The are three ancient masters who have stood the test of time
by probing and explaining the meaning of life
More than three thousand years of succeeding Chinese dynasties
give historical testimony to the timeless integrity of their teaching
They have risen to the status of Deities in the Chinese pantheon
as the originators of profoundly moral social and spiritual precepts
obedience to which both the individual and society at large
can expect to live a life of inner peace and outer creative productivity.

Lao Tse 
founded his cosmology on the negative and positive dynamics of yin/yang
Siddhartha Gautama 
based his on the illusory nature of ego and its material desires
anchored both his social and spiritual philosophy on filial piety
- the sanctity of family values

The Hebrew prophet, Moses,  who was possibly a contemporary of Confucius,
also recognized that family values are the foundation of sound national values
and placed the honor of parents as the center piece of the Ten Mosaic Laws.

It is fashionable these days for off-spring to leave home 
to pursue private ambitions 
establish separate house-holds 
and in that process under-mine the foundations of national power 
and so contribute to the waste of energy and resources 
that come when the integrity of unions are divided and dissolved.

There are any number of modern social rationalizations 
trying to justify the divorce of marriage from spouses and parents 
this is done without factoring in the long term costs 
of breaking up the traditional home 
and generational improvements to family estates

None of these rationalizations make common sense
not in terms of material conservation of energy and resources
or in spiritual commitments of loyalty and life-support to family
By scattering our offspring to live temporary lives 
among strangers in rented locations
we loose the permanent essence of loving witnesses
between our birth and our death

We may choose temporal friends
but blood is indelibly permanent and thicker than water
family is God-chosen
as spirits we decide on our parental guides when taking birth
we do so for the experience 
of both the positive and negative dynamics of evolution 
learning physics of life via its agonies and ecstasies
linking each family spirit in Timeless union
witness to all our hopes and dreams

All those prodigal sons and daughters
who have defied family values
and have excused their rebellion for whatever reason
in favor of independent determination
when your gamble is over
let go of ego
return home
for gladness sake
and the honor of family

to spend eternity in regret of lost loyalty
with no loving witness
to our family obligations
is hell indeed