Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Origins & Evolution of Human Consciousness

The First Thought - Awareness of Self

Some one hundred thousand generations ago
enough neurons made enough connections
between the intuitive and analytical hemispheres
of an expanding primate brain
to allow a quantum leap in consciousness
to take place

An evolving ape
had a conscious thought
as an independent self
and became human

An eye
became an I
and an infant ego
took birth in the cosmos

an observer
apart from Nature
had become conscious
of consciousness itself

Who but God would have thought
that such a small step for man
would have such giant consequences
for all life on Earth

The Second Thought - Generosity

The first consciousness of self
as an independent observer
was followed by the realization
that self could only be evaluated
in relationship to another

It is the value placed on self
by another
that determines ones own sense
of self-worth

Thus the one-time ape
who had once grabbed all the bananas
had to struggle with basic animal instincts
and learn the value of sharing
and in that process of evolution
woo the good opinion of another

The Third Thought - Social Ethics

Social Ethics Having awoken to the self
in relation to support from the family
mankind transcended the hunt
and graduated into agriculture

In the paradigm of this new age
of planting, tending chores and harvesting
the cooperation of the extended-family
brought the evocation of the work-ethic

The domestication of Nature
posed problems of pestilence
no challenge was greater than the lions
who preyed on the herds
this initiated the circumcision lodges
and evoked the ethic of courage

Fourth Thought - War

Aware of self and friendship
disciplined by chores
initiated into courage
and conqueror of the lionsman
the farmer prospered
and his herds grew large
they trespassed on his neighbors' pasture
and clan vendetta began

the farmer who had become a lion fighter
was now forced to be a warrior
and wage war on his brother

As vendetta escalated
ruthless warlords arose
They united the clans into national forces
and crowned themselves as kings
and so the Bronze Age came to an end.

Fifth Thought - Conscientious Craftsmanship

Aware of self
reliant on neighbor
disciplined by chores
initiated in courage
blooded in War
men conscientiously polished their crafts
and built might nations of industry
and towering cathedrals to God

The Sixth Thought - Physical Determinism

His character established
on the foundations of the first five disciplines
his intellect sharpened by an analysis of Scripture
man protested against religious dogma
and began to measure the universe

Seventh Thought - Metaphysical Realization

His growth complete
And adulthood attained
Limited by the finite
Men explode the atom
And uncovered the origins of Consciousness
And became aware
That the Cosmos was aware
And was given charge of the World

And so the Nuclear Age began

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