Yesterday we put together a large charcoal kiln out of scrap metal, packed it with 40lbs of raw alfalfa and made 10 lbs of biochar. We will mix the charcoal 50/50 with leaf mulch for the spring vegetable garden.
The ratio of biomass to charcoal is even better than I thought
about 4 to 1
In cash terms that means one ton of alfalfa selling at $200 per ton when turned to biochar is worth $1200. (BioChar sells at $70 for a 30 lb bag.) And since the conversion process chars itself with its own released gasses, it costs nothing to produce but a couple of hours of labor - the net profit is almost $1000.
That is more than just a cool deal!
That is as hot as it gets!
We will construct a much bigger kilm soon, also out of scrap but this one with an added compression chamber that can store and redirect the gas releases,
We are currently producing a short video for Utube, which we taped during the initial combustion process we first did in our kitchen. There are plenty of other demo videos out there that show how to make bio-char - but this is the first one that shows the amazing amounts of oil-laden steam, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen gasses trapped inside the raw bio mass - jetting out of the kiln under heat pressure. Enough fuel to char itsekf and then some.
This is probably the most productive way we will ever tap into stored solar energy!
It makes biochar, sequestrates the earth with replaced carbon, fertilizes the soil, grows better crops, and keeps the air and earth clean - all at the same time
The potential that our research foundation might be able at convert our entire valley ecosystem and its $200 million alfalfa agri-business into something far more sustainable
as well as five times more profitable makes the grant application to USDA almost a done deal as well as being a huge advert for the budding bioChar industry in general
There are billions of farm acres that need carbon sequestration as well as masses of excess energy for electricity
This win/win breakthrough on how to change the way we do business here in our own desert eco-system has made me realize more clearly how the whole environmental movement is stalled by the argument between business and idealism and how that can be solved.
In this experiment in Fish Lake Valley we will be showing that eco-management in a sustainable manner can be initiated without business disruption and even allow profits to soar to higher levels than previously imagined
I believe that sustainability without disruption may possibly be achieved in any and all industrialized ecosystems if idealists think more creatively and constructively about the motivational effect of bonuses and profits instead of asking for new taxes and sacrifices.
Idealists talking good business sense will shut up all the bull in Congress and get construction going faster than destruction
THAT, I believe, is the big New Age Deal!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
How to Change the World without Sacrifices
I watched the debate on CNN last night re the Copenhagen summit on Global warming
Like always I ended up frustrated listening to the pros and cons
All the proposals for making a better world made obvious sense
The guy who was against it (and whom I was angry with) argued that we are asking poor nations and poor people in general to make sacrifices or pay extra taxes in order to do it - and therefore no matter how good the ideals and no matter how much economic sense it might make in the future, the existential poverty of the present means mass change can never happen.
I had spent the day with the kids doing a successful experiment in converting raw bio-mass (in this case alfalfa) into biochar in order to produce enough biochar to make soil-enrichment samples for planting in the spring. So I went to bed thinking both positively and negatively.
This whole New Age debate about mass change - politically and economically is a war between the hard realities of business as is at present and idealism as it should be - with time running out on all of us
I woke up this morning with the obvious and immediate solution to mass change staring me in the face.
The answer is to forget about taxes and sacrifices and think about bonuses and profits instead.
Pay people more money than they have at present to make significant changes in the way they do bui9sness, making them richer, happier and more motivated while doing it,
Sounds crazy right?
Not at all.
Example No 1.
Black students do more poorly in school than whites
and more end up in juvenile detention and jail
There is a guy running a private school in Harlem with over a thousand students. He has been paying his senior black students over a 100 bucks a month to keep up full attendance and high grades for the past five years.
He has been accused of bribery which he cheerfully acknowledges
but significantly not of corruption
Net result .he has lifted black scores in all grades in maths and English up to the same level as whites. Previously thought to be impossible. He has achieved 100% graduation results with every student off to college.
New York City is giving him the money and is happy to do so. It costs them $100,000 a year per child in juvenile detention and $60,000 a year for one in jail. The Harlem school has proved to be cheap at the price.
Example No 2
Fish Lake valley
Alfalfa farmers are planting a swamp plant in the desert. In the process they are draining a precious nartural aquifer of all its water The have huge energy needs required to pump the water for irrigation. And poisoning the soil with insecticides
We pay the farmers more for their alfalfa than they are currently getting ($200 per ton)
We then convert their crop into BioChar (worth $700, per ton)
on the condition that they use half the biochar ( we sell the other half to pay for it all) to improve their soil and gradually change crops to planting more sustainable corn and fruit orchards which require far less water and energy use.
If that kind of thinking is positive in those two entirely different examples of a mass change of consciousness
I am prepared to bet the farm it can be done so everywhere
Like always I ended up frustrated listening to the pros and cons
All the proposals for making a better world made obvious sense
The guy who was against it (and whom I was angry with) argued that we are asking poor nations and poor people in general to make sacrifices or pay extra taxes in order to do it - and therefore no matter how good the ideals and no matter how much economic sense it might make in the future, the existential poverty of the present means mass change can never happen.
I had spent the day with the kids doing a successful experiment in converting raw bio-mass (in this case alfalfa) into biochar in order to produce enough biochar to make soil-enrichment samples for planting in the spring. So I went to bed thinking both positively and negatively.
This whole New Age debate about mass change - politically and economically is a war between the hard realities of business as is at present and idealism as it should be - with time running out on all of us
I woke up this morning with the obvious and immediate solution to mass change staring me in the face.
The answer is to forget about taxes and sacrifices and think about bonuses and profits instead.
Pay people more money than they have at present to make significant changes in the way they do bui9sness, making them richer, happier and more motivated while doing it,
Sounds crazy right?
Not at all.
Example No 1.
Black students do more poorly in school than whites
and more end up in juvenile detention and jail
There is a guy running a private school in Harlem with over a thousand students. He has been paying his senior black students over a 100 bucks a month to keep up full attendance and high grades for the past five years.
He has been accused of bribery which he cheerfully acknowledges
but significantly not of corruption
Net result .he has lifted black scores in all grades in maths and English up to the same level as whites. Previously thought to be impossible. He has achieved 100% graduation results with every student off to college.
New York City is giving him the money and is happy to do so. It costs them $100,000 a year per child in juvenile detention and $60,000 a year for one in jail. The Harlem school has proved to be cheap at the price.
Example No 2
Fish Lake valley
Alfalfa farmers are planting a swamp plant in the desert. In the process they are draining a precious nartural aquifer of all its water The have huge energy needs required to pump the water for irrigation. And poisoning the soil with insecticides
We pay the farmers more for their alfalfa than they are currently getting ($200 per ton)
We then convert their crop into BioChar (worth $700, per ton)
on the condition that they use half the biochar ( we sell the other half to pay for it all) to improve their soil and gradually change crops to planting more sustainable corn and fruit orchards which require far less water and energy use.
If that kind of thinking is positive in those two entirely different examples of a mass change of consciousness
I am prepared to bet the farm it can be done so everywhere
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Origins of Human Consciousness
The Origins of Human consciousness
Answering the argument between Creationists and Evolutionists:
There is no issue more unsettling on the planet today than the divide over
the origins and sovereignty of man.
Who are we and whom do we serve?
Are we the result of random evolutionary event with no allegiance to anyone but ourselves? Or are we the creation of an almighty God with an eternal destiny to fulfill? Those questions are at the heart of the split between Church and State. Libraries of laws have failed to define that ethical divide and close all the loopholes. When one considers all the wars that have been fought over this subject, and what is at stake now that the instrument of Armageddon is at hand, it is astonishing that such a fundamental criteria for establishing a general harmony of thought and feelings among all men is not on the front burner of every educational, political and religious organization on the planet. Obviously serious work is being done on it, but not at anywhere near the top level of any major government – and so the battle rages on - underneath the veneer of civilized intercourse in some areas, and boiling over in others, without the faintest sign of ever finding resolution.
This issue lies at the very root of our global confusion. It begins right in
our classrooms at the fi rst grade level, and gets more confusing as we work our way up from there. The simple fact is: if we are not sure of how we got here and why we are here, we can never be sure of who we are, or of our purpose, or where we are going, if anywhere. With heaven largely factored out of the modern scientific mind, the whole world is left without any meaning to existence, other than endless consumption. The covert nature of this underlying pointlessness can be seen everywhere if one cares to look beneath the superficial nature of the way we live our lives. There is long-term aimlessness within every level of human management. In undeveloped countries the inability of governments to reassure their citizenry
of a reasonably secure tomorrow, added to the removal of the hope of God from their constitutions, borders on social and religious chaos. Not knowing the truly meaningful answers underscores a massive crisis of human identity, at both the personal and collective level.
There should be no argument with the accumulated evidence of scientific research, which points conclusively at the fact that our evolution has an atomic origin. In the meld between physics and metaphysics that this treatise is attempting to conjoin, we accept the scientifi c rationale that all three billion specie living on the planet, originated from a single algae cell, via a chemical process that took place in a brackish pool during the Pre-Cambrian Era.
The physical question that begs for an answer however is: If random event is the correct answer, then for what reason in that primeval mix, would one of those three billion mutating cellular divisions eventually emerge from the jungle of evolving life and become conscious of consciousness itself?
What practical purpose would self-consciousness serve as a survival mechanism? Why did only one of some two hundred and fifty specie of kindred primates, see itself as separate from all the rest of creation, and in that critical moment of insight, rise above the collective stream of natural consciousness, and become an independent witness to existence? Is not finding the answer to that question the most signifi cant riddle in the long chain of evolutionary events and the ultimate purpose of our big brain? Lets look more closely at the proposals that are on the table as to our origins.
Religion says; by Divine appointment. Science says; via Random chemical event. In modern times a third proposal has been placed before us: Many millions say; via Alien intelligence.
Only one of them can be right. Which one is it? We believe, by a process of elimination, that we can and should settle this argument once and for all and
stop confusing our children. Let’s see if you agree with our summation. In the dramatic opening scenes of the universally acclaimed movie, 2001 A Space Odyssey, a world-wide audience saw a group of proto-humans make that quantum leap in intelligence after being exposed to a mind-altering force emitted by a strange black obelisk that came from outer space. The ape-like brutes suddenly realized that they could use femurs as weapons and fight off territorial invasion by smashing in their neighbor’s skulls. The movie went along with the general assumption that man is basically a godless brutish killer at heart and that an alien force awoke us.
If aliens from some other solar system had a hand in initiating our human
consciousness, then what event on their home planet originated their consciousness? More aliens from yet another solar system! That line of logic leads us, aliens included, back to one of the other two answers; God – or random event.
What does science mean by random chemical event? Statistically, one can mathematically calculate a chance chemical mix in the swirl of primeval
soup, eventually combining the right amounts of proteins and amino acids
to produce a living cell that can divide and reproduce itself, and gradually
mutate into a complex animal. That act of creation might give us the
random answer that science alludes to – but it does not explain how the
abstraction of consciousness becomes part of the formula. That scenario
only makes sense if we confine our reasoning to a mechanical process of
cell division and mutation.
By definition, consciousness is a state of awareness. Such cognizance includes
compassion, love, aggression, hate, empathy, a sense of social ethics, and all the other charismatic forces that have had a direct influence on the evolution of our physical development. If we go along with the scientific hypothesis, then the emergence of consciousness in the chemical mix would have to be explained as some kind of fortuitous essence that manifested mysteriously out of thin air. Mix protein with acid, and hey, Presto! You get consciousness! This is of course nonsense. Nothing – certainly a force as significant as consciousness - can simply be pulled out of a vacuum like a rabbit out of a magician’s hat. The simple fact is that an automatic organic process, based purely on a chance chemical encounter, can, at best, only produce an eventual, unconscious, spiritless, Zombie.
The basic reality has to be: if our original ancestral cell mutated to eventually
produce a super consciousness, then the basic essence of that consciousness would have had to have been present in the nucleus of the atomic building blocks that initiated organic life in the first place.
If consciousness then, is an essential charismatic attribute of atomic magnetism,
the individual atoms that were attracted to each other to form our first cell, had to have some degree of awareness of the advantages that came from association. Combination would increase their charisma and attract others of a like nature. The accumulated contribution of each individual atomic consciousness, in association with billions of other conscious atoms, would eventually form a collective cellular consciousness.
Life could then begin its evolutionary journey of cell division, in a conscious
cooperative effort to extend its basic state of awareness, via a process of environmental adaptation and mutation.
In this metaphysical hypothesis, the origin of organic life would be based on the purposeful intent of consciousness, developing increased intelligence by way of collective cooperation, with the evolution of form as the vehicle through which the goal of arriving at higher states of consciousness may be accomplished. As we are now talking about a conscious act of creation, with form as the by-product, Dr. Frankenstein’s untenable reverse rationale, has (together with Aliens) to be ruled out of the atomic equation. Which leaves us with mankind’s ancient Belief in Divine Creation.
According to this hypothesis, God has to be Consciousness itself. And His seeming intention is to increase His own self-awareness, through the organic evolutionary process of His own creation! Either that, or, as the Upanishads describe it, Creation is the Cosmic Dance of a fully matured God who is simply amusing Himself.
If consciousness resides as an attribute inside the atom, and God is this
Consciousness, then God resides in everything and everything in the atomic
universe is God Conscious. The fact that mankind has emerged as the supreme consciousness in the organic evolutionary process, it must mean that we are a maturing expression of God, gradually learning to become increasingly aware of the cosmic nature of our Divinity.
The next question then is: Is God good or evil?
Although we see elements of cruel deformities here and there in creation, – harmony and order of form, and beauty in expression are the general rule – which allows us to defi ne the essential nature of God as (Good), or Divinely creative, and not sadistically destructive, or satanic.
We see the creative/destructive nature of God in the cosmic process of stellar ignition. As each Star consumes its own atomic mass, the collective consciousness of each sun illuminates the blackness of space and brings light to the beauty of creation. Rays of starlight transfer conscious energy and sustenance to planetary life. Out of God’s stellar death, then, comes organic Creation. And creation is imbued with the Grace of Divine Consciousness and through this act of creation, God is eternally reborn. The net conclusion has to be, that we, and everything else in the Cosmos are expressions of God’s Good Consciousness.
Now that we have dismissed - sketchily admittedly, but convincingly enough for the moment - the claims of millions of science-fi ction buffs, as well as the robot model of the world-wide scientifi c community, we can see that Old Testament religious fundamentalists, who never allowed the sophistication of scientific argument to delude them, and who have clung stubbornly to the literal truth of the Book of Genesis, have been right about the Divine origins of creation all along. (They, of course, will also fi nd it blasphemous to suggest that not only is God within us, but we are also within Him.)
Where does that put us?
For starters it forces us to be intellectually aware that mankind is the expression
of a universal consciousness. All the elements: gases, liquids and solids, are atomically conscious - and when in association, they are collectively conscious. We do not know if an inanimate rock is aware of being a rock, or if a tree knows that it is a tree, if a teacup knows that it is a teacup – but we need to accept that atomic consciousness is a universally shared, empathetic state of being; that everything is aware of participating as a charismatic aspect of the vitality, beauty and harmony of a Divine existence.
Though we can no longer intuitively sense the truth of the above as well as our early animistic ancestors did, we have to learn to accept that we live in an atomically conscious universe. The alternative can only lead to chaos.
In this new metaphysical hypothesis we have determined: That God consciousness
initiated creation: That God exists as a universal state of omniscient consciousness: That His nature is Good: That He resides within us: That we reside in Him: That we are, in fact, an expression of the Godhead, along with everything else: That we have been uniquely selected to be a witness to Creation.
The net result of all this is that we are now dealing with a supernatural atomic organism, endowed with a Divine ego, emerging out of the jungle of life as a deliberate act of creation, about two and a half million years ago - and, as the only chosen son of God among the billions of other conscious organisms - also the sole master of our planet.
What does this chosen son do with his still-developing Divine powers? He murders Abel and defi les God’s creation. He slashes, burns and chops down most of the world’s jungles, pollutes the air, land, and seas; accumulates a pile of stinking garbage, which, if it was all in one pile, would rival the Himalayas, and goes on, and on with clan vendetta, national wars, religious wars, and World Wars; to kill, ransom, torture, impale, incinerate, disembowel and hack to death, tens of millions more of his brothers and sisters. He currently sits atop an insane pile of nuclear weapons, denying the very existence of his own Father, while threatening to blow up all of creation.
How does the gentle, loving and creative side of God, and His destructive vindictive side add up? In terms of the negative and positive forces of Cosmic dynamics -
infinitely, as we shall see. But fi rst, let us take a step further into the Twilight Zone, and see if we can stretch the imagination of particle physicists to include the following metaphysical potentials within the nuclear equation, before we return to the grindstone of empirical determination.
The organic cells of this man/god are genetically imprinted with a billion different forms of evolutionary graduations. This imprint includes the primordial behavioral experiences that accompanied each change of form. The claim in Psyche-Genetics is: Not only can those past memories be retrieved in this super being, but the infi nite complexity of his highly evolved psyche also has the capability to transform his physical body back into any one of those billions of different life forms. He is capable, when his psyche is properly focused, of re-experiencing himself as anything and everything that has ever been created. He can make himself as invisible as a cloud of hydrogen atoms, and then rearrange his atoms to appear as a dolphin knifi ng through a wave. He can appear as a hawk or a wolf or a bat. He can defy gravity and levitate. He can translocate his body through space instantaneously to any part of the cosmos. He can fl y like Superman. He can appear and disappear in several places simultaneously. He has the eventual potential to do anything that God can do. There are mystics and shamans, living now and in the past, who claim to have already evoked these paranormal transformational powers. There are claims of youthful looking
men alive today, who were born a thousand years ago.
The question that needs to be raised here, is not whether scientists should
automatically believe that humans can change themselves into werewolves and vampires, or whether the Bible was wrong about the age of Methuselah, or whether they should believe that man is God, but rather, why they do not put forward a full effort to find out why they should not believe?
Transformational magic is not manufactured out of a vacuum. The genetic information is there – indelibly imprinted in our cells. Particle physicists see similar inexplicable charismatic atomic behavior in quantum mechanics. Why does the scientist think that the behavior of the atom he is observing in a particle accelerator is not also endowed with the same attributes of consciousness that he receives from his own atoms? Why does science automatically think that our genetic make-up cannot be manipulated? Why scoff at such claims and dismiss witnesses to them as superstitious delusions – without putting them to the test? Who, indeed, is being deluded?
Is it not about time that scientists begin to see if they can themselves evoke these paranormal powers, by investing some time in practicing the same metaphysical drills and exercises that mystics do? Would not such an investigation into the atomic laboratory of one’s own psyche, in search of Truth, be worth the effort, instead of simply dismissing out of hand its metaphysical potentials, and the millions of man hours already invested in this research by mystics?
Enough of that for the moment; let’s return to the plodding mechanics of empirical analysis, and discuss the dichotomy of God the Creator/Destroyer in terms that the scientifi c mood of today is more comfortable with. The brutish scenes portrayed in 2001, and in a thousand other scenarios, have succeeded in perpetuating generally accepted characterizations regarding the loutish origins of human consciousness and the godless nature of our basic social behavior.
The fact that mankind engages in murder, assassination, war, mass genocide and territorial invasions - and has done so throughout the blood soaked pages of our recorded history - supports the general belief that we have survived primarily by invading each other’s territories with murderous genocidal impulse.
The cynical over-view; that mankind is basically incapable of pacific relationships
without heavy policing is one of the underlying factors that continues to fuel the artifi cially manufactured social and spiritual ideologies that are imposed on human societies today. This untrusting perception of basic human nature is entirely untrue and grossly misleading. Nothing, as we have stated above, could be further off the mark.
From a purely ethnological point of view, the fundamental behavior of all specie, including early Man, is based on the same survival principles that the rest of Nature operates from. Respect for territorial boundaries is a logical survival imperative. Invasion of personal and group space is carefully avoided. Genocide, except in crowded laboratory cages is almost entirely unnatural. Over-crowding in nature is more likely to result in mass suicide. (Lemmings for example. And perhaps whales do so for the same reasons when entire pods beach.)
If we are ever to understand ourselves as a Divinely appointed specie, born of the same parents, and to varying degrees of development, all on precisely the same evolutionary path towards a hopeful destination, then cynical views concerning the origins and evolution of human consciousness, need serious correction.
Our kind would never have survived this long and proliferated our numbers during the first two million years of Stone Age development, if we had begun our colonization of each continent, by fighting tooth and nail over every square inch of territory. Mankind, like the other primates, is essentially timid and peaceful by nature.
All specie prey on other organic forms for existence. That’s how the food chain works. But generally speaking, specie will not prey on their own kind. If that were so, offensive and defensive capabilities would cancel each other out, and Nature would be faced with the conundrum of mutual destruction. (We were confronted with that grim reality during the stalemate of the Cold War )
If territorial occupations were not respected by neighboring families of the same species, Nature would be a chaotic battleground of unending family and extended family confl icts. No specie could have survived the carnage. Territorial integrity is therefore a cornerstone of Natural Law. Specie mark their territorial boundaries in distinctive ways and survive primarily because that boundary is instinctively respected by their own kind. In this sense, good neighborliness is a common survival imperative that all organic creatures conform to. Though there is always plenty of jockeying for space and competition among males for mating rights, among most specie,
internal battles for supremacy rarely end in death. Peaceful coexistence is generally the order.
When man first came out of the jungle two and a half million years ago, he did not use his supernatural intelligence then and there to suddenly pick up a thigh bone and bash in his brother’s skull. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, after their awakening, in peace and harmony with God and His creation. There were 99,000 generations laying the foundation of family values, upon which the entire future of the species would depend, before human warfare created a new social and spiritual dynamic.
The underlying realities regarding our aggressive behavior are that increasing border confl icts; which lead gradually into invasion of territories, confiscation of live-stock, ransom of prisoners, vendetta and eventually, outright war, were an artifi cial reaction to population pressures. Those artificial pressures fi rst surfaced in the late Bronze Age , nearly two and a half million years after MAN fi rst became consciously human.
With plenty of space available for expansion during the fi rst 99,000 generations of our evolution, there was no pressure in the Stone Age Eden for us to invade territories and slaughter one another.
Research among the San Bushmen of the Kalahari has provided some crucial information regarding non-aggression among Stone Age cultures. The facts show that they observe an ethical response to the invisible force that guard’s territorial integrity . (The chapter on Animism provides a fi rst-hand account of those fi ndings and impressions regarding the primitive superstitions that monitor the basic godliness of human nature.)
We have no clear idea of exactly what date “human-ness” (self-awareness) registered on our consciousness and we probably never will. But what might be possible is to explore a possible scenario that might retrieve from our sub-conscious the conditions that might have initiated that first moment of realization – the one that separated us forever from our ape ancestry and made us human. (This scenario will be laid out in the next chapter) Biologically, we know that mankind is one of some two hundred and fi fty primate specie and that we share 99% of our DNA with half a dozen other tail-less apes. We also know that all human DNA traces directly back to
the San Bushmen.
We know from fossil evidence that the posture, cranial capacity and the foraging behavior of our fi rst hominid ancestors, began to digress from that of our cousins as long as fi ve million years ago.
We know that over those fi ve million years, as our use of stone tools, weapons and the vocalizations needed to coordinate group action, became correspondingly more sophisticated, our brain size increased proportionately. Equipped with this large brain we were able to exploit regional environments far more effectively than other primates. Our numbers increased,forcing us to gradually colonize all the continents.
Though plenty of archeological evidence exists that gives us an indication of our early life, we have no objective method of determining exactly when, during that ancient evolutionary march of our very fi rst ancestors, our intelligence changed so dramatically that our consciousness became supernatural. Up until that magical moment, to all intents and purposes, we were simply more effective primates. So, what factor then, beyond physiological differences and our advances in hunting and gathering capabilities, made us rise so spectacularly above other primates and be classified as human?
If we reduce the Cartesian dictum : “I think therefore I am” to something more practical than an abstract rational regarding the reality of existence, and apply it as a primary distinction between the consciousness of man and that of the rest of Nature – then what caused the fi rst hominid to think and thereby become human? And what, indeed, was that fi rst thought?
In order to defi ne our humanity properly, we need to know exactly why and how we began to think. That missing link in our basic self-knowledge may well profoundly affect and improve the manner in which we behave towards each other and to Nature Herself.
Without hard evidence, no scientist (bound by empirical rule) will ever be able to defi ne or qualify for us that moment of profound change. Science cannot pinpoint First Cause and tell us exactly what happened and how that initial realization transformed the hominid psyche. Metaphysical insight has to be applied in this area of research if the answer is to be found at all. When we consider the over-all psychological importance of what we are trying to clarify here, it is vital that we allow our psychics to include their metaphysical skills to more holistically investigate this awesome moment of human awakening.
If we are human because we think, the signifi cant questions that we need to ask are: What possible circumstance made the fi rst human think? Can we determine that thought? If so, what characteristic within that thought elevated our consciousness above the hominid state and made us human? And, infi nitely more profoundly: Why did one of Nature’s creatures rise above a basic survival mode and even think at all? It is sobering to realize that the science of psychology has been built without knowing the answer to any one of these questions – the very foundations of self-knowledge, of
who we are and why we exist.
By any criteria, mankind’s fi rst infant self-realization, no matter how dimly it might have registered in the great scheme of things, had to be a profound Cosmic Event – easily the most consequential evolutionary episode to ever happen on our planet. (And for all we know, in the Universe as well.) And so, in this strange intellectual vacuum, as our paleontologists chip the encrustment off mute fossil skulls and our anthropologists wonder about long-lost prehistoric truths, we continue to live today with the science fiction of an alien intelligence initiating our human intelligence and the ignoble caricature of a brutish, skull-crushing ancestry.
As a net result, a confusion of identity, both individually and collectively, reigns over the planet. Social and spiritual arguments among families, nations, races and religions, rage in every culture without abatement and with ever-increasing acrimony. Since the Jewish holocaust in WWII , at least a dozen more episodes of mass genocide have taken place. This does not include the tens of millions killed by Stalin and Mao over nothing more than ideological differences. The sheer amount of wars, military coups, clan feuds, and family divorces that are taking place as we speak, in terms of shattered lives and embittered humanity, are crippling our collective effort.
As population pressures increase exponentially in the coming decades, so too, will mass dysfunction keep doubling and redoubling. If we don’t put an end to the distortion, the chances of us ever arriving at an ultimate state of self-awareness might never happen, and the Ages of evolution of our consciousness would all have been for naught. The only way of coming to grips with it, is to get at the very the core of the problem and determine exactly when and how we went awry in our early development. We cannot continue to accept that vital pieces of early information, responsible for forming our basic nature, and which may help us to defi ne and analyze our modern identity, can never be retrieved or determined.
Is our First Inspired Thought lost to us forever? Or is there a way to recover it and see how and why it changed us? And can we then move forward step by step and see exactly what Cause initiated the fi rst trespass and get to know why and how our trespass escalated into a potential global confrontation?
In a sense, we are asking what is the underlying meaning of the parable of Adam and Eve eating the apple? We are asking questions here that go beyond human consciousness leaving the innocence of Eden and transcending the Laws of Nature. We need to know the exact nature of the argument that made Cain kill Able. What was the Cause that led to brother, murdering brother, and branding us with the scars of war ever afterwards? What made every human culture capable of genocidal mania? Can that ancient mystery of First Cause ever be unraveled?
According to the Psyche-Genetic Theory : Each and every atomic association, and resultant behavioral modifi cations, since the Big Bang, has been indelibly imprinted and stored in the memory banks of the atomic nucleus of every psyche.
Therefore, no act, no thought, throughout the whole course of the evolution of consciousness is ever lost. If this is true then the trick is; how do we access this ancient bank of atomic experiential information and bring it back from the sub-conscious for analysis and interpretation?
It can be done, but only if we agree to accept the following investigative criteria:
First, without tangible evidence (like a fossil bone) to work with, we have to realize that the retrieval of the original thought has to be a melding of physical evidence and intuitive insight – and is therefore essentially subjective.
Secondly, if an intuitive revelation is true for one – the substance of that revelation must be more or less true for all – for we are all the subjects o the same original experience.
Thirdly, the criteria for interpretation of any scenario that illustrates the probable cause of the First Thought , though subjectively impressionistic, must never the less, resonate among us all, as a common recollection.
Fourthly, each one of us is capable of making the retrieval – for we all house the same information. This allows us to probe our subconscious, and validate, embellish, or even replace any retrieval of the collective memory with one that may resonate among all of us more soundly.
There is no need to argue over the merits of any conclusions as to First Cause and First Thought presented in this work - as long as the sincerity of presentation and conscientiousness of effort to retrieve it, rings true enough to stimulate further investigation and a greater degree of validation.
Ultimately it is only the impressions of the individual Self that matter.
There is no larger human authority, than the self. The opinions of others; of kings and presidents, of scribes and wise men, of congresses and congregations, and professors of science, are only temporary expediencies that have helped us to individually arrive at a modem of self understanding.
In the end it is only the concord of the Self, believing in the integrity of the Self, that will determine the fate of our kind. So, what we need to know now, is a methodology that can guide us inward to the Truth of the Self and fi nd the two and a half million year-old answer to our First Thought . With this said, the Psyche-Genetic method of self-enlightenment invites you to regard yourself as a twin personality.
You are both a trained physicist and an inherent metaphysician – with access to a fi nite complex of analytical discernment’s and infi nite intuitive insights.
One part of you is ancient and ego -less - the conservative guardian of all atomic experience, including the entire range of ethical constructs that have come from three and a half billion years of organic experience. This infi nite well of spiritual wisdom is your sub-conscious. This selfl ess, intuitive twin impinges on the analytical twin during moments of need - through hunches, intuitions, insights, dreams, and visions. It expresses itself outwardly in artistic impressions and ideation. The Door to all its spiritual treasures can be accessed through metaphysical drills and exercises that excite the intuitive responses of the right brain.
The other twin, the conscious part of you, is newly born, impetuous, egotistical, clever, and is in the adventurous process of adding more experiences to the data bank of the ancient self. This selfi sh twin has the key (if it can be convinced to broaden the analytical criteria of the left brain to accept the possibility of meta-normal potential), to open the door between the two brains.
The Key itself is hidden and its hiding place is only found when the selfi sh twin wanders off the beaten path of material knowledge, fi nds himself lost and realizes that he must begin searching for it. (The ancient Sufi parable of Aladdin fi nding the lamp in the sand of the desert, and accidentally releasing the genie within, symbolizes the magical discovery of the hidden self. Or the Zen parable: When the pupil is ready, the Master appears.)
The goal is to take hold of the key and open the door to the inner self so that the twin souls can communicate more clearly with each other. Only when this communication is trustingly established, can the dual self relate subjective insights to the practical dictates of daily life and more holistically understand the position he is in, and thereby accurately predict the course of future possibilities.
The paradox is that though more than 80% of us secretly believe in the existence of this invisible force of Cosmic Intelligence (Dark Matter ? God?), our heavily indoctrinated analytical self, refuses to let us fully acknowledge the validity of our intuitions and take the necessary steps to investigate our infi nite potential.
Only a few psychics, after extreme effort are able to communicate with both sides of the psyche regularly.
The practical application of the Psyche-Genetic Theory, which will be explained more clearly as we go along, is concerned with the development of dual brain exercises and drills, designed to put the ancient sub-conscious mind and the young consciousness mind (the right and left brain ) in regular and direct communication.
As you read on through this work you will be shown how and why you should engage yourself in these practices, and how valuable they are, for access to vital information about yourself, allowing you a vastly more holistic base for self-analysis, self discovery , awareness and creative expression.
This holistic over-view of the dual Self, once activated, gradually reveals every event from the Past and every event that will take place in the Future as a single continuum impregnating the Present.
One becomes aware that the Present is real, only because the Past and Future exist in the same moment. The Past and the Future become existential aspects of everyday life. Instead of acting impulsively like a child, one becomes more cautious of
the ripple affect of each action as its consequences redefi ne the past and restructure the future.
In this way the Present becomes charged with a greater sense of dynamism. One feels more purposeful and more meaningful living in it. One will fi nd their relationships, not just with other humans, but with all atomic radiation , become more dynamic as well.
Everything is seen as a stream of electromagnetic consciousness radiating through the relativity of time and space with different fl avors of expression. The larger purpose of the Theory, is to suggest: that if this practice is done universally, by introducing right brain exercises to augment our current educational curriculum , it will lead, within a generation, to a more harmonious world order. We will all be endowed with a greater sense of reverence for the Past and a deeper awareness of the Future.
What has to be appreciated from the start, is that when the right brain is first stimulated and prodded for residual answers, the process of intuitive impressions and feelings begin to stream out and they come all at once. Whole clumps of clairsentient impressions, some visual, some auditory; accompanied by illuminated thoughts and insights that can appear to be surreal, and consequently diffi cult to quantify and structure for left brain analysis.
People who have ingested hallucinogenic drugs have some confused experience of breaking through the chemical code and accessing the infinite realm of the sub-conscious – and end up having great diffi culty relating these meta-normal experiences to left brain modes of understanding.
Something is always lost in the interpretation between the different sides of the brain. The translation can never be entirely pure even among the most experienced adepts, for it is contaminated and colored by moods and the inevitable ethnic influences and educational limitations that the external part of every psyche is subject to.
It is this difficulty of translation that makes us initially dismiss and suppress the images and hunches of right brain intrusions, unless we are consciously trying to evoke them.
Just as it takes years of disciplined schooling to train the left brain to experience
reality as an analytical construct, so too, does it take years of effort to develop the right brain to a point where easy access, and reasonably familiar modes of interpretation between intuitive impressions, and analytical reconstruction become possible.
The chapter that follows describes the retrieval of a prehistoric memory that surfaced in the author’s consciousness during a transcendental moment of revelation. It is offered up as a subjective explanation of First Cause – of how our human ego fi rst came into being. Judge for yourself and see if it resonates within you as an ancient memory of your own.
The chapter after that offers a subjective explanation as to why the ego had to manifest, and what essential value ego has brought to the development of our super consciousness.
The Origins of Human consciousness
Answering the argument between Creationists and Evolutionists:
There is no issue more unsettling on the planet today than the divide over
the origins and sovereignty of man.
Who are we and whom do we serve?
Are we the result of random evolutionary event with no allegiance to anyone but ourselves? Or are we the creation of an almighty God with an eternal destiny to fulfill? Those questions are at the heart of the split between Church and State. Libraries of laws have failed to define that ethical divide and close all the loopholes. When one considers all the wars that have been fought over this subject, and what is at stake now that the instrument of Armageddon is at hand, it is astonishing that such a fundamental criteria for establishing a general harmony of thought and feelings among all men is not on the front burner of every educational, political and religious organization on the planet. Obviously serious work is being done on it, but not at anywhere near the top level of any major government – and so the battle rages on - underneath the veneer of civilized intercourse in some areas, and boiling over in others, without the faintest sign of ever finding resolution.
This issue lies at the very root of our global confusion. It begins right in
our classrooms at the fi rst grade level, and gets more confusing as we work our way up from there. The simple fact is: if we are not sure of how we got here and why we are here, we can never be sure of who we are, or of our purpose, or where we are going, if anywhere. With heaven largely factored out of the modern scientific mind, the whole world is left without any meaning to existence, other than endless consumption. The covert nature of this underlying pointlessness can be seen everywhere if one cares to look beneath the superficial nature of the way we live our lives. There is long-term aimlessness within every level of human management. In undeveloped countries the inability of governments to reassure their citizenry
of a reasonably secure tomorrow, added to the removal of the hope of God from their constitutions, borders on social and religious chaos. Not knowing the truly meaningful answers underscores a massive crisis of human identity, at both the personal and collective level.
There should be no argument with the accumulated evidence of scientific research, which points conclusively at the fact that our evolution has an atomic origin. In the meld between physics and metaphysics that this treatise is attempting to conjoin, we accept the scientifi c rationale that all three billion specie living on the planet, originated from a single algae cell, via a chemical process that took place in a brackish pool during the Pre-Cambrian Era.
The physical question that begs for an answer however is: If random event is the correct answer, then for what reason in that primeval mix, would one of those three billion mutating cellular divisions eventually emerge from the jungle of evolving life and become conscious of consciousness itself?
What practical purpose would self-consciousness serve as a survival mechanism? Why did only one of some two hundred and fifty specie of kindred primates, see itself as separate from all the rest of creation, and in that critical moment of insight, rise above the collective stream of natural consciousness, and become an independent witness to existence? Is not finding the answer to that question the most signifi cant riddle in the long chain of evolutionary events and the ultimate purpose of our big brain? Lets look more closely at the proposals that are on the table as to our origins.
Religion says; by Divine appointment. Science says; via Random chemical event. In modern times a third proposal has been placed before us: Many millions say; via Alien intelligence.
Only one of them can be right. Which one is it? We believe, by a process of elimination, that we can and should settle this argument once and for all and
stop confusing our children. Let’s see if you agree with our summation. In the dramatic opening scenes of the universally acclaimed movie, 2001 A Space Odyssey, a world-wide audience saw a group of proto-humans make that quantum leap in intelligence after being exposed to a mind-altering force emitted by a strange black obelisk that came from outer space. The ape-like brutes suddenly realized that they could use femurs as weapons and fight off territorial invasion by smashing in their neighbor’s skulls. The movie went along with the general assumption that man is basically a godless brutish killer at heart and that an alien force awoke us.
If aliens from some other solar system had a hand in initiating our human
consciousness, then what event on their home planet originated their consciousness? More aliens from yet another solar system! That line of logic leads us, aliens included, back to one of the other two answers; God – or random event.
What does science mean by random chemical event? Statistically, one can mathematically calculate a chance chemical mix in the swirl of primeval
soup, eventually combining the right amounts of proteins and amino acids
to produce a living cell that can divide and reproduce itself, and gradually
mutate into a complex animal. That act of creation might give us the
random answer that science alludes to – but it does not explain how the
abstraction of consciousness becomes part of the formula. That scenario
only makes sense if we confine our reasoning to a mechanical process of
cell division and mutation.
By definition, consciousness is a state of awareness. Such cognizance includes
compassion, love, aggression, hate, empathy, a sense of social ethics, and all the other charismatic forces that have had a direct influence on the evolution of our physical development. If we go along with the scientific hypothesis, then the emergence of consciousness in the chemical mix would have to be explained as some kind of fortuitous essence that manifested mysteriously out of thin air. Mix protein with acid, and hey, Presto! You get consciousness! This is of course nonsense. Nothing – certainly a force as significant as consciousness - can simply be pulled out of a vacuum like a rabbit out of a magician’s hat. The simple fact is that an automatic organic process, based purely on a chance chemical encounter, can, at best, only produce an eventual, unconscious, spiritless, Zombie.
The basic reality has to be: if our original ancestral cell mutated to eventually
produce a super consciousness, then the basic essence of that consciousness would have had to have been present in the nucleus of the atomic building blocks that initiated organic life in the first place.
If consciousness then, is an essential charismatic attribute of atomic magnetism,
the individual atoms that were attracted to each other to form our first cell, had to have some degree of awareness of the advantages that came from association. Combination would increase their charisma and attract others of a like nature. The accumulated contribution of each individual atomic consciousness, in association with billions of other conscious atoms, would eventually form a collective cellular consciousness.
Life could then begin its evolutionary journey of cell division, in a conscious
cooperative effort to extend its basic state of awareness, via a process of environmental adaptation and mutation.
In this metaphysical hypothesis, the origin of organic life would be based on the purposeful intent of consciousness, developing increased intelligence by way of collective cooperation, with the evolution of form as the vehicle through which the goal of arriving at higher states of consciousness may be accomplished. As we are now talking about a conscious act of creation, with form as the by-product, Dr. Frankenstein’s untenable reverse rationale, has (together with Aliens) to be ruled out of the atomic equation. Which leaves us with mankind’s ancient Belief in Divine Creation.
According to this hypothesis, God has to be Consciousness itself. And His seeming intention is to increase His own self-awareness, through the organic evolutionary process of His own creation! Either that, or, as the Upanishads describe it, Creation is the Cosmic Dance of a fully matured God who is simply amusing Himself.
If consciousness resides as an attribute inside the atom, and God is this
Consciousness, then God resides in everything and everything in the atomic
universe is God Conscious. The fact that mankind has emerged as the supreme consciousness in the organic evolutionary process, it must mean that we are a maturing expression of God, gradually learning to become increasingly aware of the cosmic nature of our Divinity.
The next question then is: Is God good or evil?
Although we see elements of cruel deformities here and there in creation, – harmony and order of form, and beauty in expression are the general rule – which allows us to defi ne the essential nature of God as (Good), or Divinely creative, and not sadistically destructive, or satanic.
We see the creative/destructive nature of God in the cosmic process of stellar ignition. As each Star consumes its own atomic mass, the collective consciousness of each sun illuminates the blackness of space and brings light to the beauty of creation. Rays of starlight transfer conscious energy and sustenance to planetary life. Out of God’s stellar death, then, comes organic Creation. And creation is imbued with the Grace of Divine Consciousness and through this act of creation, God is eternally reborn. The net conclusion has to be, that we, and everything else in the Cosmos are expressions of God’s Good Consciousness.
Now that we have dismissed - sketchily admittedly, but convincingly enough for the moment - the claims of millions of science-fi ction buffs, as well as the robot model of the world-wide scientifi c community, we can see that Old Testament religious fundamentalists, who never allowed the sophistication of scientific argument to delude them, and who have clung stubbornly to the literal truth of the Book of Genesis, have been right about the Divine origins of creation all along. (They, of course, will also fi nd it blasphemous to suggest that not only is God within us, but we are also within Him.)
Where does that put us?
For starters it forces us to be intellectually aware that mankind is the expression
of a universal consciousness. All the elements: gases, liquids and solids, are atomically conscious - and when in association, they are collectively conscious. We do not know if an inanimate rock is aware of being a rock, or if a tree knows that it is a tree, if a teacup knows that it is a teacup – but we need to accept that atomic consciousness is a universally shared, empathetic state of being; that everything is aware of participating as a charismatic aspect of the vitality, beauty and harmony of a Divine existence.
Though we can no longer intuitively sense the truth of the above as well as our early animistic ancestors did, we have to learn to accept that we live in an atomically conscious universe. The alternative can only lead to chaos.
In this new metaphysical hypothesis we have determined: That God consciousness
initiated creation: That God exists as a universal state of omniscient consciousness: That His nature is Good: That He resides within us: That we reside in Him: That we are, in fact, an expression of the Godhead, along with everything else: That we have been uniquely selected to be a witness to Creation.
The net result of all this is that we are now dealing with a supernatural atomic organism, endowed with a Divine ego, emerging out of the jungle of life as a deliberate act of creation, about two and a half million years ago - and, as the only chosen son of God among the billions of other conscious organisms - also the sole master of our planet.
What does this chosen son do with his still-developing Divine powers? He murders Abel and defi les God’s creation. He slashes, burns and chops down most of the world’s jungles, pollutes the air, land, and seas; accumulates a pile of stinking garbage, which, if it was all in one pile, would rival the Himalayas, and goes on, and on with clan vendetta, national wars, religious wars, and World Wars; to kill, ransom, torture, impale, incinerate, disembowel and hack to death, tens of millions more of his brothers and sisters. He currently sits atop an insane pile of nuclear weapons, denying the very existence of his own Father, while threatening to blow up all of creation.
How does the gentle, loving and creative side of God, and His destructive vindictive side add up? In terms of the negative and positive forces of Cosmic dynamics -
infinitely, as we shall see. But fi rst, let us take a step further into the Twilight Zone, and see if we can stretch the imagination of particle physicists to include the following metaphysical potentials within the nuclear equation, before we return to the grindstone of empirical determination.
The organic cells of this man/god are genetically imprinted with a billion different forms of evolutionary graduations. This imprint includes the primordial behavioral experiences that accompanied each change of form. The claim in Psyche-Genetics is: Not only can those past memories be retrieved in this super being, but the infi nite complexity of his highly evolved psyche also has the capability to transform his physical body back into any one of those billions of different life forms. He is capable, when his psyche is properly focused, of re-experiencing himself as anything and everything that has ever been created. He can make himself as invisible as a cloud of hydrogen atoms, and then rearrange his atoms to appear as a dolphin knifi ng through a wave. He can appear as a hawk or a wolf or a bat. He can defy gravity and levitate. He can translocate his body through space instantaneously to any part of the cosmos. He can fl y like Superman. He can appear and disappear in several places simultaneously. He has the eventual potential to do anything that God can do. There are mystics and shamans, living now and in the past, who claim to have already evoked these paranormal transformational powers. There are claims of youthful looking
men alive today, who were born a thousand years ago.
The question that needs to be raised here, is not whether scientists should
automatically believe that humans can change themselves into werewolves and vampires, or whether the Bible was wrong about the age of Methuselah, or whether they should believe that man is God, but rather, why they do not put forward a full effort to find out why they should not believe?
Transformational magic is not manufactured out of a vacuum. The genetic information is there – indelibly imprinted in our cells. Particle physicists see similar inexplicable charismatic atomic behavior in quantum mechanics. Why does the scientist think that the behavior of the atom he is observing in a particle accelerator is not also endowed with the same attributes of consciousness that he receives from his own atoms? Why does science automatically think that our genetic make-up cannot be manipulated? Why scoff at such claims and dismiss witnesses to them as superstitious delusions – without putting them to the test? Who, indeed, is being deluded?
Is it not about time that scientists begin to see if they can themselves evoke these paranormal powers, by investing some time in practicing the same metaphysical drills and exercises that mystics do? Would not such an investigation into the atomic laboratory of one’s own psyche, in search of Truth, be worth the effort, instead of simply dismissing out of hand its metaphysical potentials, and the millions of man hours already invested in this research by mystics?
Enough of that for the moment; let’s return to the plodding mechanics of empirical analysis, and discuss the dichotomy of God the Creator/Destroyer in terms that the scientifi c mood of today is more comfortable with. The brutish scenes portrayed in 2001, and in a thousand other scenarios, have succeeded in perpetuating generally accepted characterizations regarding the loutish origins of human consciousness and the godless nature of our basic social behavior.
The fact that mankind engages in murder, assassination, war, mass genocide and territorial invasions - and has done so throughout the blood soaked pages of our recorded history - supports the general belief that we have survived primarily by invading each other’s territories with murderous genocidal impulse.
The cynical over-view; that mankind is basically incapable of pacific relationships
without heavy policing is one of the underlying factors that continues to fuel the artifi cially manufactured social and spiritual ideologies that are imposed on human societies today. This untrusting perception of basic human nature is entirely untrue and grossly misleading. Nothing, as we have stated above, could be further off the mark.
From a purely ethnological point of view, the fundamental behavior of all specie, including early Man, is based on the same survival principles that the rest of Nature operates from. Respect for territorial boundaries is a logical survival imperative. Invasion of personal and group space is carefully avoided. Genocide, except in crowded laboratory cages is almost entirely unnatural. Over-crowding in nature is more likely to result in mass suicide. (Lemmings for example. And perhaps whales do so for the same reasons when entire pods beach.)
If we are ever to understand ourselves as a Divinely appointed specie, born of the same parents, and to varying degrees of development, all on precisely the same evolutionary path towards a hopeful destination, then cynical views concerning the origins and evolution of human consciousness, need serious correction.
Our kind would never have survived this long and proliferated our numbers during the first two million years of Stone Age development, if we had begun our colonization of each continent, by fighting tooth and nail over every square inch of territory. Mankind, like the other primates, is essentially timid and peaceful by nature.
All specie prey on other organic forms for existence. That’s how the food chain works. But generally speaking, specie will not prey on their own kind. If that were so, offensive and defensive capabilities would cancel each other out, and Nature would be faced with the conundrum of mutual destruction. (We were confronted with that grim reality during the stalemate of the Cold War )
If territorial occupations were not respected by neighboring families of the same species, Nature would be a chaotic battleground of unending family and extended family confl icts. No specie could have survived the carnage. Territorial integrity is therefore a cornerstone of Natural Law. Specie mark their territorial boundaries in distinctive ways and survive primarily because that boundary is instinctively respected by their own kind. In this sense, good neighborliness is a common survival imperative that all organic creatures conform to. Though there is always plenty of jockeying for space and competition among males for mating rights, among most specie,
internal battles for supremacy rarely end in death. Peaceful coexistence is generally the order.
When man first came out of the jungle two and a half million years ago, he did not use his supernatural intelligence then and there to suddenly pick up a thigh bone and bash in his brother’s skull. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, after their awakening, in peace and harmony with God and His creation. There were 99,000 generations laying the foundation of family values, upon which the entire future of the species would depend, before human warfare created a new social and spiritual dynamic.
The underlying realities regarding our aggressive behavior are that increasing border confl icts; which lead gradually into invasion of territories, confiscation of live-stock, ransom of prisoners, vendetta and eventually, outright war, were an artifi cial reaction to population pressures. Those artificial pressures fi rst surfaced in the late Bronze Age , nearly two and a half million years after MAN fi rst became consciously human.
With plenty of space available for expansion during the fi rst 99,000 generations of our evolution, there was no pressure in the Stone Age Eden for us to invade territories and slaughter one another.
Research among the San Bushmen of the Kalahari has provided some crucial information regarding non-aggression among Stone Age cultures. The facts show that they observe an ethical response to the invisible force that guard’s territorial integrity . (The chapter on Animism provides a fi rst-hand account of those fi ndings and impressions regarding the primitive superstitions that monitor the basic godliness of human nature.)
We have no clear idea of exactly what date “human-ness” (self-awareness) registered on our consciousness and we probably never will. But what might be possible is to explore a possible scenario that might retrieve from our sub-conscious the conditions that might have initiated that first moment of realization – the one that separated us forever from our ape ancestry and made us human. (This scenario will be laid out in the next chapter) Biologically, we know that mankind is one of some two hundred and fi fty primate specie and that we share 99% of our DNA with half a dozen other tail-less apes. We also know that all human DNA traces directly back to
the San Bushmen.
We know from fossil evidence that the posture, cranial capacity and the foraging behavior of our fi rst hominid ancestors, began to digress from that of our cousins as long as fi ve million years ago.
We know that over those fi ve million years, as our use of stone tools, weapons and the vocalizations needed to coordinate group action, became correspondingly more sophisticated, our brain size increased proportionately. Equipped with this large brain we were able to exploit regional environments far more effectively than other primates. Our numbers increased,forcing us to gradually colonize all the continents.
Though plenty of archeological evidence exists that gives us an indication of our early life, we have no objective method of determining exactly when, during that ancient evolutionary march of our very fi rst ancestors, our intelligence changed so dramatically that our consciousness became supernatural. Up until that magical moment, to all intents and purposes, we were simply more effective primates. So, what factor then, beyond physiological differences and our advances in hunting and gathering capabilities, made us rise so spectacularly above other primates and be classified as human?
If we reduce the Cartesian dictum : “I think therefore I am” to something more practical than an abstract rational regarding the reality of existence, and apply it as a primary distinction between the consciousness of man and that of the rest of Nature – then what caused the fi rst hominid to think and thereby become human? And what, indeed, was that fi rst thought?
In order to defi ne our humanity properly, we need to know exactly why and how we began to think. That missing link in our basic self-knowledge may well profoundly affect and improve the manner in which we behave towards each other and to Nature Herself.
Without hard evidence, no scientist (bound by empirical rule) will ever be able to defi ne or qualify for us that moment of profound change. Science cannot pinpoint First Cause and tell us exactly what happened and how that initial realization transformed the hominid psyche. Metaphysical insight has to be applied in this area of research if the answer is to be found at all. When we consider the over-all psychological importance of what we are trying to clarify here, it is vital that we allow our psychics to include their metaphysical skills to more holistically investigate this awesome moment of human awakening.
If we are human because we think, the signifi cant questions that we need to ask are: What possible circumstance made the fi rst human think? Can we determine that thought? If so, what characteristic within that thought elevated our consciousness above the hominid state and made us human? And, infi nitely more profoundly: Why did one of Nature’s creatures rise above a basic survival mode and even think at all? It is sobering to realize that the science of psychology has been built without knowing the answer to any one of these questions – the very foundations of self-knowledge, of
who we are and why we exist.
By any criteria, mankind’s fi rst infant self-realization, no matter how dimly it might have registered in the great scheme of things, had to be a profound Cosmic Event – easily the most consequential evolutionary episode to ever happen on our planet. (And for all we know, in the Universe as well.) And so, in this strange intellectual vacuum, as our paleontologists chip the encrustment off mute fossil skulls and our anthropologists wonder about long-lost prehistoric truths, we continue to live today with the science fiction of an alien intelligence initiating our human intelligence and the ignoble caricature of a brutish, skull-crushing ancestry.
As a net result, a confusion of identity, both individually and collectively, reigns over the planet. Social and spiritual arguments among families, nations, races and religions, rage in every culture without abatement and with ever-increasing acrimony. Since the Jewish holocaust in WWII , at least a dozen more episodes of mass genocide have taken place. This does not include the tens of millions killed by Stalin and Mao over nothing more than ideological differences. The sheer amount of wars, military coups, clan feuds, and family divorces that are taking place as we speak, in terms of shattered lives and embittered humanity, are crippling our collective effort.
As population pressures increase exponentially in the coming decades, so too, will mass dysfunction keep doubling and redoubling. If we don’t put an end to the distortion, the chances of us ever arriving at an ultimate state of self-awareness might never happen, and the Ages of evolution of our consciousness would all have been for naught. The only way of coming to grips with it, is to get at the very the core of the problem and determine exactly when and how we went awry in our early development. We cannot continue to accept that vital pieces of early information, responsible for forming our basic nature, and which may help us to defi ne and analyze our modern identity, can never be retrieved or determined.
Is our First Inspired Thought lost to us forever? Or is there a way to recover it and see how and why it changed us? And can we then move forward step by step and see exactly what Cause initiated the fi rst trespass and get to know why and how our trespass escalated into a potential global confrontation?
In a sense, we are asking what is the underlying meaning of the parable of Adam and Eve eating the apple? We are asking questions here that go beyond human consciousness leaving the innocence of Eden and transcending the Laws of Nature. We need to know the exact nature of the argument that made Cain kill Able. What was the Cause that led to brother, murdering brother, and branding us with the scars of war ever afterwards? What made every human culture capable of genocidal mania? Can that ancient mystery of First Cause ever be unraveled?
According to the Psyche-Genetic Theory : Each and every atomic association, and resultant behavioral modifi cations, since the Big Bang, has been indelibly imprinted and stored in the memory banks of the atomic nucleus of every psyche.
Therefore, no act, no thought, throughout the whole course of the evolution of consciousness is ever lost. If this is true then the trick is; how do we access this ancient bank of atomic experiential information and bring it back from the sub-conscious for analysis and interpretation?
It can be done, but only if we agree to accept the following investigative criteria:
First, without tangible evidence (like a fossil bone) to work with, we have to realize that the retrieval of the original thought has to be a melding of physical evidence and intuitive insight – and is therefore essentially subjective.
Secondly, if an intuitive revelation is true for one – the substance of that revelation must be more or less true for all – for we are all the subjects o the same original experience.
Thirdly, the criteria for interpretation of any scenario that illustrates the probable cause of the First Thought , though subjectively impressionistic, must never the less, resonate among us all, as a common recollection.
Fourthly, each one of us is capable of making the retrieval – for we all house the same information. This allows us to probe our subconscious, and validate, embellish, or even replace any retrieval of the collective memory with one that may resonate among all of us more soundly.
There is no need to argue over the merits of any conclusions as to First Cause and First Thought presented in this work - as long as the sincerity of presentation and conscientiousness of effort to retrieve it, rings true enough to stimulate further investigation and a greater degree of validation.
Ultimately it is only the impressions of the individual Self that matter.
There is no larger human authority, than the self. The opinions of others; of kings and presidents, of scribes and wise men, of congresses and congregations, and professors of science, are only temporary expediencies that have helped us to individually arrive at a modem of self understanding.
In the end it is only the concord of the Self, believing in the integrity of the Self, that will determine the fate of our kind. So, what we need to know now, is a methodology that can guide us inward to the Truth of the Self and fi nd the two and a half million year-old answer to our First Thought . With this said, the Psyche-Genetic method of self-enlightenment invites you to regard yourself as a twin personality.
You are both a trained physicist and an inherent metaphysician – with access to a fi nite complex of analytical discernment’s and infi nite intuitive insights.
One part of you is ancient and ego -less - the conservative guardian of all atomic experience, including the entire range of ethical constructs that have come from three and a half billion years of organic experience. This infi nite well of spiritual wisdom is your sub-conscious. This selfl ess, intuitive twin impinges on the analytical twin during moments of need - through hunches, intuitions, insights, dreams, and visions. It expresses itself outwardly in artistic impressions and ideation. The Door to all its spiritual treasures can be accessed through metaphysical drills and exercises that excite the intuitive responses of the right brain.
The other twin, the conscious part of you, is newly born, impetuous, egotistical, clever, and is in the adventurous process of adding more experiences to the data bank of the ancient self. This selfi sh twin has the key (if it can be convinced to broaden the analytical criteria of the left brain to accept the possibility of meta-normal potential), to open the door between the two brains.
The Key itself is hidden and its hiding place is only found when the selfi sh twin wanders off the beaten path of material knowledge, fi nds himself lost and realizes that he must begin searching for it. (The ancient Sufi parable of Aladdin fi nding the lamp in the sand of the desert, and accidentally releasing the genie within, symbolizes the magical discovery of the hidden self. Or the Zen parable: When the pupil is ready, the Master appears.)
The goal is to take hold of the key and open the door to the inner self so that the twin souls can communicate more clearly with each other. Only when this communication is trustingly established, can the dual self relate subjective insights to the practical dictates of daily life and more holistically understand the position he is in, and thereby accurately predict the course of future possibilities.
The paradox is that though more than 80% of us secretly believe in the existence of this invisible force of Cosmic Intelligence (Dark Matter ? God?), our heavily indoctrinated analytical self, refuses to let us fully acknowledge the validity of our intuitions and take the necessary steps to investigate our infi nite potential.
Only a few psychics, after extreme effort are able to communicate with both sides of the psyche regularly.
The practical application of the Psyche-Genetic Theory, which will be explained more clearly as we go along, is concerned with the development of dual brain exercises and drills, designed to put the ancient sub-conscious mind and the young consciousness mind (the right and left brain ) in regular and direct communication.
As you read on through this work you will be shown how and why you should engage yourself in these practices, and how valuable they are, for access to vital information about yourself, allowing you a vastly more holistic base for self-analysis, self discovery , awareness and creative expression.
This holistic over-view of the dual Self, once activated, gradually reveals every event from the Past and every event that will take place in the Future as a single continuum impregnating the Present.
One becomes aware that the Present is real, only because the Past and Future exist in the same moment. The Past and the Future become existential aspects of everyday life. Instead of acting impulsively like a child, one becomes more cautious of
the ripple affect of each action as its consequences redefi ne the past and restructure the future.
In this way the Present becomes charged with a greater sense of dynamism. One feels more purposeful and more meaningful living in it. One will fi nd their relationships, not just with other humans, but with all atomic radiation , become more dynamic as well.
Everything is seen as a stream of electromagnetic consciousness radiating through the relativity of time and space with different fl avors of expression. The larger purpose of the Theory, is to suggest: that if this practice is done universally, by introducing right brain exercises to augment our current educational curriculum , it will lead, within a generation, to a more harmonious world order. We will all be endowed with a greater sense of reverence for the Past and a deeper awareness of the Future.
What has to be appreciated from the start, is that when the right brain is first stimulated and prodded for residual answers, the process of intuitive impressions and feelings begin to stream out and they come all at once. Whole clumps of clairsentient impressions, some visual, some auditory; accompanied by illuminated thoughts and insights that can appear to be surreal, and consequently diffi cult to quantify and structure for left brain analysis.
People who have ingested hallucinogenic drugs have some confused experience of breaking through the chemical code and accessing the infinite realm of the sub-conscious – and end up having great diffi culty relating these meta-normal experiences to left brain modes of understanding.
Something is always lost in the interpretation between the different sides of the brain. The translation can never be entirely pure even among the most experienced adepts, for it is contaminated and colored by moods and the inevitable ethnic influences and educational limitations that the external part of every psyche is subject to.
It is this difficulty of translation that makes us initially dismiss and suppress the images and hunches of right brain intrusions, unless we are consciously trying to evoke them.
Just as it takes years of disciplined schooling to train the left brain to experience
reality as an analytical construct, so too, does it take years of effort to develop the right brain to a point where easy access, and reasonably familiar modes of interpretation between intuitive impressions, and analytical reconstruction become possible.
The chapter that follows describes the retrieval of a prehistoric memory that surfaced in the author’s consciousness during a transcendental moment of revelation. It is offered up as a subjective explanation of First Cause – of how our human ego fi rst came into being. Judge for yourself and see if it resonates within you as an ancient memory of your own.
The chapter after that offers a subjective explanation as to why the ego had to manifest, and what essential value ego has brought to the development of our super consciousness.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The San Andreas Fault - Possible Solution?
The southern section of the San Andreas fault
has a history of an earthquake every 200 years
The last one was 300 years ago
Unlike the northern end.the southern end has had no smaller movements to release the pressure
It is now 100 years overdue for a major quake
It can happen at any moment
and the fault lines up directly with L.A.
The expected lateral shift is 25 feet
no high-rise can take a movement of that magnitude
that is beyond anything imagined
if the quake goes on long enough
the L.A. Basin may well liquefy
The quake is certain yet nothing is being done
Eleven million people face certain disaster
If a comet was bearing down on L.A.
and expected to impact dead-on target within a year or two
surely we would be planing on some form of interception?
Why are we not doing that with the San Andreas?
A couple of deep-underground H Bombs placed on the fault line on each plate
Evacuate the city
trigger the fault
fix up the damage
no lives lost.
has a history of an earthquake every 200 years
The last one was 300 years ago
Unlike the northern end.the southern end has had no smaller movements to release the pressure
It is now 100 years overdue for a major quake
It can happen at any moment
and the fault lines up directly with L.A.
The expected lateral shift is 25 feet
no high-rise can take a movement of that magnitude
that is beyond anything imagined
if the quake goes on long enough
the L.A. Basin may well liquefy
The quake is certain yet nothing is being done
Eleven million people face certain disaster
If a comet was bearing down on L.A.
and expected to impact dead-on target within a year or two
surely we would be planing on some form of interception?
Why are we not doing that with the San Andreas?
A couple of deep-underground H Bombs placed on the fault line on each plate
Evacuate the city
trigger the fault
fix up the damage
no lives lost.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Quantum Metaphysics
You may have heard about how observing particles made them behave differently than when they were not. This video gives a better understanding to that concept.
So how can we explain what is happening?
How can consciousness affect the behavior
of an supposedly unconscious electron?
That is physically impossible
So what is the answer?
The metaphysical response is:
All atoms are conscious
Let us accept that the electron particle shot out the barrel of the gun
is a microscopic piece of self-determined consciousness
as it travels towards the target
it becomes exponentially aware of the macro cosmic entirety of consciousness
and in the process its self-determined purpose
is dispersed into a wave of interfacing emotions
Now we add the observer
The wave of dispersed emotions
realizes that the observer and itself are one
refocuses on its original intent
and behaves once more '
like a self-determined piece of consciousness
So how can we explain what is happening?
How can consciousness affect the behavior
of an supposedly unconscious electron?
That is physically impossible
So what is the answer?
The metaphysical response is:
All atoms are conscious
Let us accept that the electron particle shot out the barrel of the gun
is a microscopic piece of self-determined consciousness
as it travels towards the target
it becomes exponentially aware of the macro cosmic entirety of consciousness
and in the process its self-determined purpose
is dispersed into a wave of interfacing emotions
Now we add the observer
The wave of dispersed emotions
realizes that the observer and itself are one
refocuses on its original intent
and behaves once more '
like a self-determined piece of consciousness
Monday, April 13, 2009
MM I always bow to local knowledge, but if you are saying that an aura coming from the disrupted body area of a patient is satnaved to the witchdoctors aura perceptive brain, thats less than likely. Natural healers have the rare ability to read the skin, the eyes. the tongue, and the body's language and predict or diagnose previously undetected internal problems. But that is all it is, a trained eye.
I am sure a trained eye helps
but if you are suggesting we cannot sense (empathize) somebody's unease (or disease)
without some form of physical distress signal
then you are summarily dismissing millions of extra-sensory testaments
by mystics, saints and who-ever over the ages
as delusions or outright lies
basically because we do not have the technology
that can prove otherwise
Who is to know if long-range high frequency emotional signals
are not possible?
I can testify to powerful surges of compassionate understanding
being transmitted into my body
by rays of sunlight
The need for reassurance?
Why would I choose such an ancient Egyptian/Mayan way to fool myself?
Why not simply conjure up a more current
loving image of Jesus Christ himself?
Or an alien abduction?
Who really knows what is happening?
How do you know if this life is not simply a dream?
What is consciousness anyway?
How did it originate?
Why did it?
Surely this is what both the physicist and the metaphysicist is searching for
One of the shamans I worked with claimed that he could feel the pain of patients
long before even seeing them
on one occasion he was hospitalized himself
three days before the actual patient arrived
A universe of atomic radiations surround us
at this moment in our evolution
we all have the freewill
to believe or not to believe
that every atom may or may not radiate consciousness
and we all may or may not be receiving an endless stream of signals
from its farthermost reaches
most of it yet to be decoded
I choose to believe
from personal experience
And even if am being delusional
that in itself is a super-natural phenomenon (or unnatural if you prefer)
that I am entitled to and should investigate
among others who are experiencing the same phenomenon
and you do not have the right
until you do so yourself
to be derogatory about our testimonies
In fact
until proved otherwise
you have the obligation to trust a neighbor's word
even though you yourself do not believe
So the question arises
since it is more than probable that a future spectrometer
might be invented that can measure frequencies
currently beyond mechanical detection
why not keep an open mind in the meantime?
Why skof?
What interference are metaphysician's esoteric investigations into ESP
doing to hinder science's own exoteric investigations
into the mysteries of atomic radiation?
Right at this moment my body
a mass of associated atomic particles
is emitting intense radiations out into the space around me
who is to say
how far
or through what medium
or what information is contained in my particular frequency
and who might or might not be sensitive enough
to tune into my vibration
and feel my pain?
What is the source of your skepticism?
Is that not your own form insecurity at work?
MM I always bow to local knowledge, but if you are saying that an aura coming from the disrupted body area of a patient is satnaved to the witchdoctors aura perceptive brain, thats less than likely. Natural healers have the rare ability to read the skin, the eyes. the tongue, and the body's language and predict or diagnose previously undetected internal problems. But that is all it is, a trained eye.
I am sure a trained eye helps
but if you are suggesting we cannot sense (empathize) somebody's unease (or disease)
without some form of physical distress signal
then you are summarily dismissing millions of extra-sensory testaments
by mystics, saints and who-ever over the ages
as delusions or outright lies
basically because we do not have the technology
that can prove otherwise
Who is to know if long-range high frequency emotional signals
are not possible?
I can testify to powerful surges of compassionate understanding
being transmitted into my body
by rays of sunlight
The need for reassurance?
Why would I choose such an ancient Egyptian/Mayan way to fool myself?
Why not simply conjure up a more current
loving image of Jesus Christ himself?
Or an alien abduction?
Who really knows what is happening?
How do you know if this life is not simply a dream?
What is consciousness anyway?
How did it originate?
Why did it?
Surely this is what both the physicist and the metaphysicist is searching for
One of the shamans I worked with claimed that he could feel the pain of patients
long before even seeing them
on one occasion he was hospitalized himself
three days before the actual patient arrived
A universe of atomic radiations surround us
at this moment in our evolution
we all have the freewill
to believe or not to believe
that every atom may or may not radiate consciousness
and we all may or may not be receiving an endless stream of signals
from its farthermost reaches
most of it yet to be decoded
I choose to believe
from personal experience
And even if am being delusional
that in itself is a super-natural phenomenon (or unnatural if you prefer)
that I am entitled to and should investigate
among others who are experiencing the same phenomenon
and you do not have the right
until you do so yourself
to be derogatory about our testimonies
In fact
until proved otherwise
you have the obligation to trust a neighbor's word
even though you yourself do not believe
So the question arises
since it is more than probable that a future spectrometer
might be invented that can measure frequencies
currently beyond mechanical detection
why not keep an open mind in the meantime?
Why skof?
What interference are metaphysician's esoteric investigations into ESP
doing to hinder science's own exoteric investigations
into the mysteries of atomic radiation?
Right at this moment my body
a mass of associated atomic particles
is emitting intense radiations out into the space around me
who is to say
how far
or through what medium
or what information is contained in my particular frequency
and who might or might not be sensitive enough
to tune into my vibration
and feel my pain?
What is the source of your skepticism?
Is that not your own form insecurity at work?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Internet Fascism - Banning Freedom of Thought
Over the past four years I have signed up a member on eight philosophical forums for the purpose of discussing novel ideas regarding the evolution of human behavior.
I did so in the hope of finding a receptive audience interested in the presentation of solutions to a host of social dysfunctions that have resulted from over-population and environmental over-load.
To me it has been obvious that a mass change of consciousness is required in order for all of us to adjust to a new global paradigm.
Instead of the open-minded interest in the radical nature of the mass change required that I have out-lined and the nature of the new consciousness required to meet the new demands of the 21st Century, I have been met with a universal storm of protest and rejection.
Continued argument by myself, painstakingly laying out the causes of our dysfunctional behavior, while expanding on the reasons for change, has resulted in out-right banning on four of the eight forums,
The doors there
to new thought
have been shut tight.
and threats of rejection remain on the others.
My conclusion:
People would rather the devil they know
than embrace the unknown.
New thought is not wanted
Banned without recourse
which is a new form of internet fascism
That bodes ill for our future.
I did so in the hope of finding a receptive audience interested in the presentation of solutions to a host of social dysfunctions that have resulted from over-population and environmental over-load.
To me it has been obvious that a mass change of consciousness is required in order for all of us to adjust to a new global paradigm.
Instead of the open-minded interest in the radical nature of the mass change required that I have out-lined and the nature of the new consciousness required to meet the new demands of the 21st Century, I have been met with a universal storm of protest and rejection.
Continued argument by myself, painstakingly laying out the causes of our dysfunctional behavior, while expanding on the reasons for change, has resulted in out-right banning on four of the eight forums,
The doors there
to new thought
have been shut tight.
and threats of rejection remain on the others.
My conclusion:
People would rather the devil they know
than embrace the unknown.
New thought is not wanted
Banned without recourse
which is a new form of internet fascism
That bodes ill for our future.
banning thought,
forum fascism,
Modetrn primitivism
Monday, March 30, 2009
Infant Rearing - HeartStart Homeschool Program
What exactly do you teach in this infant education program you're propounding?
0- 3 years
Natural birthing
three years breast-feeding
until weaning
unbroken body-contact (never put the baby down and leave it alone)
three year sibling spacing (no spiteful sibling rivalry)
active yet peaceful home-life
infant tied to mom's body
constantly observant of all that is going on
plenty of cuddling tickling and fun
All that good stuff
coming from parents who are profoundly conscious
of how easily mental and emotional dysfunction can take place
and who see parenthood as the most vital occupation on the planet.
The HeartStart Homeschool program goes on from there....... :D
What exactly do you teach in this infant education program you're propounding?
0- 3 years
Natural birthing
three years breast-feeding
until weaning
unbroken body-contact (never put the baby down and leave it alone)
three year sibling spacing (no spiteful sibling rivalry)
active yet peaceful home-life
infant tied to mom's body
constantly observant of all that is going on
plenty of cuddling tickling and fun
All that good stuff
coming from parents who are profoundly conscious
of how easily mental and emotional dysfunction can take place
and who see parenthood as the most vital occupation on the planet.
The HeartStart Homeschool program goes on from there....... :D
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Consciousness & Technology
:Consciousness is selecting improvements for it's own use - what do think?
Populations impacting exponentially on an over-stressed environments
force consciousness to invent new and improved technological survival tools
new technologies require new, more extended and more complex social contracts
more complex social relations
require new spiritual revelations
in this way
via natural evolutionary forces
consciousness has evolved from the naivete of the animist hunter/gatherer
though the agricultural shaman
industrial religious orthodoxy
and scientific protestant
towards higher states of self-awareness
until it ultimately reaches a transcendental state
of Cosmic Consciousness
where technology is no longer required
and mind conquers matter
:Consciousness is selecting improvements for it's own use - what do think?
Populations impacting exponentially on an over-stressed environments
force consciousness to invent new and improved technological survival tools
new technologies require new, more extended and more complex social contracts
more complex social relations
require new spiritual revelations
in this way
via natural evolutionary forces
consciousness has evolved from the naivete of the animist hunter/gatherer
though the agricultural shaman
industrial religious orthodoxy
and scientific protestant
towards higher states of self-awareness
until it ultimately reaches a transcendental state
of Cosmic Consciousness
where technology is no longer required
and mind conquers matter
Monday, March 23, 2009
Conscious Motivation
However, that said, one can also take the argument that it is consciousness, and the motives thereof, that drove the evolution of technology, rather than the other way around.
Personally, as always, I prefer the both/and, not the either/or.
Two things drive the evolution of consciousness
survival needs
and ethical application
It is for this reason the cortex is divided into two hemispheres
Sperry's experiments in split-brain dissection have proved
that we have two separate modes of perception
analytical and intuitive
Communication between these two spheres
determines both inspirational invention and ethical action
The human brain had to evolve to a large enough cubic capacity
able to transcend basic primate survival needs
in order to accomplish the more responsible (and potentially more damaging) uses
of advanced technologies
Development of both brains
was more or less equal during both the Stone and Bronze Ages
more in the Stone and less in the Bronze
increasing needs for oral-based communication artificially modified our behavior
and to some extent distorted natural ethical behavior
The invention of script with its spiritual emphasis
though a specific Iron Age survival need for national cohesion
and to ensure a conscientious attitude towards craftsmanship
also served to drastically alter our developmental dynamics
and further accelerated the distortion in ethical behavior
Science's dismissal of religious beliefs during the present Steel Age
has made further inroads into behavioral ethics
The dilemma we face right now
is that our mass education system in serious imbalance
it concentrates almost exclusively on analytical development
so we are left with adult abilities to analyze
and undeveloped childish abilities to moralize
This imbalance has to be corrected
our technologies are far too dangerous
to be handled by children
Our school curriculums on the advent of the Nuclear Age technologies
urgently need equal emphasis in left and right brain drills and exercises
However, that said, one can also take the argument that it is consciousness, and the motives thereof, that drove the evolution of technology, rather than the other way around.
Personally, as always, I prefer the both/and, not the either/or.
Two things drive the evolution of consciousness
survival needs
and ethical application
It is for this reason the cortex is divided into two hemispheres
Sperry's experiments in split-brain dissection have proved
that we have two separate modes of perception
analytical and intuitive
Communication between these two spheres
determines both inspirational invention and ethical action
The human brain had to evolve to a large enough cubic capacity
able to transcend basic primate survival needs
in order to accomplish the more responsible (and potentially more damaging) uses
of advanced technologies
Development of both brains
was more or less equal during both the Stone and Bronze Ages
more in the Stone and less in the Bronze
increasing needs for oral-based communication artificially modified our behavior
and to some extent distorted natural ethical behavior
The invention of script with its spiritual emphasis
though a specific Iron Age survival need for national cohesion
and to ensure a conscientious attitude towards craftsmanship
also served to drastically alter our developmental dynamics
and further accelerated the distortion in ethical behavior
Science's dismissal of religious beliefs during the present Steel Age
has made further inroads into behavioral ethics
The dilemma we face right now
is that our mass education system in serious imbalance
it concentrates almost exclusively on analytical development
so we are left with adult abilities to analyze
and undeveloped childish abilities to moralize
This imbalance has to be corrected
our technologies are far too dangerous
to be handled by children
Our school curriculums on the advent of the Nuclear Age technologies
urgently need equal emphasis in left and right brain drills and exercises
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Four Stages of Life
For thousands of years
Chinese society based their collective ethic
on four distinct stages of life.
1. 0 - 21 years Student
2. 21 - 42 years State Steward
3. 42 - 63 years Parent/Mastership/Home estate
4. 63 - 84 years Retirement/Sage/Advisor
The motivation for living the good life
in each stage of the evolving consciousness,
is based on relative perceptions of Time
Infants live in the here and now
and then ambitiously begin to look ahead into the future
for the next 42 years
and remain concerned with what value society places on them
At menopause one arrives at self mastership,
accepts present circumstances
and concentrates on building a sound home and family.
At retirement the sage looks backwards into the past,
takes stock of life
and is more concerned with what he or she feels
towards the society that supported their life,
rather than what others think of him or her.
I am now three years into that final stage of life
and spend much of my retirement in past reflections
It is these summations of the past
that I share on these philosophical forums
with little concern for what you think of me
and much concern on my part
for the affect the past has on present circumstances
and its portents for the future
Chinese society based their collective ethic
on four distinct stages of life.
1. 0 - 21 years Student
2. 21 - 42 years State Steward
3. 42 - 63 years Parent/Mastership/Home estate
4. 63 - 84 years Retirement/Sage/Advisor
The motivation for living the good life
in each stage of the evolving consciousness,
is based on relative perceptions of Time
Infants live in the here and now
and then ambitiously begin to look ahead into the future
for the next 42 years
and remain concerned with what value society places on them
At menopause one arrives at self mastership,
accepts present circumstances
and concentrates on building a sound home and family.
At retirement the sage looks backwards into the past,
takes stock of life
and is more concerned with what he or she feels
towards the society that supported their life,
rather than what others think of him or her.
I am now three years into that final stage of life
and spend much of my retirement in past reflections
It is these summations of the past
that I share on these philosophical forums
with little concern for what you think of me
and much concern on my part
for the affect the past has on present circumstances
and its portents for the future
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Spiritual Imperative
Philosophy is about what everyone can know/learn/experience about the world, religious experiences are strictly personal and have no place in general discourse.
Our world Holy Scriptures are a record of mankind's earliest philosophical discourses
The fact that they were all theologically orientated
should remain of extreme significance to all philosophers
and not be relegated into the bin of primitive superstition.
Millions of reciorded super-natural testaments made in every culture throughout recorded time
provide a vast body of circumstantial evidence
which informs us that subjective meta-normal experiences
shared with the rest of us by those millions of psychics
is an essential aspect of the human condition.
Science observes the finite
by its own admission
it can never crack the light barrier
which leaves us isolated forever
on a tiny planet on the extreme edge of one of trillions of galaxies
So eventually
without the benefit of our intuitive knowledge
that the spirit is infinite
and the continuous validation of that fact by some of us
science would inevitably lead us all into a state of collective boredom
and mass suicide
Philosophy is about what everyone can know/learn/experience about the world, religious experiences are strictly personal and have no place in general discourse.
Our world Holy Scriptures are a record of mankind's earliest philosophical discourses
The fact that they were all theologically orientated
should remain of extreme significance to all philosophers
and not be relegated into the bin of primitive superstition.
Millions of reciorded super-natural testaments made in every culture throughout recorded time
provide a vast body of circumstantial evidence
which informs us that subjective meta-normal experiences
shared with the rest of us by those millions of psychics
is an essential aspect of the human condition.
Science observes the finite
by its own admission
it can never crack the light barrier
which leaves us isolated forever
on a tiny planet on the extreme edge of one of trillions of galaxies
So eventually
without the benefit of our intuitive knowledge
that the spirit is infinite
and the continuous validation of that fact by some of us
science would inevitably lead us all into a state of collective boredom
and mass suicide
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Then screw the absolute standard of goodness. Let people decide for themselves what is wrong and what is right. That's what I generally call individuality.
The degree of personal responsibility implied by individuality
and the penalties for mistake are so great
any premature assumption of that right
is disgraceful,
A child freshly weaned at three years
needs a standard of goodness to focus on
and since they are naturally superstitious
to the invisible forces of Nature that surround them
it is wise of the parent to tune in to these currents of energy
and encourage the child to tread carefully
and not think or act destructively
and thereby not evoke adverse reactions from Nature
Nature out of self-preservation
imposes an absolute standard of good behavior
I have tested that superstition out on all eight of my children
and it has worked like a charm
Every scratch, bump, bruise, bite,
occurred after they have made a trespass
sometimes the reaction came within seconds!
The net positive psychological gain was
and never came crying for sympathy
By age seven every one of them was entirely self-policed
and tried their best to obey an absolute standard of good behavior
by puberty they were already adults
and never needed another day of parental supervision
They are full adults now
and not one of them believes in coincidence
or accident
Then screw the absolute standard of goodness. Let people decide for themselves what is wrong and what is right. That's what I generally call individuality.
The degree of personal responsibility implied by individuality
and the penalties for mistake are so great
any premature assumption of that right
is disgraceful,
A child freshly weaned at three years
needs a standard of goodness to focus on
and since they are naturally superstitious
to the invisible forces of Nature that surround them
it is wise of the parent to tune in to these currents of energy
and encourage the child to tread carefully
and not think or act destructively
and thereby not evoke adverse reactions from Nature
Nature out of self-preservation
imposes an absolute standard of good behavior
I have tested that superstition out on all eight of my children
and it has worked like a charm
Every scratch, bump, bruise, bite,
occurred after they have made a trespass
sometimes the reaction came within seconds!
The net positive psychological gain was
and never came crying for sympathy
By age seven every one of them was entirely self-policed
and tried their best to obey an absolute standard of good behavior
by puberty they were already adults
and never needed another day of parental supervision
They are full adults now
and not one of them believes in coincidence
or accident
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
God, Devil & Freewill
The believer and the skeptic are even. Now, can you deal with that?
I you were a betting man you would know
they are not even
the odds are with the believer
If the skeptic is wrong about God, he loses his bet
If he is right he has no way of collecting his winnings.
MM, if you are really a thinker, a philosopher, then you ought to consider all the possibilities involved in such speculations. God might exist, very well. But he can also be just a projection of our own natures, a product of our imaginative inquiries.
No man can call himself a philosopher
until he has passed through both gates of Heaven and Hell.
He must experience the ecstatic height of eternal life
and horrible abyss of total annihilation
and from that pilgrimage into the self
determine his world view
I take my hat off to the satanist
who would face the putrid puss of the abyss unflinching
but I will not embrace him
The believer and the skeptic are even. Now, can you deal with that?
I you were a betting man you would know
they are not even
the odds are with the believer
If the skeptic is wrong about God, he loses his bet
If he is right he has no way of collecting his winnings.
MM, if you are really a thinker, a philosopher, then you ought to consider all the possibilities involved in such speculations. God might exist, very well. But he can also be just a projection of our own natures, a product of our imaginative inquiries.
No man can call himself a philosopher
until he has passed through both gates of Heaven and Hell.
He must experience the ecstatic height of eternal life
and horrible abyss of total annihilation
and from that pilgrimage into the self
determine his world view
I take my hat off to the satanist
who would face the putrid puss of the abyss unflinching
but I will not embrace him
God, Devil & Freewill
Effort wrote:
The believer and the skeptic are even. Now, can you deal with that?
I you were a betting man you would know
they are not even
the odds are with the believer
If the skeptic is wrong about God, he loses his bet
If he is right he has no way of collecting his winnings.
MM, if you are really a thinker, a philosopher, then you ought to consider all the possibilities involved in such speculations. God might exist, very well. But he can also be just a projection of our own natures, a product of our imaginative inquiries.
No man can call himself a philosopher
until he has passed through both gates of Heaven and Hell.
He must experience the ecstatic height of eternal life
and horrible abyss of total annihilation
and from that pilgrimage into the self
determine his world view
I take my hat off to the satanist
who would face the putrid puss of the abyss unflinching
but I will not embrace him
The believer and the skeptic are even. Now, can you deal with that?
I you were a betting man you would know
they are not even
the odds are with the believer
If the skeptic is wrong about God, he loses his bet
If he is right he has no way of collecting his winnings.
MM, if you are really a thinker, a philosopher, then you ought to consider all the possibilities involved in such speculations. God might exist, very well. But he can also be just a projection of our own natures, a product of our imaginative inquiries.
No man can call himself a philosopher
until he has passed through both gates of Heaven and Hell.
He must experience the ecstatic height of eternal life
and horrible abyss of total annihilation
and from that pilgrimage into the self
determine his world view
I take my hat off to the satanist
who would face the putrid puss of the abyss unflinching
but I will not embrace him
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I have two female friends
I like them both
for they are sincere in their beliefs
One is deeply religious
a devout believer in God
and life hereafter
She believes in the Holy Scriptures
to the letter.
The other is firmly scientific
a complete atheist
who will argue relentlessly
that there is no such thing as God
or any life after death
and lives a life devoted to empiricism
If I was to marry
seeking someone
only to be a mother and housewife
I would marry the religious
knowing that she would be a loyal wife
and loving mother.
If I was to marry someone
only seeking a practical partner in the business of life
I would marry the scientist
knowing that she would be a reasonable wife
and encouraging mother
But in free choice
I would marry neither
for both are fixed in dogma
and have no mind of their own
I like them both
for they are sincere in their beliefs
One is deeply religious
a devout believer in God
and life hereafter
She believes in the Holy Scriptures
to the letter.
The other is firmly scientific
a complete atheist
who will argue relentlessly
that there is no such thing as God
or any life after death
and lives a life devoted to empiricism
If I was to marry
seeking someone
only to be a mother and housewife
I would marry the religious
knowing that she would be a loyal wife
and loving mother.
If I was to marry someone
only seeking a practical partner in the business of life
I would marry the scientist
knowing that she would be a reasonable wife
and encouraging mother
But in free choice
I would marry neither
for both are fixed in dogma
and have no mind of their own
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Global Economy
Environmental imperatives
have always dictated our social contracts.
There are natural laws of non-trespass that all living organisms (other than parasites)
are subject to.
During the Stone Age
family groups of hunter/gatherers each established their own territorial boundaries.
Those boundaries were determined via a symbiotic arrangement with Nature. (Their annual circuit around their territory had to allow time for plant and animal recovery.) This determined the size of each territory -larger in arid regions and smaller in clement regions.
Population increases resulted in a gradual migration up Africa, into Europe Asia and the rest of the world.
Over-crowding in more fertile regions led to the invention of on Agri-based economy
Clan boundaries were established
Clan Agriculture led eventually to national boundaries, craftsmanship, and an industrial-based economy.
National over-crowding led to imperialism and international colonies and high-tec economies.
We are now faced with globalization and the end of man-made boundaries
The global economy of the future will be based on independently managed eco-boundaries,
Each eco-system will be determined by its own water tables with its economy based on the optimum uses of sustainable resources. Trade will be based on surplus production.
have always dictated our social contracts.
There are natural laws of non-trespass that all living organisms (other than parasites)
are subject to.
During the Stone Age
family groups of hunter/gatherers each established their own territorial boundaries.
Those boundaries were determined via a symbiotic arrangement with Nature. (Their annual circuit around their territory had to allow time for plant and animal recovery.) This determined the size of each territory -larger in arid regions and smaller in clement regions.
Population increases resulted in a gradual migration up Africa, into Europe Asia and the rest of the world.
Over-crowding in more fertile regions led to the invention of on Agri-based economy
Clan boundaries were established
Clan Agriculture led eventually to national boundaries, craftsmanship, and an industrial-based economy.
National over-crowding led to imperialism and international colonies and high-tec economies.
We are now faced with globalization and the end of man-made boundaries
The global economy of the future will be based on independently managed eco-boundaries,
Each eco-system will be determined by its own water tables with its economy based on the optimum uses of sustainable resources. Trade will be based on surplus production.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Evolution of Human Consciousness
Africa is the common homeland of all mankind.
Africa also remains the last living repository of precisely what went on in our prehistoric periods.
The San Bushmen of the Kalahari are among the last remnants of our Stone Age culture.
Rural tribal Bantu groups are among the last remnants of our Bronze Age culture.
I spend half my life studying both the San and the Bantu tribes and have constructed our entire forgotten past from those researches.
One can argue that I am making suppositions.
That is true.
But I have reason for faith in my interpretations
Decades of direct experience on the ground among those surviving cultures, clearly reveal the social organizational imperatives that forced both family group hunter/gatherers and clan group agriculture's to remain within prescribed survival parameters.
Comparisons with existing shamanist practices as far apart as Siberia and North America with those practiced in Africa, tend to confirm basic Bronze Age cultural similarities.
From these researches I have defined the following.
The Stone Age is defined by Hunter/gatherer family groups who survive via a social ethic of meticulous sharing, and an intuitive spiritual sense that Nature is a conscious organism, jealously guarding against destructive trespass. They are all Animists
The Bronze Age is defined by an agricultural existence, extended family cooperation, oral-based communication and clan totemism.
Ancestral worship is practiced via the medium of psychically gifted shamans.
These fundamental social and spiritual realities are the the common prehistoric denominators that guided the development of all human cultures.
It is from that common foundation that all Iron Age nations were formed and developed individual script-based industrial organizations.
All of that prehistoric development is lost in all but the remotest regions of the world.
Three early English pioneer colonists were witness to the federation of the Nguni clans under the despotic rule of the warlord, Shaka Zulu, in the late 18th and early 19th Century. Their surviving diaries describing that momentous event provided me with a clear window into the exact moment a Bronze Age culture came to an end, and how an Iron Age of national organization began.
The on-going survival of a ruling dynasty also reveals why the need for and introduction of orthodox scriptures were a national imperative It made me realize that by learning the mechanics of grammar via scriptural missionaries, the precise spiritual stimulus was created to sustain conscientious craftsmanship as well as engage the human intellect in abstract reasoning, necessary for a further Age of scientific determinism and religious protest to arise out of the Iron Age.
Thus the Iron Age is defined by national industrialization with conscientious craftsmanship religiously sustained by orthodox Scriptural observances
The Steel Age is defined by international colonization, scientific intellectual self-determinism and religious protestation
This logical evolutionary progression of human development through four distinct Ages of mass changes of consciousness is common to all developed cultures.
With the introduction of the nuclear theory, which explains the relationship between orthodox religion and the reasons for protestation, all indications are the we now face a 5th mass shift of human consciousness into the formation of a Nuclear Age Global Cooperative, with us all involved in sustainable planet management and practicing an ontological form of spirituality.
If you are interested, the exact circumstances of my research can be found in
Psyche-Genetics - The Metaphysical Implications of Human Evolution.
If you PM me I will give you the link.
Africa also remains the last living repository of precisely what went on in our prehistoric periods.
The San Bushmen of the Kalahari are among the last remnants of our Stone Age culture.
Rural tribal Bantu groups are among the last remnants of our Bronze Age culture.
I spend half my life studying both the San and the Bantu tribes and have constructed our entire forgotten past from those researches.
One can argue that I am making suppositions.
That is true.
But I have reason for faith in my interpretations
Decades of direct experience on the ground among those surviving cultures, clearly reveal the social organizational imperatives that forced both family group hunter/gatherers and clan group agriculture's to remain within prescribed survival parameters.
Comparisons with existing shamanist practices as far apart as Siberia and North America with those practiced in Africa, tend to confirm basic Bronze Age cultural similarities.
From these researches I have defined the following.
The Stone Age is defined by Hunter/gatherer family groups who survive via a social ethic of meticulous sharing, and an intuitive spiritual sense that Nature is a conscious organism, jealously guarding against destructive trespass. They are all Animists
The Bronze Age is defined by an agricultural existence, extended family cooperation, oral-based communication and clan totemism.
Ancestral worship is practiced via the medium of psychically gifted shamans.
These fundamental social and spiritual realities are the the common prehistoric denominators that guided the development of all human cultures.
It is from that common foundation that all Iron Age nations were formed and developed individual script-based industrial organizations.
All of that prehistoric development is lost in all but the remotest regions of the world.
Three early English pioneer colonists were witness to the federation of the Nguni clans under the despotic rule of the warlord, Shaka Zulu, in the late 18th and early 19th Century. Their surviving diaries describing that momentous event provided me with a clear window into the exact moment a Bronze Age culture came to an end, and how an Iron Age of national organization began.
The on-going survival of a ruling dynasty also reveals why the need for and introduction of orthodox scriptures were a national imperative It made me realize that by learning the mechanics of grammar via scriptural missionaries, the precise spiritual stimulus was created to sustain conscientious craftsmanship as well as engage the human intellect in abstract reasoning, necessary for a further Age of scientific determinism and religious protest to arise out of the Iron Age.
Thus the Iron Age is defined by national industrialization with conscientious craftsmanship religiously sustained by orthodox Scriptural observances
The Steel Age is defined by international colonization, scientific intellectual self-determinism and religious protestation
This logical evolutionary progression of human development through four distinct Ages of mass changes of consciousness is common to all developed cultures.
With the introduction of the nuclear theory, which explains the relationship between orthodox religion and the reasons for protestation, all indications are the we now face a 5th mass shift of human consciousness into the formation of a Nuclear Age Global Cooperative, with us all involved in sustainable planet management and practicing an ontological form of spirituality.
If you are interested, the exact circumstances of my research can be found in
Psyche-Genetics - The Metaphysical Implications of Human Evolution.
If you PM me I will give you the link.
Monday, March 02, 2009
It is Time to bring Incest out of the Family Closet
The taboo against incest began
as a clan custom during the Bronze Age
Virgins received a high bride price
This assured paternity
and helped to cement clan alliances
The hold-over into modern times
makes no sense
keeping incest in the closet
is causing untold harm
if not millions of families
are forced by law
to live lives of fear and shame
because some damn fool geneticists
a century ago,
interested only in laboratory statistics,
stated that a small percentage of incestuous offspring,
might suffer some form of genetic disorder.
And what I am saying
loud and clear
so that deaf ears might hear
The whole of species evolution
is founded on incest
it is therefore
not even remotely unnatural,
healthy parents
no matter what their relationship
will beget perfectly healthy off spring
and unhealthy parents
not matter what their relationship
will beget unhealthy offspring
the law against incest
is unjustly and cruelly punishing the innocent
for no sound reason.
It should be put aside
and allow families
to come out of the closet
and live normal lives
I would like to know what anybody with some balls
has to say about all that.
as a clan custom during the Bronze Age
Virgins received a high bride price
This assured paternity
and helped to cement clan alliances
The hold-over into modern times
makes no sense
keeping incest in the closet
is causing untold harm
if not millions of families
are forced by law
to live lives of fear and shame
because some damn fool geneticists
a century ago,
interested only in laboratory statistics,
stated that a small percentage of incestuous offspring,
might suffer some form of genetic disorder.
And what I am saying
loud and clear
so that deaf ears might hear
The whole of species evolution
is founded on incest
it is therefore
not even remotely unnatural,
healthy parents
no matter what their relationship
will beget perfectly healthy off spring
and unhealthy parents
not matter what their relationship
will beget unhealthy offspring
the law against incest
is unjustly and cruelly punishing the innocent
for no sound reason.
It should be put aside
and allow families
to come out of the closet
and live normal lives
I would like to know what anybody with some balls
has to say about all that.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Testosterone; Its Rapacious Influence on Male Behavior
Widows and Widowers
I have been exchanging views with a young widow who is in deep mourning after the recent demise of her much-loved mate. She finds solace in the invisible arms of her God
I am a middle-aged widower who's mourning for my recently lost mate is over-ruled by the alchemy of a still-virile male physique that continues to produce copious amounts of testosterone, which, without the regular domestication of loving sexual intercourse drives the male hormones towards rapacious impulses and imagery.
In simple terms the accustomed feelings of gentle and constructive husbandry that I have enjoyed over the past 25 years of marital bliss, have, despite the ravages of age, returned to the youthful, savage, relentless drive of mate-hunting.
This surge of kundulini energy and focus is clearly evident on the racquetball court where I easily out-last, out-play and demolish the youthful power of my husky young sons. On the golf course I am once again unleashing enough power to smash the ball 300 yards. And our once calm and peaceful household is now more and more frequently interrupted by my challenging roars of male dominance.
So there you have it
It took me a while to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.
Now that I know
it is only fair that you know
I have been exchanging views with a young widow who is in deep mourning after the recent demise of her much-loved mate. She finds solace in the invisible arms of her God
I am a middle-aged widower who's mourning for my recently lost mate is over-ruled by the alchemy of a still-virile male physique that continues to produce copious amounts of testosterone, which, without the regular domestication of loving sexual intercourse drives the male hormones towards rapacious impulses and imagery.
In simple terms the accustomed feelings of gentle and constructive husbandry that I have enjoyed over the past 25 years of marital bliss, have, despite the ravages of age, returned to the youthful, savage, relentless drive of mate-hunting.
This surge of kundulini energy and focus is clearly evident on the racquetball court where I easily out-last, out-play and demolish the youthful power of my husky young sons. On the golf course I am once again unleashing enough power to smash the ball 300 yards. And our once calm and peaceful household is now more and more frequently interrupted by my challenging roars of male dominance.
So there you have it
It took me a while to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.
Now that I know
it is only fair that you know
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Critera for World peace & Economic Prosperity
b[b]]Imprinting the Custodian Ethic[/b][/b]
The recipe for a universally acceptable prescription that can establish a
global base of equal opportunity, and thereby promote peaceful coexistence
among all people, will never be found in the mix of any existing
systems of human government. In the present competitive milieu, the law
of the jungle will prevail; the eight hundred-pound gorilla will get most
of the bananas and the whole point and purpose of the cultivation of the
human spirit is thereby reduced to a meaningless exercise.
The basic reason why the solution to world peace fails us has been fully
articulated in[i] Psyche-Genetics.[/i] It has stated repeatedly that the fundamental
social and spiritual value of meticulous sharing that sustains the peace
and harmony in every cultured human family, has been hopelessly buried
under an artificial global economic structure that encourages several thousand
dispirit societies to all compete, independently and unequally, for the
biggest piece of the pie that they can get their hands on. The problem is
compounded when it is realized that we have artificially decided on how
big the pie should be. We have yet to realize that each individual human
being possesses enough latent creative power to replace a thousand-fold,
the amount of energy he or she consumes in a lifetime. The pie in fact, is
infinite and our argument over it, superficial.
So what is to be done about the situation as it stands? It is obvious that the
spiritual eye of most of us is closed, leaving us unable to see into the future
and recognize the marvelous feast our Father has laid out for us after so
many tens of thousands of generations of labor and hope.
But what our evolution has done is make the analytical half of our collective
psyche, if not fully operational, at least focused enough to see that the
current global situation is highly precarious. Under our current systems of
international management only a tiny fraction of the people on the planet
are enjoying the luxuries and full benefits of economic security. And in
the future, as our numbers keep growing, the gap between rich and poor
can only grow wider.
What we need is an entire planet makeover. The major hurdle confronting
us is the fact that there is no quick fix. The current policy of zero-population
growth is not only unnatural and morally reprehensible, all it will do
in the long run at best, is keep the wolves of global hunger at bay – not
produce the Garden of Eden our ancestors have worked for. Even if we all
get together and agree on mass change and begin to institute it tomorrow,
it will be at least a generation before any significant results will begin
to appear. In today’s atmosphere of short-term expectations, arriving at
a long-term consensus is going to be difficult, and implementing it even
more so.
The first reality that we have to face is that we have to return to the fundamental
family and extended-family values that defined our humanity and
separated us from the apes in the first place. We have to refocus our faith
on the compassionate nature of the Divine spirit that lives inside all of us.
In order for that to happen, the false foundations and synthetic edifice of
the Tower of Babel that we have constructed has to be dismantled. Either
we do it ourselves in an orderly manner, or forces beyond our control will
bring it crumbling down over our heads.
If we cannot all see what will work for us, at least we should all be able
to agree on what does not. In this era of ever-increasing global interdependence,
the whole world has to realize that the Age of National Independence;
competing political ideologies, scientifically-controlled determinism
and religious Protest should be buried and put to rest as soon as
possible, before this dying Age’s inability to deal with world poverty and
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, make nuclear war a terminal
reality for all life on the planet.
World consensus on what shape that future should take can only be
achieved initially via a universally accepted education policy, based on
the commonalty of basic social values and the spiritual essence of Atomic
If an education based on nuclear theory is to be introduced to the psyche of
the world child without a conflict between physics and metaphysics, then
the charismatic attributes of sub-atomic particles currently under observation
in quantum mechanics needs to be more holistically understood and
This Nuclear Age education designed to develop the dual nature of the human
psyche and evoke not only our technological ingenuity to deal with
the large scale planet management projects that lie ahead of us, but also
our soul power of compassionate understanding and thereby put an end to
the immaturity of ideological warfare, must be based on the recognition of
the commonalty of the Divine nature of our collective consciousness and
the Cosmic laws of Cause and Effect that govern our ethical behavior.
The human ego has to let go of the gross concept that the human form is
the only magical association of atomic forces that is capable of expressing
consciousness. Beauty of Form and behavior are expressed throughout the
entire Universe.
We have to rise above the biological impulses that are behind our current
reactions to environmental demands. The present urgency among
the industrialized nations of the World to achieve nuclear capability, not
simply as an alternative energy resource, or for reasons of national pride
and independence, but also (overtly or covertly) to arm themselves with
weapons of mass destruction, are subconsciously motivated by an ethical
imperative to achieve parity. That evolutionary principle is inviolate. No
man can be eternally subservient to another, nor can any nation. Global
thermo-nuclear warfare is therefore, most definitely on our horizon and
will certainly take place unless we make a concerted spiritual effort to
forestall it.
In previous Ages, environmental pressures demanding mass change have
traditionally been relieved through all-out war with a resultant period of
utter chaos before the New Age paradigm settled in. Population pressures
this time are global wide and conventional war no longer an option. The
present danger is magnified by the fact that we are only vaguely aware of
the underlying forces that are pushing us into the future. Our military supremacy
cannot protect the status quo forever. Nineteen young men with
box-cutters revealed how vulnerable we really are. International terrorist
organizations are determined to get their hands on fission material and will
eventually succeed.
What needs to be more fully understood by the powers that are currently
trying to defuse the global situation is that the drive for equality via nuclear
parity is profoundly spiritual as well as superficially political. The Nuclear
Equation has not yet factored in the infinite force of spiritual power that
resides inside Dark Matter. It is our manifest destiny for each and every
one of us to evoke and make use of that power. Without the assurance
that hard-won metaphysical insight provides, the unification of universal
forces can never be achieved and the presence of Dark Matter will forever
remain mysterious.
The question then, is what global policy can be instituted right now that
can defuse tensions and work towards achieving the equality that all humans
yearn for.
In order to answer what is perhaps the most pertinent question of this moment
in time, we need to look very carefully at exactly what the evolution
of human progression is telling us.
The recipe for a universally acceptable prescription that can establish a
global base of equal opportunity, and thereby promote peaceful coexistence
among all people, will never be found in the mix of any existing
systems of human government. In the present competitive milieu, the law
of the jungle will prevail; the eight hundred-pound gorilla will get most
of the bananas and the whole point and purpose of the cultivation of the
human spirit is thereby reduced to a meaningless exercise.
The basic reason why the solution to world peace fails us has been fully
articulated in[i] Psyche-Genetics.[/i] It has stated repeatedly that the fundamental
social and spiritual value of meticulous sharing that sustains the peace
and harmony in every cultured human family, has been hopelessly buried
under an artificial global economic structure that encourages several thousand
dispirit societies to all compete, independently and unequally, for the
biggest piece of the pie that they can get their hands on. The problem is
compounded when it is realized that we have artificially decided on how
big the pie should be. We have yet to realize that each individual human
being possesses enough latent creative power to replace a thousand-fold,
the amount of energy he or she consumes in a lifetime. The pie in fact, is
infinite and our argument over it, superficial.
So what is to be done about the situation as it stands? It is obvious that the
spiritual eye of most of us is closed, leaving us unable to see into the future
and recognize the marvelous feast our Father has laid out for us after so
many tens of thousands of generations of labor and hope.
But what our evolution has done is make the analytical half of our collective
psyche, if not fully operational, at least focused enough to see that the
current global situation is highly precarious. Under our current systems of
international management only a tiny fraction of the people on the planet
are enjoying the luxuries and full benefits of economic security. And in
the future, as our numbers keep growing, the gap between rich and poor
can only grow wider.
What we need is an entire planet makeover. The major hurdle confronting
us is the fact that there is no quick fix. The current policy of zero-population
growth is not only unnatural and morally reprehensible, all it will do
in the long run at best, is keep the wolves of global hunger at bay – not
produce the Garden of Eden our ancestors have worked for. Even if we all
get together and agree on mass change and begin to institute it tomorrow,
it will be at least a generation before any significant results will begin
to appear. In today’s atmosphere of short-term expectations, arriving at
a long-term consensus is going to be difficult, and implementing it even
more so.
The first reality that we have to face is that we have to return to the fundamental
family and extended-family values that defined our humanity and
separated us from the apes in the first place. We have to refocus our faith
on the compassionate nature of the Divine spirit that lives inside all of us.
In order for that to happen, the false foundations and synthetic edifice of
the Tower of Babel that we have constructed has to be dismantled. Either
we do it ourselves in an orderly manner, or forces beyond our control will
bring it crumbling down over our heads.
If we cannot all see what will work for us, at least we should all be able
to agree on what does not. In this era of ever-increasing global interdependence,
the whole world has to realize that the Age of National Independence;
competing political ideologies, scientifically-controlled determinism
and religious Protest should be buried and put to rest as soon as
possible, before this dying Age’s inability to deal with world poverty and
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, make nuclear war a terminal
reality for all life on the planet.
World consensus on what shape that future should take can only be
achieved initially via a universally accepted education policy, based on
the commonalty of basic social values and the spiritual essence of Atomic
If an education based on nuclear theory is to be introduced to the psyche of
the world child without a conflict between physics and metaphysics, then
the charismatic attributes of sub-atomic particles currently under observation
in quantum mechanics needs to be more holistically understood and
This Nuclear Age education designed to develop the dual nature of the human
psyche and evoke not only our technological ingenuity to deal with
the large scale planet management projects that lie ahead of us, but also
our soul power of compassionate understanding and thereby put an end to
the immaturity of ideological warfare, must be based on the recognition of
the commonalty of the Divine nature of our collective consciousness and
the Cosmic laws of Cause and Effect that govern our ethical behavior.
The human ego has to let go of the gross concept that the human form is
the only magical association of atomic forces that is capable of expressing
consciousness. Beauty of Form and behavior are expressed throughout the
entire Universe.
We have to rise above the biological impulses that are behind our current
reactions to environmental demands. The present urgency among
the industrialized nations of the World to achieve nuclear capability, not
simply as an alternative energy resource, or for reasons of national pride
and independence, but also (overtly or covertly) to arm themselves with
weapons of mass destruction, are subconsciously motivated by an ethical
imperative to achieve parity. That evolutionary principle is inviolate. No
man can be eternally subservient to another, nor can any nation. Global
thermo-nuclear warfare is therefore, most definitely on our horizon and
will certainly take place unless we make a concerted spiritual effort to
forestall it.
In previous Ages, environmental pressures demanding mass change have
traditionally been relieved through all-out war with a resultant period of
utter chaos before the New Age paradigm settled in. Population pressures
this time are global wide and conventional war no longer an option. The
present danger is magnified by the fact that we are only vaguely aware of
the underlying forces that are pushing us into the future. Our military supremacy
cannot protect the status quo forever. Nineteen young men with
box-cutters revealed how vulnerable we really are. International terrorist
organizations are determined to get their hands on fission material and will
eventually succeed.
What needs to be more fully understood by the powers that are currently
trying to defuse the global situation is that the drive for equality via nuclear
parity is profoundly spiritual as well as superficially political. The Nuclear
Equation has not yet factored in the infinite force of spiritual power that
resides inside Dark Matter. It is our manifest destiny for each and every
one of us to evoke and make use of that power. Without the assurance
that hard-won metaphysical insight provides, the unification of universal
forces can never be achieved and the presence of Dark Matter will forever
remain mysterious.
The question then, is what global policy can be instituted right now that
can defuse tensions and work towards achieving the equality that all humans
yearn for.
In order to answer what is perhaps the most pertinent question of this moment
in time, we need to look very carefully at exactly what the evolution
of human progression is telling us.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bush Truth Commission
The Truth Commission proposed by Senator Leahy presents all of us with perhaps the only bright light that can lead this country out of the many dark crevices we have fallen into in our national and individual pursuit, not of happiness, but of wealth and power. The Commission's potential for cleaning our house and putting all of us back on the road toward honor and dignity in ourselves and our national purpose, reaches far beyond exposing the wrong-doings of the Bush Administration or any economic stimulus package that the Obama Administration may propose.
The beauty of it is that it will cost very little money and, if handled carefully and with tact, it may well snowball into accomplishing much, much, more than the goal it is currently proposing.
As a former state prosecutor the Senator is well aware of how the legal system works against itself - with the accused seeking every legal loophole to avoid prosecution. In this sense half the Law works to find the truth and the other half works to obscure it. He has said that such an approach against the trespasses of the Bush Administration would cost millions and take up to fifteen years to determine and end up punishing only those minions at the bottom of the pile.
By granting full immunity to all who come forward to confess their part in any and every machination to circumvent laws, we do not have a nation ratting on itself, but the opportunity for a once honorable people to finally vomit up all and everything vile contaminant that has blinded, demeaned and weakened us, not only in the eyes of an anxious world, but in the depths of our own hearts.
It is my hope that the value of such a forgiving Christian approach spreads far and wide into every dark corner of every institution in the nation - not with the object of punishing any single person or group, but of restoring ourselves and our nation to good health.
S.W. Pringle
Director Global Stewardship Foundation
The beauty of it is that it will cost very little money and, if handled carefully and with tact, it may well snowball into accomplishing much, much, more than the goal it is currently proposing.
As a former state prosecutor the Senator is well aware of how the legal system works against itself - with the accused seeking every legal loophole to avoid prosecution. In this sense half the Law works to find the truth and the other half works to obscure it. He has said that such an approach against the trespasses of the Bush Administration would cost millions and take up to fifteen years to determine and end up punishing only those minions at the bottom of the pile.
By granting full immunity to all who come forward to confess their part in any and every machination to circumvent laws, we do not have a nation ratting on itself, but the opportunity for a once honorable people to finally vomit up all and everything vile contaminant that has blinded, demeaned and weakened us, not only in the eyes of an anxious world, but in the depths of our own hearts.
It is my hope that the value of such a forgiving Christian approach spreads far and wide into every dark corner of every institution in the nation - not with the object of punishing any single person or group, but of restoring ourselves and our nation to good health.
S.W. Pringle
Director Global Stewardship Foundation
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Natural Consciousness
If elephants have the sort of representational abilities you're attributing to them, we should be able to get elephants to learn things from pictures (the location of food, for instance). Or, they should be able to draw novel representations, and not only the ones they've been trained to draw. We have no evidence that they are able to do either.
Elephants have more than just a reptilian brain stem. That's all any of us need for basic survival. A cortex helps us to analyze things. They have a cortex. Not as big as ours, but big enough to have an analytical and intuitive consciousness far above the limits you are trying to ascribe to them. They are not automated consciousnesses. That friendship with the tiny dog and the concern for its illness, the presentation of a flower; all show that they profess as much aesthetic appreciation and empathy with other species, if not more, than we do. They do not destroy other specie senselessly like we do. When an elephants sees a mouse, it does not trample on it. Dolphins have an even bigger brains than ours. Why? Who is to argue that they have might have a far better knowledge and understanding of the greater portion of this planet than we will ever attain?
Life is not just about collating data. It is about experiencing it. A King might not believe that a low-born peasant shares the same values. But that is because of bigotry and nurturing. Are we pseudo-intellectually bigoted about the intelligence of "low born" animals? How sure are you that we are not?
We never invented ourselves. Nature produced us. We all evolved out of the same first cell. Everything that was ever to be, had to be already imprinted in it. We are extensions of Natural consciousness, born of this earth, not aliens injected from some other dimension. We belong to the primate specie. Our base consciousness is natural. It is shared by all of Nature. Birds sing. We sing. Males battle for supremacy. Birds fall in love for life. Dogs mourn the death of human friends. Our specie developed a reflective ego. Why, only God knows. But it separated us from our natural base. Ever since then we have being trying to find our way back to God consciousness - through religion and science. That effort defines our survival dynamic. Animals and plants never got lost. They are God's repository. And every now and then He sends us message through one of them, via the gift of a flower, to remind the prodigal gambler of our natural family and our shared family values.
If elephants have the sort of representational abilities you're attributing to them, we should be able to get elephants to learn things from pictures (the location of food, for instance). Or, they should be able to draw novel representations, and not only the ones they've been trained to draw. We have no evidence that they are able to do either.
Elephants have more than just a reptilian brain stem. That's all any of us need for basic survival. A cortex helps us to analyze things. They have a cortex. Not as big as ours, but big enough to have an analytical and intuitive consciousness far above the limits you are trying to ascribe to them. They are not automated consciousnesses. That friendship with the tiny dog and the concern for its illness, the presentation of a flower; all show that they profess as much aesthetic appreciation and empathy with other species, if not more, than we do. They do not destroy other specie senselessly like we do. When an elephants sees a mouse, it does not trample on it. Dolphins have an even bigger brains than ours. Why? Who is to argue that they have might have a far better knowledge and understanding of the greater portion of this planet than we will ever attain?
Life is not just about collating data. It is about experiencing it. A King might not believe that a low-born peasant shares the same values. But that is because of bigotry and nurturing. Are we pseudo-intellectually bigoted about the intelligence of "low born" animals? How sure are you that we are not?
We never invented ourselves. Nature produced us. We all evolved out of the same first cell. Everything that was ever to be, had to be already imprinted in it. We are extensions of Natural consciousness, born of this earth, not aliens injected from some other dimension. We belong to the primate specie. Our base consciousness is natural. It is shared by all of Nature. Birds sing. We sing. Males battle for supremacy. Birds fall in love for life. Dogs mourn the death of human friends. Our specie developed a reflective ego. Why, only God knows. But it separated us from our natural base. Ever since then we have being trying to find our way back to God consciousness - through religion and science. That effort defines our survival dynamic. Animals and plants never got lost. They are God's repository. And every now and then He sends us message through one of them, via the gift of a flower, to remind the prodigal gambler of our natural family and our shared family values.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Goodness & Badness
Define Goodness and Badness
Goodness: The evolution of consciousness from infnat naivete to cosmic sagaciousness
Badness: The Random dynamic
Does "random dynamic" exist in your perspective?I mean, you take god for granted and god is omniscience/omnipotent/omnipresent for you,most probably.
If so, it doesn't leave room for something other than god's intention.
Everything is god and good and by god for god for good of god, and so on.
Where is the badness you think of?
Very good question.
Indeed, God does not play dice with the universe. But He is not completely immune to the odd flutter now and then. So he added a joker or two to the pack. This ensures that no end-game can be absolutely computed. It also ensures that He can never be bored by the game. He has to stay alert and keep making tiny adjustements to His creation, ere it fall over the edge into chaos. In this sense randomness is Good.
Do you really think that humans can continue to multiply indefinitely?
And how about all other creatures?
The evolution of human consciousness is on a set cycle - with a definable beginning and end. We are about a quarter of the way into the cycle. Actually you and I are having this conversation at a very exciting moment in the cycle. Only four mass shifts of consciousness have taken place over the past 2.5 million years. The last one happened around 500. B.C. when human intellect had developed enough to challenge religious dogma and set off on a self-determinant tangent. That teenage rebellion of trying to analyze the infinite is now almost over. Einstein popped the Newtonian bubble. The universe is not a clock. So now that the clock has stopped, we are all caught up in an eerie time warp. We don't know what to do without a watch. The alarm button won't work either. It is a rather scary moment, I will admit. Millions of us are half awake. We are urging the rest of us to put away the dice. We have got stop gambling with the stocks and bonds of the family estate. Fast cars, fast women, playing Russian roulette with nuclear guns has got to end. The prodigal son has got to return to Our Father's house. The omens for mass change are all in place. We have a new doctrine in Nuclear Theory. Confidence in government and the economy is in a major free fall. All of this is telling a complacent collective conscious that it is time to move on, clock or no clock.
So, in answer to question: No. We will not multiply indefinitely and over-populate every planet in the universe.
But we still have a ways to go before we grow old and die on the home planet. How long each of the next development ages will take, only God knows. In the meantime, we have to press on with our evolutionary journey. We need families in order to continue towards our cosmic destiny. We must continue to breed. The larger each family group, the easier it is to socialize each child. This of course flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But zero population growth is an abomination. Nature will not allow it. She never developed this big brain in order for it to go negative on Her.
Is it really good if cockroaches and all other things multiplied to fill all spaces? :D
How about germs and bacteria and virus? Should they continue to multiply in your body to be good?
I have already mentioned that big brain of ours. And also that desperate teenage quest to find a logical answer to the meaning of existence. It was not a side trip after all. That whole age has given us the precise technology we need to successfully manage an entire planet in a sustainable way, while we continue to double our population every generation.
We know that the sun provides us with enough daily calories to support 1000 billion humans, as well as the existing ecology. Some say 2000 billion. So we know the limit, which is a good indication of the end-game for us.
So now the big brain must devise ways and meant to occupy less and less s earth space in order to allow our numbers to grow, without hurting the ecology. In fact, we have an initial huge task of cleaning up an age of untidy industrial effort - and getting it back to the way Nature had it in the first place. So the obvious answer for continued growth is for our specie to go UP not sprawl OUT.
High rise living.
High Rise farming.
High rise industry.
Mega ergonomic human hives, that generate their own clean energy, harvest water from the atmosphere, complete with tree-lined boulevards, plantations, streams and waterfalls. With the rest of nature a escalator ride from the entrances.
So in answer to your question. Don't worry about the rest of creation. Nature will keep it in in symbiosis. There will be no roaches indoors. No infestation. No need for deadly chemicals.
Other than your personal fear and worrying (about yourself and your family and maybe for others), are there any motivation to think about "goodness" and "badness", especially in non-relative manner?
I am a philosopher Worry is what I do. It would be nice if a got a small salary for it. But such is life.
"You have said elsewhere that Old fashioned family values are central to Goodness without them we are going nowhere"
"Family value" can vary wildly from one tribe/culture to another, which may lead to "goodness" relativism.
Not so. Who told to you that?
Every single culture on the planet originated from a common family group 2,5 million years ago. The family values that were established during the formative stages of the Stone and Bronze Ages, which constitute 99.9% of our time evolving a social and spiritual consciousness, remain common to every human culture on the planet.
What's the exact content of your "old fashioned family value"?
Amazing. the perfect final question!
Here are our seven basic survival ethics, in order of development between infancy and sagehood
1. Sharing
2. chores (home and garden)
3. courage
4. loving
5. conscientiousness (craftsmanship}
6. vision (intuition - expressed through art)
7. intellect (analysis - expressed through technology}
It is the parents responsibility to ensure that the first six ethics are seated by puberty
This produces an ethical self-policed consciousness, quite able to master text books without assistance
This "miracle of education" cannot be done artificially inside a state classroom
It has to be accomplished in the home environment, by BOTH parents.
It is the best investment any nation can make in its own future
It does away with the entire waste of heavily policed social administration (up to 60% of the GNP)
Goodness: The evolution of consciousness from infnat naivete to cosmic sagaciousness
Badness: The Random dynamic
Does "random dynamic" exist in your perspective?I mean, you take god for granted and god is omniscience/omnipotent/omnipresent for you,most probably.
If so, it doesn't leave room for something other than god's intention.
Everything is god and good and by god for god for good of god, and so on.
Where is the badness you think of?
Very good question.
Indeed, God does not play dice with the universe. But He is not completely immune to the odd flutter now and then. So he added a joker or two to the pack. This ensures that no end-game can be absolutely computed. It also ensures that He can never be bored by the game. He has to stay alert and keep making tiny adjustements to His creation, ere it fall over the edge into chaos. In this sense randomness is Good.
Do you really think that humans can continue to multiply indefinitely?
And how about all other creatures?
The evolution of human consciousness is on a set cycle - with a definable beginning and end. We are about a quarter of the way into the cycle. Actually you and I are having this conversation at a very exciting moment in the cycle. Only four mass shifts of consciousness have taken place over the past 2.5 million years. The last one happened around 500. B.C. when human intellect had developed enough to challenge religious dogma and set off on a self-determinant tangent. That teenage rebellion of trying to analyze the infinite is now almost over. Einstein popped the Newtonian bubble. The universe is not a clock. So now that the clock has stopped, we are all caught up in an eerie time warp. We don't know what to do without a watch. The alarm button won't work either. It is a rather scary moment, I will admit. Millions of us are half awake. We are urging the rest of us to put away the dice. We have got stop gambling with the stocks and bonds of the family estate. Fast cars, fast women, playing Russian roulette with nuclear guns has got to end. The prodigal son has got to return to Our Father's house. The omens for mass change are all in place. We have a new doctrine in Nuclear Theory. Confidence in government and the economy is in a major free fall. All of this is telling a complacent collective conscious that it is time to move on, clock or no clock.
So, in answer to question: No. We will not multiply indefinitely and over-populate every planet in the universe.
But we still have a ways to go before we grow old and die on the home planet. How long each of the next development ages will take, only God knows. In the meantime, we have to press on with our evolutionary journey. We need families in order to continue towards our cosmic destiny. We must continue to breed. The larger each family group, the easier it is to socialize each child. This of course flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But zero population growth is an abomination. Nature will not allow it. She never developed this big brain in order for it to go negative on Her.
Is it really good if cockroaches and all other things multiplied to fill all spaces? :D
How about germs and bacteria and virus? Should they continue to multiply in your body to be good?
I have already mentioned that big brain of ours. And also that desperate teenage quest to find a logical answer to the meaning of existence. It was not a side trip after all. That whole age has given us the precise technology we need to successfully manage an entire planet in a sustainable way, while we continue to double our population every generation.
We know that the sun provides us with enough daily calories to support 1000 billion humans, as well as the existing ecology. Some say 2000 billion. So we know the limit, which is a good indication of the end-game for us.
So now the big brain must devise ways and meant to occupy less and less s earth space in order to allow our numbers to grow, without hurting the ecology. In fact, we have an initial huge task of cleaning up an age of untidy industrial effort - and getting it back to the way Nature had it in the first place. So the obvious answer for continued growth is for our specie to go UP not sprawl OUT.
High rise living.
High Rise farming.
High rise industry.
Mega ergonomic human hives, that generate their own clean energy, harvest water from the atmosphere, complete with tree-lined boulevards, plantations, streams and waterfalls. With the rest of nature a escalator ride from the entrances.
So in answer to your question. Don't worry about the rest of creation. Nature will keep it in in symbiosis. There will be no roaches indoors. No infestation. No need for deadly chemicals.
Other than your personal fear and worrying (about yourself and your family and maybe for others), are there any motivation to think about "goodness" and "badness", especially in non-relative manner?
I am a philosopher Worry is what I do. It would be nice if a got a small salary for it. But such is life.
"You have said elsewhere that Old fashioned family values are central to Goodness without them we are going nowhere"
"Family value" can vary wildly from one tribe/culture to another, which may lead to "goodness" relativism.
Not so. Who told to you that?
Every single culture on the planet originated from a common family group 2,5 million years ago. The family values that were established during the formative stages of the Stone and Bronze Ages, which constitute 99.9% of our time evolving a social and spiritual consciousness, remain common to every human culture on the planet.
What's the exact content of your "old fashioned family value"?
Amazing. the perfect final question!
Here are our seven basic survival ethics, in order of development between infancy and sagehood
1. Sharing
2. chores (home and garden)
3. courage
4. loving
5. conscientiousness (craftsmanship}
6. vision (intuition - expressed through art)
7. intellect (analysis - expressed through technology}
It is the parents responsibility to ensure that the first six ethics are seated by puberty
This produces an ethical self-policed consciousness, quite able to master text books without assistance
This "miracle of education" cannot be done artificially inside a state classroom
It has to be accomplished in the home environment, by BOTH parents.
It is the best investment any nation can make in its own future
It does away with the entire waste of heavily policed social administration (up to 60% of the GNP)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Man & Beast - A Shared Consciounsess
There is no way that I can detect in the following video on UTUBE that it may be faked in any way.
It it is true then it radically alters our consciousness as regard our human relationship with Mother Nature.
The execution of the drawing you are about to see is as thoughtful, spiritual and masterful as anything a Picasso could produce.
It reveals a consciousness that, in essence, is no different from ours.
There are no words I can use to describe the impact it has had on my psyche.
In the space of ten minutes it has altered my entire world view.
Just for starters, from a personal behavioral aspect it has immediately and radically altered my own attitude towards eating the flesh of any animal. I have suddenly and irrevocably become a vegetarian.
I now feel that commercial animal slaughter it is akin to murder, mass genocide in fact.
I would be greatly interested to know if it strikes anybody else the same way.
[quote] In my opinion the trainer is the one who directs the painting, not the elephant. Whether the elephant understands that it's painting an elephant is hard to say, it likely does not understand. Some dogs look at televisions and see a blur, some will bark at other dogs they see on television.
Here is a critique from my brother. He has been a professional artist and set designer in Hollywood for the past twenty years.
The amazing thing about the elephant's art, is that she drew it from an abstract single line starting from the trunk to the hind foot, inclined for perspective of it's elevation from the ground. Then repeated that incline again for the forefoot on the same side, The flower was incredible. Two daubs of paint, red on the tip and yellow on the body of the brush and she fan painted the flower head floating in space with a 'hot' center ... the whole image is a romantic ballet ... a dancing elephant. Divine inspiration? Perhaps, but one thing for certain, she painted like a pro ... no different than Picasso. Express the line ... fill in the details.
If any person wants to decide that all of that technique was accomplished by a mahout pulling on an elephant's ear and that the animal had little to do with it, you are entirely free to do so. What I do know from my art classes is that it is incredibly difficult to get a bunch of artistically inept, analytically indoctrinated intellectuals to accomplish anything that remotely approaches art. That elephant class did just that. And if anybody does not find that reaching into the depths of their psyche then I am indeed sorry for the heartfelt numbness of our specie.
It it is true then it radically alters our consciousness as regard our human relationship with Mother Nature.
The execution of the drawing you are about to see is as thoughtful, spiritual and masterful as anything a Picasso could produce.
It reveals a consciousness that, in essence, is no different from ours.
There are no words I can use to describe the impact it has had on my psyche.
In the space of ten minutes it has altered my entire world view.
Just for starters, from a personal behavioral aspect it has immediately and radically altered my own attitude towards eating the flesh of any animal. I have suddenly and irrevocably become a vegetarian.
I now feel that commercial animal slaughter it is akin to murder, mass genocide in fact.
I would be greatly interested to know if it strikes anybody else the same way.
[quote] In my opinion the trainer is the one who directs the painting, not the elephant. Whether the elephant understands that it's painting an elephant is hard to say, it likely does not understand. Some dogs look at televisions and see a blur, some will bark at other dogs they see on television.
Here is a critique from my brother. He has been a professional artist and set designer in Hollywood for the past twenty years.
The amazing thing about the elephant's art, is that she drew it from an abstract single line starting from the trunk to the hind foot, inclined for perspective of it's elevation from the ground. Then repeated that incline again for the forefoot on the same side, The flower was incredible. Two daubs of paint, red on the tip and yellow on the body of the brush and she fan painted the flower head floating in space with a 'hot' center ... the whole image is a romantic ballet ... a dancing elephant. Divine inspiration? Perhaps, but one thing for certain, she painted like a pro ... no different than Picasso. Express the line ... fill in the details.
If any person wants to decide that all of that technique was accomplished by a mahout pulling on an elephant's ear and that the animal had little to do with it, you are entirely free to do so. What I do know from my art classes is that it is incredibly difficult to get a bunch of artistically inept, analytically indoctrinated intellectuals to accomplish anything that remotely approaches art. That elephant class did just that. And if anybody does not find that reaching into the depths of their psyche then I am indeed sorry for the heartfelt numbness of our specie.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Death, Intuition & the Collective Consciousness
It appears to me that many humans are certain of an afterlife which I take to be a paradox, i.e. a logical contradiction. i.e. P and not P existing simultaneously.
It seems that we have a great dread of death and religion is our means for shoving our dread of death deep back into the unconscious so that we do not have to live with the anxiety of the consciousness of death.
I was an atheist throughout my late teens and twenties. That was my youthful pseudo-intellectual argument - fear of death made religion an opiate.. But even in atheism the specter of death does not impinge on daily consciousness, at least not until the fourth quarter of life. The whole point and focus of retirement is a preparation for death. There is no fear, other than hoping it is not a painful one. It allows for full savor of the life lived. Also time for correction. In the end the arms of death are welcome. (I am now 67 and know full well where of I speak.) There are of course elders who fear death right to then end. IMO it is because they are guilt-ridden and have not had the courage to review their trespasses.
What is your definition of intuition?
Basically, inspiration.
During experiments in the separation of the two hemispheres of the cortex, Prof. Roger Sperry has proved that each side of the brain has different modes of comprehension. The left side processes analytical information, intuitive insights are made on the right.
It is my belief that the intuitive side of the brain is the repository of 20 billion years of evolutionary experiences. From that vast resource inspired idealization surfaces in consciousness when the pressures of increasingly complex survival imperatives demand new solutions. The analytical side then takes over, systematizes the idea and then designs methods of practical application. That analysis is of course an expression of my intuitive insights. I have no proof of it. New advances in brain scanning will eventually tell us more exactly how consciousness works.
What do you mean by "collective consciousness"?
A little known hero of mine, Eugene Marais, a South African naturalist, once conducted an ESP experiment on a hive of termites, back in 1905. His findings were published in a treatise called "The Soul of the White Ant."
He drove a one eighth inch steel plate between the queen's chamber and the other half of the hive. There was no change of the behavior of each individual termite. But when the plate size was increased to a quarter inch, the behavior of the ants on the wrong side of the plate became erratic. That is the natural proof that consciousness can become collective.
I believe that the evolution of human consciousness is gradually leading us in that same direction. In a very real sense the advances in human communication mediums - oral. scripture, telegraph, radio, television and now the internet are all exoteric expressions of our collective consciousness. In another sense our central government serves as our collective consciousness. And yet another - our religions of Belief are also essential expressions of the collective will.
My intuition tells me that as our social and spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, we will transcend the artificial mediums of communication and directly achieve our natural esoteric potential
It appears to me that many humans are certain of an afterlife which I take to be a paradox, i.e. a logical contradiction. i.e. P and not P existing simultaneously.
It seems that we have a great dread of death and religion is our means for shoving our dread of death deep back into the unconscious so that we do not have to live with the anxiety of the consciousness of death.
I was an atheist throughout my late teens and twenties. That was my youthful pseudo-intellectual argument - fear of death made religion an opiate.. But even in atheism the specter of death does not impinge on daily consciousness, at least not until the fourth quarter of life. The whole point and focus of retirement is a preparation for death. There is no fear, other than hoping it is not a painful one. It allows for full savor of the life lived. Also time for correction. In the end the arms of death are welcome. (I am now 67 and know full well where of I speak.) There are of course elders who fear death right to then end. IMO it is because they are guilt-ridden and have not had the courage to review their trespasses.
What is your definition of intuition?
Basically, inspiration.
During experiments in the separation of the two hemispheres of the cortex, Prof. Roger Sperry has proved that each side of the brain has different modes of comprehension. The left side processes analytical information, intuitive insights are made on the right.
It is my belief that the intuitive side of the brain is the repository of 20 billion years of evolutionary experiences. From that vast resource inspired idealization surfaces in consciousness when the pressures of increasingly complex survival imperatives demand new solutions. The analytical side then takes over, systematizes the idea and then designs methods of practical application. That analysis is of course an expression of my intuitive insights. I have no proof of it. New advances in brain scanning will eventually tell us more exactly how consciousness works.
What do you mean by "collective consciousness"?
A little known hero of mine, Eugene Marais, a South African naturalist, once conducted an ESP experiment on a hive of termites, back in 1905. His findings were published in a treatise called "The Soul of the White Ant."
He drove a one eighth inch steel plate between the queen's chamber and the other half of the hive. There was no change of the behavior of each individual termite. But when the plate size was increased to a quarter inch, the behavior of the ants on the wrong side of the plate became erratic. That is the natural proof that consciousness can become collective.
I believe that the evolution of human consciousness is gradually leading us in that same direction. In a very real sense the advances in human communication mediums - oral. scripture, telegraph, radio, television and now the internet are all exoteric expressions of our collective consciousness. In another sense our central government serves as our collective consciousness. And yet another - our religions of Belief are also essential expressions of the collective will.
My intuition tells me that as our social and spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, we will transcend the artificial mediums of communication and directly achieve our natural esoteric potential
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Jungle Law vs Human Law
The lowest class of human, the poorest if you will, out numbers the wealthy and the powerful in vast numbers.
These poorest do not use social conformity to help themselves, instead they rely on the whims of the wealthy to direct them. Abused and tromped upon the lower classes accept abuse like it is a right and a duty. So why should anyone want to help the adults? They make their choices, they allow their sentient mind to be controlled by others. They must be held responsible for their choices. They educate their children to be irresponsible for their choices. So would not the human race be far superior if we as a species did not accept responsibility for these healthy sentient adults.
I don't want to be a wet blanket and put the fire out. But I have to disagree with the premise of this whole argument. It conforms with jungle law but not human law. I would suggest that the richest and most powerful are the greediest - the most insecure. In human law the strong help the weak to get stronger, not the other way around. In that way the weak get strong and the strong get stronger. We began helping each other from the Stone Age onwards and as a result have gone from strength to strength via cooperating on laws higher than nature.
These poorest do not use social conformity to help themselves, instead they rely on the whims of the wealthy to direct them.
Up to a point. When the abuse gets totally out of hand "let them eat cake" the poor revolt and heads roll.
Abused and tromped upon the lower classes accept abuse like it is a right and a duty.
It never begins that way. When people rise to power they do so with the support of the poor, in the hope that things will improve for all when the new power structure is in place. And so it goes for a while. Everybody conforms and gets into the groove.
Then as power corrupts, as it inevitably does, the poor are trapped in the groove they helped create. And they remain trapped there until it becomes unbearable and the revolutionary cycle starts all over again.
The current economic collapse is a classic example of finding the majority trapped in a place they cannot get out of. It is more than likely that we are at the end of an Era capitalist domination. The recession might deepen into a depression - and this time it may not bottom out. In the meantime, you and I are helpless to do anything about it - until such time as our children are starving - and then it is revolution time again
All the above being true, and the lessons of history never learned, it would seem then that the strongest are mentally the most naive.
The lowest class of human, the poorest if you will, out numbers the wealthy and the powerful in vast numbers.
These poorest do not use social conformity to help themselves, instead they rely on the whims of the wealthy to direct them. Abused and tromped upon the lower classes accept abuse like it is a right and a duty. So why should anyone want to help the adults? They make their choices, they allow their sentient mind to be controlled by others. They must be held responsible for their choices. They educate their children to be irresponsible for their choices. So would not the human race be far superior if we as a species did not accept responsibility for these healthy sentient adults.
I don't want to be a wet blanket and put the fire out. But I have to disagree with the premise of this whole argument. It conforms with jungle law but not human law. I would suggest that the richest and most powerful are the greediest - the most insecure. In human law the strong help the weak to get stronger, not the other way around. In that way the weak get strong and the strong get stronger. We began helping each other from the Stone Age onwards and as a result have gone from strength to strength via cooperating on laws higher than nature.
These poorest do not use social conformity to help themselves, instead they rely on the whims of the wealthy to direct them.
Up to a point. When the abuse gets totally out of hand "let them eat cake" the poor revolt and heads roll.
Abused and tromped upon the lower classes accept abuse like it is a right and a duty.
It never begins that way. When people rise to power they do so with the support of the poor, in the hope that things will improve for all when the new power structure is in place. And so it goes for a while. Everybody conforms and gets into the groove.
Then as power corrupts, as it inevitably does, the poor are trapped in the groove they helped create. And they remain trapped there until it becomes unbearable and the revolutionary cycle starts all over again.
The current economic collapse is a classic example of finding the majority trapped in a place they cannot get out of. It is more than likely that we are at the end of an Era capitalist domination. The recession might deepen into a depression - and this time it may not bottom out. In the meantime, you and I are helpless to do anything about it - until such time as our children are starving - and then it is revolution time again
All the above being true, and the lessons of history never learned, it would seem then that the strongest are mentally the most naive.
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