Thursday, September 29, 2011
Remorse. Redemption & Reincarnation
but no hope for redemption outside religious dogma
i.e. Belief in Jesus as one's only Salvation
the Christian-born thief and the murderer
can transcend remorse
sink deper into the pit of vileness
and call for redemption from the Cross
in the last breath
Christianity is easily the most crime-related
and violent religion on the planet
gives the remorseful
who may be too weak .willed
or too late for redemption in this life
the hope of a second chance in the next
Hinduism and Buddhism
are the more agreeable and peaceful religions on the planet
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Letter to a Witch Doctor
the concept of "another"
leads us into infinite digression
What profound advantage is gained
by a rich man over a poor man?
sophistication over savagery?
is the advantage not evenly mutual
each gaining perspective via reflection
and is that circumspection not false
being no more than the outer cloth
and worn again and again
by each one of us in turn
in the cosmic round of ideas
all agree on a single Source
yet endlessly fall
into measurement
followed by argument
there can be not one soul older than another
or more wise than another
for there is no other
no such thing as a hierarchy of beings
all there is
is Love
conscious of Self
structures of power
are creations of hypnotized minds
the illusion sustained
via childish fascination
with good and evil
separation exists when we mutually agree
to deceive
argument against deception spoils the game
and strivings
towards reunification
are endlessly entangled
in the barbs of doubt
Matter is an atavistic mind-set
from which the psyche frees itself
via the process of evolution
and becomes immersed again in cyclic phases
operating in infinite dimensions
Investiture of power within matter
bowing to the charming quality of the atom
is the profane art of Black Magik
the Baal of the Ages
the exploitation of darker minds
over the naive masses
is almost total
even the finer feelings
for the apparent suffering of others
is calculated hypocrisy
if we do not actually feel the pain of another
then what depth is there to compassion
if any
We are all immersed in this witchmind
in varying degrees of self awareness
all wallowing in the contradictions
inherent in every attempt to define it
Yet within the core of each soul
the blue light of of Truth remains indomitable
and at moments of extreme
bursts of revelation
sparkle at midnight
it is through the grace of revelation
that i contend with the witchmind my brother
only through the touch of Grace
can the soul reach up through the awful abyss
of superstitious curses
and fight back towards the light
The Black Void
when sensed
is fearful
when partially illuminated
it reveals the terror of despair
cowed in the presence of Infinity
Grace contains the seed of hope
and faith that the Good
is in control
and without blemish
We measure our sanity
via a consensus of opinion
built up over eons of suffering and struggle
it is a black mirror
this precious bank of sanity
at nothing
an optical illusion
reflecting a deception
which we call life
a diamond on which we stand
and declare
and separate from
Narcissis caught at the mirror
in love with
the self image
the beast
that arrogant Goliath
the fool of fools
forever twisting in the coils
of self deception
even when prostrate in pious contrition
we remain obsessed with the concept
of elitism
falsely based on self-created ego
with no hope of redemption
until the last atom is consumed
and crushed to nothing
in the constricting maw
of the ultimate Black Hole
So we go suffering
one experience after another
clutching illusions of youth
hating Age
fearing death
steeped in horror
and selfish ignorance
blinded by the idea of a shining godhead
Only a hero
selected by Grace
is able to free himself
from the primeval bog of bruteness
and how free is even he
We pray lip service
to the peaceful teaching of the crucified hero
and then
as the antiChrist incarnate
blithely wage war in his name
Any idealist trying to apply the Truth of Love
for neighbor
is at once alienated
and suffers in turn the agonies
of renewed self-doubt
and can only continue
via compromise
and is then subjected to deterioration
Some take the course of religious fanaticism
holding blindly to the Book of Dogma
quoting dead prophets endlessly
and never face themselves
thus broadening the base of ridicule
How vicious the cycle
how far from the face of god
yet under all is He
working His Will
what paradox
all self inflicted
in order to experience
the relief of peace
a dance of agony
and ecstasy
the divine Face
ever veiled
Ode to the Bushman
I lay one night
beside an innocent
on desert sand
caught in wonder
through Ages of Time
we meet again in this
desert space
Stone Age sage
and Nuclear Age child
face to face
How I delighted in thee Xai
delicate desert man
as we talked that night
under the dazzled light
of giraffes and laughs
and Father's might
What peace thy gift
brings to eye
showing me as you do
the devil on my back
and the face of God
on the sand
Each reaching a place
beyond fossil bone
in clay embrace
where I see you alive
in the museum of space
as a spoor within Time
a camera eye held by blood
How big and how far
that star
tall as a giraffe
one days walk and half
how it twinkles
when we laugh
inward and outward in
an endless breath
that reaches and teaches
peeling the veils
that cover the heart
Of all debts
fear must weigh the heaviest
all grace is the source
at the heart where
MaMa the Great Mother
kindly smiles
Your face is Her face
hand smack and rattle step
Her rhythm in life
an antique survived
miraculously to show me
the highway behind
All time is no time
with no empty place
in space for there are
worlds within worlds
if we would but see
the way
Saturday, August 20, 2011
can emphasize
and respect
the desire to experience freedom
after the restrains and disciplines of a careful childhood up-bringing
what then is freedom?
Freedom to do what?
Where to do it?
How to experience it?
Why the need for it?
When is the time for it
None of those questions has ever been correctly analyzed
or ant answer to them universally accepted
if any one of them had
there would be no Protestations
no disagreements
no prodigal sons or daughters
no bloody revolutions
no wars
no broken homes
no estranged families
no divorce
no need for written declarations of independence
no need for proclamations of anarchy
no need to bow before kings or gods
If freedom is recognized by us all
as the most basic of all human rights
why then do we find it so difficult to comprehend?
why so difficult to put into practice?.
why is it so dangerous?
If freedom is worth any price
with every man and woman entitled to their own interpretation of it
but find in the end that it has given us a polluted world
with mass starvation
and mass epidemics of sickness
a crescendo of natural disasters
with our cultures teetering on the edge of species extinction
is freedom worth it?
there are millions crying out for inspired leadership
is that not a conflict of two directly posing principles?
does not leadership require obedience
with followers submitting to concerted rules of mass behavior?
Again I ask
what is freedom
if it leads to human conflict
the desecration of all our values
and Nature's values
and ultimately the violent end of the world?
is freedom worth it?
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Old and the New
Obama Re-election Committee
Dear Jim
It makes no difference what the republicans or democrats say in the coming presidential debates.
The basic reality we all have to face is that the day of Government from Washington, the unethical philosophy of Capitalism and its vast bureaucratic expense of policing private ownership laws is near to total bankruptcy and will soon collapse altogether,
The new reality will be based on local stewardship of natural ecological boundary systems,
an ethical economic system based on Custodianship in which every business transaction adds more to the commonweal of man and nature than subtracts from it.
It is time both political parties woke up and packed up
and paused to smell the roses
Stuart Pringle
Director Global Stewardship Foundation
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
No separation between Church and State
is an an expression of an Omniscient Godhead
therefore there than can be no separation
between the Laws of God and the laws of Man
In essence they are one and the same
with the guiding principle being
Loving Care for all of Creation
A distinction needs to to be made between the interpretations and administration of the Law
by the politician and the clergy
not the law itself
It is human to err
both statesman and medicineman make inevitable human mistakes
Thus neither are capable of administering the Law
Any attempt to remove the Divine as the author of the laws that govern cosmic behavior
inevitably ends up in a veritable Tower of Babble
as one made-made law after another piles upon endless loopholes and circumventions of the law
until the disgraceful library of legalities totters up to the heavens itself
The Law of God is not written on tablets or parchments
and thus subject to endless mechanical amendment
its is written indelibly in the heart of every new-born infant
the object of human administration
is not indoctrinate the mind of the child with man made laws
but to bring the Love of godly law to the surface of child consciousness
by loving parents in the security of a good home
not locked in a classroom behind a desk in state schools
when this homeschooling is done lovingly
then there will be no need for either Church or State
the love of man for his Mother planet and fellow neighbor is all that will be needed
to promote local prosperity
and global peace
Monday, August 08, 2011
Moral Equivelency
who subscribes to the selfish economic philosophy of Capitalism
and then uses that excuse to deceive himself that it morally alright
to consume more of the the world's resources than his neighbor
then that person should
at the very least
stop cheating on taxes
America would then might have an iota of morality to justify its wealth
and not be in the red
or suspected that it will welsh on its debts
The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11: 1-9
1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children built. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
and so on 9/11
the Tower did crumble to dust
and America stands today
shamed before the world
its vaunted Capitalist philosophy
no longer AAA
Amen Brother
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Passion of Christ
and Judas ratted on him out of jealousy
would that make a difference to present-day Christians?
Has the messenger always been more important
than the Divine message?
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Criteria for Mate Selection
Symmetry of form
Intensity and longevity of sexual vitality
Courage of conviction (to the death)
Intensity of loving compassion (for complete union)
Originality of of artistic vision
Innovative capacity for artistic expression and application
Originality of thought and ideation
Intensity of ethical self-discipline
Enlightened personal philosophy
Compassionately centered within the polar dynamics of ecstasy and agony
Thursday, July 07, 2011
The Inner Demon
it is animal self interest, self gratification
among humans after puberty is reached
self deceit and self-justification for that deceit
The difference between saint and sinner
to put it more bluntly
between mature adult and immature child
is the ability to become aware of the hidden demon
have the courage, character and fortitude
to seek out the demon
drive its from its dark cave
and slay it
In the interest of the larger work of the saintly soul
which is the service, guidance and teaching
of all those still tormented by the inner demon
of childish taking, wants and desires
to bring them into an awareness of the brighter light of adult giving
with is the source of Divine Love
and in that way
send them off on their own quest
in search of the Holy Grail
On the Nature of the Father God and Mother God
to establish a territory of his own
and then attract a mate to share it with him
and produce progeny
This rule remains the same for the human male
in terms of estate stewarding
and family legacy
IIt also remains true in a Cosmic context
it reflects the nature of the Father God as a well
(As in Heaven - so on Earth)
In Divine cosmology
having created the Universe out of His own imagination
and breathed life into it
the Father God then seeks among the progeny
created of his own rib
a Mother God to mate with
and thus share Divine witness
to the stewarding of the Family Estate
and its fruits
via masculine/feminine consciousness dynamics
Friday, July 01, 2011
7 Year Itch
there are two basic reasons for this
the first is the seven year brain switch
marriages start with a positive right brain attraction
one tens to see only the best in another
the ego factors in as well assuring you that you have made a good choice
but there are two sides to every person
when the brain switch takes place
the left brain tends to see all that is negative in the partner
if one is wise enough to weather the marriage for the next seven years
the positive view kicks in again
after which the marriage is more balanced
with both partners learning how to accept the good with the bad
and the marriage tends to last for life
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Does God Play Dice?
starting from the same distance at opposite ends of 1000 mile track
are traveling towards the same destination
since it is impossible to accurately factor in a host of random events
that may interfere with the progress of each train
it is impossible to determine which train will arrive first.
thus, analytically speaking, Bohr's argument makes sense,
randomness rules
he would be perfectly correct
and the argument between science and religion would be over
Einstein, tho he could not explain why, intuitively, did not agree
and so,
because the human brain is equally devided
by analytical and intuitive spheres of influence
the existence of God remains argumentative
science cannot analytically prove that there is no God
and religion cannot intuitively insist that there is
If I may
I will attempt to shed some light on Uncle Albert's intuitive reservation
by providing an analogy
Aboard each train is a man with a mission
housed at the destination of the trains is a doomsday bomb
the mission of one man is to press the button and destroy the world
the mission of the other is to get there first and stop him
The purpose of science
if it truly wants to end the ancient argument
is not simply to examine the physical variables of atomic behavior
but its metaphysical influences as well
the fact that atoms do have conscious influence
is clearly demonstrated by the existence of a permutations of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and other trace elements - a.k.a. humans
this being so
Conscious determination has to be factored into any atomic equation
So two atomic humans are on a mission with separate purposes
and the fate of the world hangs on which train gets there first
The holistic question is:
Which force of determination has the greatest influence on random atomic behavior ?
The answer is clear
inspired determination wins most of the time
The lesson here is:
It has never been a question of whether God exists or not
God is simply an idea in human consciousness
as far as we know, no other atomic permutation has that idea
God exists only if we choose so as individuals or collectively
anybody who chooses randomness
over conscious design
is free to do so
he or she will then always remain uninspired
Friday, June 03, 2011
Who is God? Where is He/Her?
God Consciousness radiates outwards from the Center of each Galaxy
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Divine Love
Love unaccompanied by personal interest in one's creative expression is meaningless the more intense the interest in what you do with your life the greater the love ergo there is no such thing as a meaningless God |
can be a curse
it leaves the prophet alone
intuiting the future
leaves one living in anticipation
and removes the immediacy
of now
it is better for you not to know
what is coming
good or bad
so leave the fortune-teller
Sunday, March 20, 2011
symbolize the two sides of the argument I presented as a thesis in Psyche-Genetics
in that treatise I show that orderly social advancement is impossible
without a corresponding evolution in spiritual guidance
that human consciousness is, in its essence, an invisible soul
which is witness to the actions of his material body
The central dichotomy in modern social actions
remains the invisible relationship between Man and God
the ancestral idea of man-made gods living in the clouds throwing thunderbolts
and giving private birth to selected demi-gods on earth
not longer resonates with advances in human intellect
science gradually debunked all of those scriptures one step at a time
which leaves modern man now without spiritual guidance
we are left alone in charge of a Universe
living on the edge of a galaxy we barely know
trying to manage a planet that is throwing deadly thunderbolts at us
science says we are here by accident
due to random effect
Einstein argued not
and i agree with him
God enjoys a gamble with the best of us
but he is too much of a professional architect to gamble with the Farm
Let us take the recent action of the sunami in Japan as an example
Japan is a fishing nation refusing to bow to a general sense of unease
that it is wrong (unholy) to hunt whales and dolphins
so the sea smashed japans main fishing centers
and turned our own technology against us
how can anybody dare say they know the answer either way?
In my personal narrative
I show that I was also a modern prodigal atheist who scorned God
was then touched by His Atomic Presence
radiating consciousness in every grain of sand
and am now returned to Steward His Atomic Estate
in a new Nuclear Age
The lotus is God - pure, faintly scented, and serene just as Mother Nature birthed it
The rose is Man - a magnificent artificially altered blossom, prickly, satiny and loaded with heavenly scent
Psyche-genetics is a celebration of an Atomic God
and his supreme creation
atomic MAN
what I am stating is that we must bow before a conscious Nature
and preserve Her essence
while we do our best to cultivate Eden
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Gadafi's Libya
against the tide of world condemnation
I liked the sincerity in his young voice and face when he stated
[i]Plan A - Fight for Libya to the death
Plan B - Fight for Libya to the death
Plan C - Fight for Libya to the death[/i]
I know that it takes a ruthless man to try and rule forty tribes
and how difficult it must be to break 40 eggs
and make a national omelet
I stopped by in Libya once 30 years ago
and read Gadafi's little proclamations written by himself
posted in strategic locations all over Tripoli
all urged his nation to unite and do good
just maybe
we are all fundamentally wrong about this Libya uprising
one thing I do know
I admire any man who raises a son to respect him
and is willing
three times over
to take a bullet for him
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
The Spirit of Consciousness
Consciousness is self awareness
Consciousness is not possible
or definable
without the dynamic of opposing forces
or able to evolve to higher states of self awareness
without the fertility of masculine and feminine principles
Knowledge increases self awareness
Knowledge evolves via the increasingly complex material experiences of Consciousness
that have taken place over the past 20 billion years
All matter has the characteristics of consciousness
every atom is imbued with the essence of consciousness
the more complex the association of atoms is
the higher its order of consciousness is
a stone is conscious
but of so low an order of conscious awareness
it cannot express itself creatively
Mankind is the most complex order of consciousness on this planet
our endless creativity is testimony to that
the gradual accumulation of knowledge and information via survival imperatives
enhances the evolution of consciousness
towards higher and more profound states of self awareness
Wisdom is the harvest of Creation
Sunday, February 06, 2011
The Origins of Knowledge
Hume, Locke, Descartes |
The worn-out old arguments
between empiricists like Hume and Locke
rationalists like Descartes
and the synthesis of both by Kant
as to the source of knowledge
have confused the issue
and led mankind astray
Modern brain studies reveal an entirely new philosophical construct
Knowledge evolves via a synthesis of right brain intuitions
and left brain analytical observations and applications
Right Brain Intuition
Night time brings fear of the dark
and plays tricks with the senses
dreams stimulate the creative imagination
Left Brain Analysis
Daylight survival imperatives are handled via sense input
with sight playing the dominant role
Synthetic knowledge (creative thinking)
as apposed to instinctive knowledge (genetic imprints)
evolved via an analytical application of intuitive inspirations
the purpose?
self realization
in relation to the universe without
Friday, February 04, 2011
Time Consciousness
Conscious evaluation is related to the relative measurements of Time and Space
the finer the measurement
the more defined consciousness becomes
The basic organic mind is conscious of 3 billion years of past experience
which is applied to present circumstances
in the struggle for survival
the future exists instinctively - not consciously
food and sex are searched for
immediately hunger is sated
enjoyment is expressed
Time is stopped
there is no conscious relationship or concern with the Future
awareness and preparation of future need
eventually leading to self-awareness
defines the state and growth of human consciousness
the present and future are the results of past event
thus the more clearly past experience is recalled to consciousness
the more certain the needs of the present are met
and the more probable preparations for the future
can be accommodated
seeing clearly ahead
is the essence of wisdom
for the SEER has a comprehensive grasp of Time and Space
and is conscious of being in the right place at the right time
doing the right thing
the desire for the security of wisdom
is the driving force of conscious evolution
accumulated experience
distilled via increasingly accurate design
is the timeless nectar of the Gods
when all is complete
precisely as designed
the next cosmic cycle begins
so how in this earthly cycle of conscious evolution
did an ape consciousness
some eight million years ago
at the pinnacle of 3 billion years of organic survival experience
make a quantum leap
and become conscious of the needs of the future
and prepare him/herself for it?
what is the missing link?
what was the actual survival mechanism that triggered it?
see The Missing Link
The Missing Link
after 3 billion years of conscious development
the ape brain with a computing and storage capacity of 400cc
evolved some 30 million years ago
this ape brain had remained static
and grew no larger for the next 20 million years
then some five to eight million years ago
within the space of 5 million years
the skull size of one of the specie of apes
suddenly ballooned to 1400cc
while all the rest of its relatives remained static
obviously in order to provide far greater computing capacity
if the ape specie was surviving quite happily for tens of millions of years
with its former brain
why did Nature select one of the specie
and decide it needed a larger brain?
what was trebling the computing capacity needed for?
what intellectual factor arrived to trigger the new growth spurt?
The answer can only be the Time factor
the former ape brain dealt only with the retrieval of past time experience
factored in with all the variables of present time survival exigencies
the infinite variables of future effect on present action
were not factored into their survival needs
in basic conscious terms
apes live moment to moment
intuitively conscious of all past experience
able to apply that survival knowledge to daily existence
but apes have no consciousness of the future
therefore a 400cc brain is all that is needed for survival
the ape brain had remained static
because its survival variables were finite
400cc were sufficient capacity for present needs
preparing for future changes and adaptations
were not factored in
so what exact new survival need forced one of the apes
to bring the infinite variables of future effect into play
and stimulate the brain to expand three times its former size
in order to accommodate, compute and try to make survival sense
out of infinite variables?
The answer can be found in ape tool use
Chimps use freshly peeled sticks oozing sap to ensnare ants
they also use sticks to poke edibles out of crevices
when the application is over
future need of the same tool is not in consciousness
The first ape that kept the wooden tool
forced the computing capacity of the brain to grow
allowing it to factor into survival consciousness
the infinite variables of future environmental imperatives
Nature engaged in evolving a super-brain capable of inventing and applying ever-advancing technology expertise in order to adapt to possible future changes and not end up extinct like the dinosaurs
thus retention of a stick as a tool began the rapid climb towards human consciousness
during the WOOD AGE. 8m BCE - 2.5M BCE
which marks the beginning of the Stone Age
wood was sharpened and carved, worked and crafted into hundreds of uses
while the hominid brain kept growing in retrieval and storage capacity
during the 5 million years of brain growth
several attempts were made to habituate and genetically imprint
the need for tool retention and work it for wider survival applications
they obviously failed. accounting for the several dead-ends and extinctions
on our back-trail
only one hominid specie survived to become fully human
dominate all of Nature
contemplate the meaning of the universe
and enjoy the agonies and ecstasies
of self reflection
consciousness is still evolving
the brain is still growing......
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
has been building a religion
from the ground up
since the moment the first piece of the pie-crust
cooled to 10OF
the fun began
when that religion of disciplined behavior
passed through the rites and ordeals of puberty
and got artful with reality
protesting self-determination
pseudo-intellectually bent on measuring infinity
but then
we all know the prodigal story has a happy ending
so the future is secure
its all by design
randomness is simply a necessary contingency
without i there would be no gamble
and what kind of a life would that be
to have never gambled
and lost?
mind you
I would never bet the farm
when the gamble is done with
the monopoly game becomes boring
and the industrial clean-up begins for real
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tucson Massacre
officials from both parties are blaming incendiary political rhetoric
the real answer may well lie in the old adage
[i]A little knowledge is a dangerous thing [/i]
the shooter in this incident
who has registered himself as an Independent
charges that the government is brain-washing the nation via the miss-use of grammar
the underlying pathology of conspiracy theories
is that the government and power in general exploits the public unethically
Modern education pays little attention to systematic evocation of spiritual ethics
this is left to the church
where attendance is poor
paradoxically because spirituality is more or less scorned by academics
the general understanding in academia
is that sound social behavior
is simply a matter of rational comprehension
and that policed punishment is sufficient deterrent for trespass
this civic attitude does not take into account
self-righteousness and the vigilante attitude it can engender
it is clear that the assassin in this instant
remained unconscious of the antithetical nature of his solution
the same sense of personal righteousness in dealing out justuce
was present with
the unibomber
the Oklahoma bomber
the anthrax postings
etc etc
going back to Guy Fawks's bombing of the English Parliament
knowledge excites the insecure ego seeking public self-accreditation
and can easily be misapplied
if no spiritually applied ethical training is included
the result is superficial academic rationalizations regarding human behavior
with no deeper sense of understanding and compassion
for our general state of spiritual apathy
so although the assassin's personal sense of outrage has a civic basis for serious action
and public attention is now fully focused on his egotistical needs
until we all recognize the death of our soul
all we can look forward to
is more of the same
Friday, January 07, 2011
Birth Consciousness/Alien Abductions
What is if this assumption is totally wrong? First of all senselessness does not make sense in Nature. For instance, within minutes of birth foals, fawns, kids and lambs are up and running It is a survival imperative that they are born with all their senses immediately on hyper alert. Why should humans be born virtually unconscious? Is it possible that every single incident of the birth moment might be indelibly imprinted on the infant psyche?
Until recently there has been no objective method of measuring the degree of consciousness that might be registered at a birth. But since middle of the 20th Century, as hospital assisted births in the developed nations have become increasingly the custom, a significantly disturbing abnormality has emerged.
Unlikely as it sounds at first, this concerns the huge increase of people reporting on alien abductions. The majority of those people claiming to have been abducted by aliens, basically describe finding themselves lying on an operating table, staring up at a bright light, with shadowy back-lit masked heads staring down impersonally at them; while examining; poking; prodding and pricking them painfully
Sound familiar?
Since the first cases where reported in the 1940's - when hospital births started to become more popular - the increasing numbers of reports of alien abductions have become staggering. The internet references hundreds of thousands. 10,000 cases are reported annually. Nobody knows how many cases remain unreported by individuals too embarrassed to expose themselves to public ridicule to say anything about their experience. The sheer amount of numbers, which continue to increase yearly, are far too many for this almost exclusively western societal phenomenon to continue to simply be dismissed as a laughable pathology of insecure psyches desperately seeking attention.
Do these tens of thousands of reports present enough circumstantial evidence for us to regard them as possible true-to-life accounts of actual birthing experiences, indelibly imprinted on consciousness during hospital deliveries? More disturbing is the very real possibility that all of us who have experienced hospital deliveries may well be unconscious victims of a latent traumatic pathology that could surface at any moment and add our names to the bizarre reports on alien abduction.
What makes this experience seem so real and immediate to those in which the pathology surfaces in consciousness, is the dislocation of time and place, in a false analysis trying to rationalize it to themselves and explain it to others.
What most of us do not know, is the basic fact that the relative nature of time does not register on infant consciousness. Therefore adults who, for no apparent reason suddenly find themselves re-experiencing - what is in reality the past birth moment that took place in a hospital - believe it is a reality happening in present time as adults. And with UFO's as a widely reported phenomenon since the 1940's- can only rationalize the psychological trauma of finding themselves helpless on an operating table, as an unfriendly abduction.
For each of them this is a deeply disturbing life-changing event – made event more so by the outright disbelief of not just the public at large, but also of those nearest and dearest to them. Thus each bizarre report affects entire families – adding to the general trend of modern cynicism regarding human truthfulness in general.
The explanation supplied here is a more rational way of explaining this latent pathology. If generally accepted it would bring a modicum of comfort to victims and their families. Most importantly it would seat a general realization that every fetus is born fully consciously sense-alert and thus put an end to all hospital births unless they are medical emergencies.