Monday, March 23, 2009

Conscious Motivation

However, that said, one can also take the argument that it is consciousness, and the motives thereof, that drove the evolution of technology, rather than the other way around.

Personally, as always, I prefer the both/and, not the either/or.

Two things drive the evolution of consciousness
survival needs
and ethical application

It is for this reason the cortex is divided into two hemispheres
Sperry's experiments in split-brain dissection have proved
that we have two separate modes of perception
analytical and intuitive
Communication between these two spheres
determines both inspirational invention and ethical action

The human brain had to evolve to a large enough cubic capacity
able to transcend basic primate survival needs
in order to accomplish the more responsible (and potentially more damaging) uses
of advanced technologies

Development of both brains
was more or less equal during both the Stone and Bronze Ages
more in the Stone and less in the Bronze
increasing needs for oral-based communication artificially modified our behavior
and to some extent distorted natural ethical behavior

The invention of script with its spiritual emphasis
though a specific Iron Age survival need for national cohesion
and to ensure a conscientious attitude towards craftsmanship
also served to drastically alter our developmental dynamics
and further accelerated the distortion in ethical behavior

Science's dismissal of religious beliefs during the present Steel Age
has made further inroads into behavioral ethics

The dilemma we face right now
is that our mass education system in serious imbalance
it concentrates almost exclusively on analytical development
so we are left with adult abilities to analyze
and undeveloped childish abilities to moralize

This imbalance has to be corrected
our technologies are far too dangerous
to be handled by children

Our school curriculums on the advent of the Nuclear Age technologies
urgently need equal emphasis in left and right brain drills and exercises

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