Saturday, November 22, 2008

Redistribution of Wealth

Money is barter. It is a promisary note based on your service that you can exchange for goods and other services. The central problem with it is that it original expediency has gradually degenerated to a point where now 1% of the population can accumulate most of it with very little or no service offered in return. That corruption has now brought us to the brink of real chaos..

Using a printed promisary note as barter for services and goods without building into it a precondition that it cannot be issued by a middelman who offers no service of his own, that is what is corruptible. As it is now you can spend your life lying in the sun on the beach at Cannes and simply grow richer by accumulating interest on money your father or grandfather might have worked for by ruthelessly squeezing ever-larger profits out of the labor of the less educated or less gifted others, while decimating the natural resources of the planet in the process without investing in reparation. Or you can simply barter with money itself and charge interest simply for handling it. And most corruptible of all, simply gamble with it on the stock-market. In the meantime most of mankind contunues to toil for your benefit at minimum wages - or worse still ends up unemployed because the money in your bank would be devalued if you printed enough to employ and enrich all the people on the planet.

One should only be able to gain credit for constructive services and then use that registered effort as barter. In an ideal world the remuneration for services would be reversed - the more menial and labor-intensive the service is, the higher the credit should be. Extra individual credit would come via the encouragement of creative input that unquestionably improves the commonwealth - ie ideas that serve to make others and the planet better than they already are..

This is what we are trying to do now, but the unequal distribution and unfair manipulation of money for reasons given, has corrupted its original intent. We need a barnd new economic constitution that better defines constructive social ethics and which ensures a level playing field that cannot be manipulated.

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