidents
nor deliberate harm
every effect has a prior cause
every painful trespass had a prior warning to be careful
an if not obeyed
rightly punished it is amazing how early childish tears vanish
by the seventh year the sharing ethic should be fully evoked
childhood 7 - 14 years
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Mate Selection - What the Stars Foretell
There are those who have come to know
via diligent attention to secret omens
that every single life
is not a random accidental event
but specially Created
by Divine Design
this sacred knowledge
makes seers profoundly aware
that the entire Universe is Witness
to every thought, word and deed
and wishes each life
a creative and godly experience
for those who honor and pay attention
to Natural Law
and discipline their lives
they are granted their most sacred hopes and desires
as mediums of Divine Creation
it is their destiny to recreate the supreme design
by planting and tending to the seeds of each new life
they can best accomplish this sacred mission
by finding a perfect soul mate
created specially for this holy purpose
all this being so
then know for sure
that the focus of Cosmic Consciousness
shining down on this planet
in direct quadrants of starlight
at the moment of a birth
is radiating the Divine blessings
of that special life mission
Finding one's soul mate
amidst the millions
lies in diving the secret birth transmissions
of our stellar blessings
the perfect universal creative dynamic
lies in the atomic polarity of apposing attraction
our perfect mate
received birth blessings of starlight transmissions
from the opposite pole of the universe
and is therefore born
precisely half a year from ourselves
via diligent attention to secret omens
that every single life
is not a random accidental event
but specially Created
by Divine Design
this sacred knowledge
makes seers profoundly aware
that the entire Universe is Witness
to every thought, word and deed
and wishes each life
a creative and godly experience
for those who honor and pay attention
to Natural Law
and discipline their lives
they are granted their most sacred hopes and desires
as mediums of Divine Creation
it is their destiny to recreate the supreme design
by planting and tending to the seeds of each new life
they can best accomplish this sacred mission
by finding a perfect soul mate
created specially for this holy purpose
all this being so
then know for sure
that the focus of Cosmic Consciousness
shining down on this planet
in direct quadrants of starlight
at the moment of a birth
is radiating the Divine blessings
of that special life mission
Finding one's soul mate
amidst the millions
lies in diving the secret birth transmissions
of our stellar blessings
the perfect universal creative dynamic
lies in the atomic polarity of apposing attraction
our perfect mate
received birth blessings of starlight transmissions
from the opposite pole of the universe
and is therefore born
precisely half a year from ourselves
Monday, April 15, 2013
Mass Dysfunction
Children who have been raised by their mother
to respect and honor their father,
and encouraged by their father
to worship their mother,
make healthy soul mates,
the rest are infected with a serious contagious disease
which is spreading rapidly throughout the human race.
to respect and honor their father,
and encouraged by their father
to worship their mother,
make healthy soul mates,
the rest are infected with a serious contagious disease
which is spreading rapidly throughout the human race.
Friday, April 12, 2013
An Old Age is dying
all the rules are changing
politik is passe
capitalism communism socialism republicism democracy nationalism internationalism
are redundant ideologies
their day is done
orthodox religion is primitive babble
marriage is passe
the extended family is dispersed
craftsmanship is an anachronism
science is dogmatic
protest is childish
revolution is pointless
terrorism is toothless
art is aimless
music is screaming
dance is frenetic
architecture is wasteful
the world is going global
the internet is scrambling
a new conversation is latent
but no sentence is yet legible
one or two nuspeaks
but few hear anything
almost no response
too many remain in denial
only the xtreme
attracts the young
all the rules are changing
politik is passe
capitalism communism socialism republicism democracy nationalism internationalism
are redundant ideologies
their day is done
orthodox religion is primitive babble
marriage is passe
the extended family is dispersed
craftsmanship is an anachronism
science is dogmatic
protest is childish
revolution is pointless
terrorism is toothless
art is aimless
music is screaming
dance is frenetic
architecture is wasteful
the world is going global
the internet is scrambling
a new conversation is latent
but no sentence is yet legible
one or two nuspeaks
but few hear anything
almost no response
too many remain in denial
only the xtreme
attracts the young
War Babies
Wars are expensive
the price is more than the cost of bullets
or warriors fallen on the battlefields
cities bombed to rubble
the destruction extends back towards home
to wives and children
and the life left behind
damages that can persist for generations
I was born when the whole world was at war
My father left for the front lines in North Africa and Italy
when I was just a babe in arms
with a brother left germinating in my mother's womb
I never saw my father until the war ended
my younger brother was still just three years old
and made the father/son bond intuitively
i missed the cut
my father came back a year too late for me to make a natural bond
prematurely pushed off the breast at one year of age
left to wean myself
at four years of age
the analytical half of my brain was already activated
instead of my natural role as a loving son and brother
i became an objective observer
a tiny child prematurely assessing parental behavior
and judging family values
community values
spiritual values
without a loving connection
damaged the intrinsic value of a billion families
the survivors keep paying the price broken homes
dysfunctional families
communities and nations divided within themselves
and a world left in confusion
under attack by terrorists
the price is more than the cost of bullets
or warriors fallen on the battlefields
cities bombed to rubble
the destruction extends back towards home
to wives and children
and the life left behind
damages that can persist for generations
I was born when the whole world was at war
My father left for the front lines in North Africa and Italy
when I was just a babe in arms
with a brother left germinating in my mother's womb
I never saw my father until the war ended
my younger brother was still just three years old
and made the father/son bond intuitively
i missed the cut
my father came back a year too late for me to make a natural bond
prematurely pushed off the breast at one year of age
left to wean myself
at four years of age
the analytical half of my brain was already activated
instead of my natural role as a loving son and brother
i became an objective observer
a tiny child prematurely assessing parental behavior
and judging family values
community values
spiritual values
without a loving connection
damaged the intrinsic value of a billion families
the survivors keep paying the price broken homes
dysfunctional families
communities and nations divided within themselves
and a world left in confusion
under attack by terrorists
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Alien Abductions
The medical profession pays little or no attention to the possible traumatic effects its procedures might have on infant consciousness during hospital deliveries. Its is assumed by all concerned that: Infants are born mindless. Therefore at the moment of birth the five senses register no meaningful input. Consequently, since science believes that consciousness is a by-product of life and only arises gradually, via circumstantial development and later teaching instruction. it matters not where or how or what environment is present when a child is brought into the world. What is if this assumption is totally wrong? First of all senselessness does not make sense in Nature. For instance, within minutes of birth foals, fawns, kids and lambs are up and running It is a survival imperative that they are born with all their senses immediately on hyper alert. Why should humans be born virtually unconscious? Is it possible that every single incident of the birth moment might be indelibly imprinted on the infant psyche? Until recently there has been no objective method of measuring the degree of consciousness that might be registered at a birth. But since middle of the 20th Century, as hospital assisted births in the developed nations have become increasingly the custom, a significantly disturbing abnormality has emerged. Unlikely as it sounds at first, this concerns the huge increase of people reporting on alien abductions. The majority of those people claiming to have been abducted by aliens, basically describe finding themselves lying on an operating table, staring up at a bright light, with shadowy back-lit masked heads staring down impersonally at them; while examining; poking; prodding and pricking them painfully Sound familiar? Is there a link between birth memories and alien abductions? Since the first cases where reported in the 1940's - when hospital births soared into the millions so too has reports on alien abductions. The internet references seven million reports. 10,000 cases are reported annually. Nobody knows how many cases remain unreported by individuals too embarrassed to expose themselves to public ridicule to say anything about their experience. The sheer amount of numbers, which continue to increase yearly, are far too many for this almost exclusively western societal phenomenon to continue to simply be dismissed as a laughable pathology of insecure psyches desperately seeking attention. Do these tens of thousands of reports present enough circumstantial evidence for us to regard them as accounts of actual birthing experiences, indelibly imprinted on consciousness during hospital deliveries? More disturbing is the very real possibility that all of us who have experienced hospital deliveries may well be unconscious victims of a latent traumatic pathology that could surface at any moment and add our names to the bizarre reports on alien abduction. What makes this experience seem so real and immediate to those in which the pathology surfaces in consciousness, is the dislocation of time and place, in a false analysis trying to rationalize it to themselves and explain it to others. The relative nature of time does not register on infant consciousness. Therefore adults who, for no apparent reason suddenly find themselves re-experiencing - what is in reality the past birth moment that took place in a hospital - believe it is a reality happening in present time. With UFO's as a widely reported phenomenon since the 1940's - these people can only rationalize the psychological trauma of finding themselves helpless on an operating table, as an unfriendly alien abduction. For each of them this is a deeply disturbing life-changing event – made even more distressing by the disbelief of not just the public at large, but also of those nearest and dearest to them. Each bizarre report affects entire families – adding to the general trend of modern cynicism regarding social dysfunction in general. The explanation supplied here is a more rational way of explaining this latent pathology. If generally accepted it would bring a modicum of comfort to victims and their families. Most importantly it would seat a general realization that every fetus is born fully consciously sense-alert and thus put an end to all hospital births unless they are medical emergencies. |
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Last Hottentot
The Pondos are of Nguni stock and are close cousins to the amaZulu. Both groups migrated together out of Central Africa some six centuries earlier. The Zulus, finally finding enough land and that was not claimed by other Bantu tribes, settled the northern part of Natal and continue to live there today. The Pondos continued southwards with their migration and established themselves several hundred miles further down the Indian Ocean coast. Their southern border runs along the banks of the Kei River. Their western flanks butt up against the slopes and peaks and high plateaus of the Drakensberg where the BaSutu have their sanctuary.
When the Pondos first arrived in the Transkei, the land was not entirely unclaimed. It was sparsely populated by two separate indigenous groups of more primitive Boskopiods. The larger of the two groups were the Khoisan. It is now known that the San are mankind’s original ancestors. Mitochondrial DNA traces all humans alive on the planet today, back to those tiny Bushmen of the Kalahari. The other group, of slightly larger stature and far less in number, called themselves the KhoeKhoe, which translates literally into PeoplePeople. When early Boer settlers first heard the rapid-fire clicks of the KhoeKhoe tongue the Boers thought they were stutterers (Dutch: stotteren) and thus called this group, Hottentots. The name stuck.
The San were hunter/gatherers. The Hottentots were pasturalists, herding cattle. The Boskopoids, both San and Hottentot, are subgroups of mankind found only in Southern Africa. They are anatomically different to other humans. They are steatopygic, able to store enormous amounts of fat in their hugely extended buttocks and, like the desert camels who store the fat in their humps, can live without food and water for extended periods far beyond that of other races. In addition, strangely, Boskopoid women have a small flap of skin partially covering their clitoris, (though I have never heard it mentioned by anybody else) perhaps serving as a protective feminine version of the male foreskin.
The Pondos, though a more advanced culture, where also pastoralists and traded with the peaceful Hottentots, often times taking Hottentot daughters as servants and concubines in exchange for cattle. Eventually, via a gradual process of attrition, Hottentot girls were more willing to climb up the social ladder and become Pondo concubines, rather than mate with their own kind. And so over the generations, the numbers of pure-blooded Hottentots declined to near zero. It is through these concubine mothers, that the Boskpoid click-words that we hear in the Xhosa language today were inherited and became part of their culture. So, in this way, my mother learned to speak some of the surviving words of the extinct Hottentot tongue.
Far away from Pondoland, up in the Highveldt of the Transvaal, where I was born and raised I listened to my mother have a conversation with an wizzened old man with a yellow mongoloid face and gray peppercorn curls, who claimed that he was a Hottentot. They spoke together in a mix of Xhosa and Afrikaans, so I could only grasp half of what was discussed. Later my mother filled me in on the whole story.
At that time our family lived on a plot of farming land belonging to an old Afrikaans widow. She had established a five acre orchard filled with mature deciduous fruit trees. Every year for decades this old Hottentot would pitch up at harvest time, pick the peaches and apricots and plums, load the harvest onto a hand-cart and push it around the neighborhood peddling the fresh fruit for her. He told my mother that fruit-picking employed him all year long. When the grapes were ripe down in the Cape a thousand miles in the south, he made his way there. When the citrus was ripe in the Lowveldt off he would go there. And when the peaches and plums were ripe upon the Highveldt, here he came.
He said that in all those annual migrations across the length and breadth of South Africa for all those decades, engaging in thousands of conversations with the Bantu groups he met in his travels, he had never met another person who claimed to have or knew of anybody who’s blood remained pure Hottentot. Since Bantu women would not marry him, when he was younger he had searched for a Hottentot mate and never found one. He said that he had an older brother and sister who had recently died. In his opinion, after they passed on, he was the last surviving Hottentot left on this good Earth.
In that way, since my mother and the man she spoke with are long dead, I might well be the last European to actually see and hear a real live Hottentot tell his sad tale, before that sub-group of humankind, after millions of years of evolution, became entirely extinct.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Tabula Rasa
n. pl. tab·u·lae ra·sae
We are born as empty vessels, the mind is a blank slate, just waiting to be filled with experience. / David Hume 1745
The Divine Mind
The day will come
when science refutes the philosophy of Hume and Locke
and recognizes
that the DNA of every new born child
is indelibly imprinted
with the accumulation of every behavioral experience
since the Big Bang
including every Big Bang before the current one
when that day comes
and we stop trying to over-write that vast wealth of divine knowledge
by burying it in textbook indoctrination
and confuse it with scribbles on the blackboards of the school classroom
and no longer choke it to submission behind a desk
and allow it to surface gradually in the budding child consciousness
in the natural playgrounds and challenges of life
before focusing it on academic specialization
the latent creative genius of every child will come to flower
and we
the inheritors of the Divine Mind
will cultivate the home planet
as a Garden of Eden
and a Heaven of Peace
2. A need or an opportunity to start from the beginning.
a. The mind before it receives the impressions gained from experience.
b. The unformed, featureless mind in the philosophy of John Locke.
We are born as empty vessels, the mind is a blank slate, just waiting to be filled with experience. / David Hume 1745
The Divine Mind
The day will come
when science refutes the philosophy of Hume and Locke
and recognizes
that the DNA of every new born child
is indelibly imprinted
with the accumulation of every behavioral experience
since the Big Bang
including every Big Bang before the current one
when that day comes
and we stop trying to over-write that vast wealth of divine knowledge
by burying it in textbook indoctrination
and confuse it with scribbles on the blackboards of the school classroom
and no longer choke it to submission behind a desk
and allow it to surface gradually in the budding child consciousness
in the natural playgrounds and challenges of life
before focusing it on academic specialization
the latent creative genius of every child will come to flower
and we
the inheritors of the Divine Mind
will cultivate the home planet
as a Garden of Eden
and a Heaven of Peace
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Zen and the Art of Philosophy
The most subtle of all the arts
is that of thought
it is invisible
with no physical pedestal of display
its value seen only
in retrospect
original thought
is the inspiration of philosophical contemplatives
who spend their lives
fasting devoutly
in the wilderness of the mind
prospecting for meaning
before uncovering true gems
which have no immediate impact
on collective appreciation
yet endure
as no other art can
for eternity
is that of thought
it is invisible
with no physical pedestal of display
its value seen only
in retrospect
original thought
is the inspiration of philosophical contemplatives
who spend their lives
fasting devoutly
in the wilderness of the mind
prospecting for meaning
before uncovering true gems
which have no immediate impact
on collective appreciation
yet endure
as no other art can
for eternity
Dual Brain Imperative
knowledge provides us with powerful instruments for the achievement
of material ends, but the ultimate goal itself and the longing to
reach it must come from another source.
The Industrial Revolution put an abrupt end to over two hundred generations
of conscientious craftsmanship. Mass machined manufactured goods replaced the art
of hand-made goods. That collective occupational move, away from generations of
traditional home-based occupations to the factory floor and the corporate tower,
changed everything. It changed the way the two sides of the brain worked;
Which then changed human nature: Which changed family values; Which changed social
ethics. First the father, then the mother, was taken from the home and the kids
were herded into state classrooms.
Where once both the intuitive and analytical sides of the cerebral cortex was
balanced by the artistic expression and applied mechanics of craft-based occupations,
almost all training became mechanically concentrated on left brain exercises;
both in the child classroom and on the factory floor. The creative impulses of the
right brain was left to fend for itself.
The narrowing of consciousness from the extroverted dimension of infinite artistic
expressions and the social appreciation that came from it, to the finite world of
machined conformity, resulted in an introverted emphasis of self-determined
appreciation and self-centered ambitions. The brain, wired for a wider appreciation
of cosmic awareness, was now being short-circuited and channeled down into a
ceaseless cycle of analytical self examination.. We will discuss later, the
evolutionary force that made left brain concentration a developmental imperative.
In the meantime, over the next three centuries, as the left brain waxed all
powerful, right brain intuitive connections with the cosmos waned. Eventually,
God was thrown out of the classroom.
The removal of the parents from the home eroded family values. Mixing of the
genders on the factory floor and office, led to promiscuity, marital deceit and
divorce. The breakdown of the primal social unit, has led to an increasingly
heavily policed and society, divided by its own subliminal sense of parental
guilt. System crash looms. An evolutionary cycle has ended.
A return to a dual brain system is necessary
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Deja vu
Déjà vu, from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced had been experienced in the past.
The psychologist Edward B. Titchener in his book 1928 A Textbook of Psychology,
explained déjà vu as caused by a person having a brief glimpse of an
object or situation, before the brain has completed "constructing" a
full conscious perception of the experience. Such a "partial perception"
then results in a false sense of familiarity.[1] The explanation that has mostly been accepted of déjà vu is not that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather that it is an anomaly of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is "being recalled".[2][3]
This explanation is supported by the fact that the sense of
"recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the
circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the
earlier experience occurred) are uncertain or believed to be impossible
Here is another thought
we are re-experiencing previous cosmic incarnations
re-visiting the same scene of previous karma
every Big Bang is deja vu
all over again
seems i had that thought before
Here is another thought
we are re-experiencing previous cosmic incarnations
re-visiting the same scene of previous karma
every Big Bang is deja vu
all over again
seems i had that thought before
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Social Economics
It is estimated that it costs a family $300,000 to raise a kid to age 21
one would think that such an investment in time and money
should be reinvested in the family fortune
and create a nation of wealthy family estates
but instead
kids are encouraged to get out of the home
and gamble with their family inheritance on the open market
the odds of them hitting it rich
on the mass production lines
are millions to one
all their work and effort
ends up supporting a few families already at the top of the social pile
yet our kids
like lemmings
tumble over themselves to follow this social fallacy
and spend their lives like the three dumb monkeys
they see no wisdom
hear no wisdom
learn no wisdom
the few pathetic personal experiences they have in life
are repeated ad in finitum
and boil down to nothing substantial
all there hopes and dreams gradually fade to nothing
their failed prodigal gamble
finally focused on winning a state lottery
they die materially and spiritually impoverished
their marriages divorced and homes broken
living in a nation of rickety trailer homes
going steadily downhill into bankruptcy
one would think that such an investment in time and money
should be reinvested in the family fortune
and create a nation of wealthy family estates
but instead
kids are encouraged to get out of the home
and gamble with their family inheritance on the open market
the odds of them hitting it rich
on the mass production lines
are millions to one
all their work and effort
ends up supporting a few families already at the top of the social pile
yet our kids
like lemmings
tumble over themselves to follow this social fallacy
and spend their lives like the three dumb monkeys
they see no wisdom
hear no wisdom
learn no wisdom
the few pathetic personal experiences they have in life
are repeated ad in finitum
and boil down to nothing substantial
all there hopes and dreams gradually fade to nothing
their failed prodigal gamble
finally focused on winning a state lottery
they die materially and spiritually impoverished
their marriages divorced and homes broken
living in a nation of rickety trailer homes
going steadily downhill into bankruptcy
Monday, April 01, 2013
man and wife
adam and eve
so legends say
never quarreled at all
not even for a day
the simple reason why
is no great feat
neither trespassed
on each others beat
eve gathered fruit
adam hunted for meat
with no feminist taboos
to lead them astray
so legends say
never quarreled at all
not even for a day
the simple reason why
is no great feat
neither trespassed
on each others beat
eve gathered fruit
adam hunted for meat
with no feminist taboos
to lead them astray
Social and Spiritual Snobbery
The natural force in the struggle for survival
driving evolution towards higher states of consciousness
and the ultimate state of absolute security
is personal ambition
ambition flows down two rivers
that converge in the ocean of desire
the hierarchical struggle to climb both
the material social ladder
and the invisible spiritual ladder
ambition finds satisfaction and security
in emotional adoration
in the sense of being more able
and feeling more desirable than others
and so Nature strives
for expressions of physical health and beauty
and spiritual strength of conviction
material awards, prizes, property
topped by a golden crown on the head
advertises social victory
an exclusive relationship and appointment with Almighty God
proclaims religious victory over lesser gods
the whole towering edifice of personal ambitions
supported by the foundation of humble effort
at the bottom of the pile
driving evolution towards higher states of consciousness
and the ultimate state of absolute security
is personal ambition
ambition flows down two rivers
that converge in the ocean of desire
the hierarchical struggle to climb both
the material social ladder
and the invisible spiritual ladder
ambition finds satisfaction and security
in emotional adoration
in the sense of being more able
and feeling more desirable than others
and so Nature strives
for expressions of physical health and beauty
and spiritual strength of conviction
material awards, prizes, property
topped by a golden crown on the head
advertises social victory
an exclusive relationship and appointment with Almighty God
proclaims religious victory over lesser gods
the whole towering edifice of personal ambitions
supported by the foundation of humble effort
at the bottom of the pile
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