Sunday, September 18, 2011

Letter to a Witch Doctor

The ancient crossroad
the concept of "another"
leads us into infinite digression

What profound advantage is gained
by a rich man over a poor man?
sophistication over savagery?
is the advantage not evenly mutual
each gaining perspective via reflection

and is that circumspection not false
being no more than the outer cloth
and worn again and again
by each one of us in turn
in the cosmic round of ideas

all agree on a single Source
yet endlessly fall
into measurement
followed by argument
there can be not one soul older than another
or more wise than another
for there is no other
no such thing as a hierarchy of beings
all there is
is Love
conscious of Self

structures of power
are creations of hypnotized minds
the illusion sustained
via childish fascination
with good and evil
separation exists when we mutually agree
to deceive

argument against deception spoils the game
and strivings
towards reunification
are endlessly entangled
in the barbs of doubt

Matter is an atavistic mind-set
from which the psyche frees itself
via the process of evolution
and becomes immersed again in cyclic phases
operating in infinite dimensions

Investiture of power within matter
bowing to the charming quality of the atom
is the profane art of Black Magik
the Baal of the Ages

the exploitation of darker minds
over the naive masses
is almost total
even the finer feelings
for the apparent suffering of others
is calculated hypocrisy
if we do not actually feel the pain of another
then what depth is there to compassion
if any

We are all immersed in this witchmind
in varying degrees of self awareness
all wallowing in the contradictions
inherent in every attempt to define it

Yet within the core of each soul
the blue light of of Truth remains indomitable
and at moments of extreme
bursts of revelation
sparkle at midnight

it is through the grace of revelation
that i contend with the witchmind my brother
only through the touch of Grace
can the soul reach up through the awful abyss
of superstitious curses
and fight back towards the light

The Black Void
when sensed
is fearful
when partially illuminated
it reveals the terror of despair
cowed in the presence of Infinity

Grace contains the seed of hope
and faith that the Good
is in control
and without blemish

We measure our sanity
via a consensus of opinion
built up over eons of suffering and struggle
it is a black mirror
this precious bank of sanity
at nothing
an optical illusion
reflecting a deception
which we call life

a diamond on which we stand
and declare
and separate from
Narcissis caught at the mirror
in love with
the self image
the beast

that arrogant Goliath
the fool of fools
forever twisting in the coils
of self deception
even when prostrate in pious contrition
we remain obsessed with the concept
of elitism
falsely based on self-created ego
with no hope of redemption
until the last atom is consumed
and crushed to nothing
in the constricting maw
of the ultimate Black Hole

So we go suffering
one experience after another
clutching illusions of youth
hating Age
fearing death
steeped in horror
and selfish ignorance
blinded by the idea of a shining godhead

Only a hero
selected by Grace
is able to free himself
from the primeval bog of bruteness
and how free is even he

We pray lip service
to the peaceful teaching of the crucified hero
and then
as the antiChrist incarnate
blithely wage war in his name

Any idealist trying to apply the Truth of Love
for neighbor
is at once alienated
and suffers in turn the agonies
of renewed self-doubt
and can only continue
via compromise
and is then subjected to deterioration

Some take the course of religious fanaticism
holding blindly to the Book of Dogma
quoting dead prophets endlessly
and never face themselves
thus broadening the base of ridicule

How vicious the cycle
how far from the face of god
yet under all is He
working His Will
what paradox
all self inflicted
in order to experience
the relief of peace
a dance of agony
and ecstasy
the divine Face
ever veiled

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