We come into this world as empty vessels,
blank tablets, just waiting to be filled with experience.
David Hume (1711-1776 C.E.). Scottish philosopher
up to that moment in mankind's intellectual evolution.
Hume's assertion was the best knowledge available
on how the brain works
Unfortunately it was also the same philosophy
adopted by the British Empire at that time
when it first instituted primary and secondary education systems
primarily designed at the start of the Industrial Revolution
for the need of literacy on the mass production lines
with workers able to analyse instruction manuals
To this day
down-loading predigested analytically orientated data
into supposedly empty child brains
via text-book instruction
remains the standard foundation of all global education systems.
This antiquated assessment of how he brain is stimulated
based on scanty 18h Century information
is seriously, perhaps even catastrophically, erred
on a number of basic premsises
1. The vessel is far from empty
2. The brain is not purely analytical - it has two separate modes of perception
3 It is stimulated via patterns of behavior that lead to predictions of reward
1. DNA
So far these are the base facts we know about about DNA
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans
and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has
the same DNA.
The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical
bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human
DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those
bases are the same in all people. The order, or sequence, of these
bases determines the information available for building and maintaining
an organism, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear
in a certain order to form words and sentences.
An important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies
of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a
pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. This is critical when
cells divide because each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the
DNA present in the old cell.
At the moment there is no scientific methodology available
which can determine conclusively that human DNA
is not only encoded with our parent's physiological
but also imprinted with the entire evolution of organic behavioral experience.
that under the correct stimulus
this vast wealth of survival experience can be accessed
Circumstantial evidence informs us that if each child was indeed a blank slate
and DNA was not behaviorally encoded with 100,000 generations of our species advances
parents would be left trying to
teach a chimpanzee
to behave like a human.with every birth.
It took Nature at least eight million years to do that
Since an infant can master the quantum leap in language use
inside a single year
we have to assume that not one digit of the code
that laid the foundations of such mastery
as well as all the social and spiritual organization that followed
from the Stone Age hunter/gaherer
to the Nuclear Age scientist
has been lost
The fact that many infant and child prodigies
begin to spontaneously manifest mathematical and artistic talents
prior to formal instruction
supports the circumstantial evidence
that hard-won ancestral behavioral attributes
are part and parcel of our birth inheritance.
If some children are able to access ancestral behavioral smarts
and exhibit prodigious talents without the benefit of formal instruction
how does that happen?
More importantly
why does such genus not occur to all of us?
Could it be
that by incarcerating young children inside classrooms for six to eight hours a day
downloading predigested text-book data
we are blocking access to intuitive expressions of genius?
We were warned two generations ago
via split brain research
that an almost purely analytical approach to brain function
in mass education systems
does not evoke the full genius potential
2. Left Brain and Right Brain Modes of Perception
main theme to emerge...is that there appears to be two modes of
thinking, verbal and non-verbal represented rather separately in left
and right hemispheres respectively,and that our education system, as
well as science in general, tends to neglect the non-verbal form of
intellect. What it comes down to, is that modern society discriminates
against the right hemisphere."
Nobel Laureate - Prof. Roger Sperry
Lateral Specialization of Cerebral Function in Surgically Separated Hemispheres. 1973
So far
this is what has been discovered by observing the behavior of patients who have had the two hemispheres of the cortex surgically severed
left brain right brain
analytical intuitive
convergent divergent
negative positive
digital analogic
secondary primary
directed free
propositional imaginative
lineal non lineal
sequential multiple
objective subjective
successive simultaneous
J.E. Brogen
"Some Educational Aspects of Hemispheric Specialization"
There is a persuasive argument that these divergent modes of percepion
indicate that there are masculine and feminine attributes associated
with left and right brain percepions.
This gender distinction is illustrated in the
I Ching or Book of Changes
yin yang
feminine masculine
negative positive
moon sun
night day
yielding aggressive
left side right side
unconscious conscious
right brain left brain
emotion reason
Considering the concerns we have
over the dwindling performance of our mass education systems
with a 40% drop out rate
only 1% exhibiting excellence
the rest mediocre
and heaven knows how much cheating at exams
it might seem astonishing that with this information
in dual brain research available
for over 40years
a more holistic system of child education would have been implemented by now
the fact that we persist with a failing system
speaks to symptomatic mass dysfunction
accrued over five generations of classroom incarceration
where systematic concentration on left brain instruction
has stunted the intuitive inspirational capabilities of our right brain
resulting in the loss of creative adaptation and motivational predictions
in short
we have trained ourselves
and continue to train our kids
to become mass production line automatons
and not the inspired creative geniuses
intended in the process of natural selection
when it produced such a huge two-chambered brain
Perhaps the reason why dual brain research has been ignored
is because it not been explained thus far
exactly how these two attributes of the brain communicateor the benefits that accrue from that interaction
For the past wenty years our family's education foundation
has been researching the dual brain phenomenon
with seven of our own children
from birth
through puberty
their teens
and into young adulthood
We hve discovered that
beginning with the right brain at birth
the dominance of each side of the brain
alternates sequentially every seven years
completing a right/left cycle every fourteen years
with a larger maturation taking place over twenty one year periods
The first cycle
between birth and puberty
is the most formative
and consequentially the most vital
At birth
the intuitive right side of the infant brain is active
busy collecting survival information
the analytical left side of the brain remains largely passive
waiting for the right brain to collective enough data
to form a creative image comprehensive enough
to be transmitted for analysis
for the first three years
as the brain grows in size
until the weaning process is complete
right brain transmissions are largely uncreative
and the left brain analysis remains tentative
The complete genius of the human psyche
is distributed throughout the body
every cell consciously holds the complete code of the DNA
which is continuously being imprinted
with all inc-coming existential information
which then flows electrically through the nervous system
for collection and collation
in the right side of the brain
which then transmits creative imagery
to the left side of the brain
for analysis
and possible application
the two brins act asre
the ability to read patterns and trends in behavior
as circumstances force change
allows us to see problems down the road
and via adjustments and adaptation
predict or forecast reasonable out-comes
asit stands now
with vast debt
and mounting catastrophic natural occurrences
has left the future of our kids at a cross roads
the inability to see a reachable collective future
strips the mass of our prime motivating factor
in order for individual students to strive for excellence
an achievable goal must be envisioned
3. Patterns
Genius can be defined by the ability to read patterns
All of us can read short term daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly patterns
and adjust our behavior to synchronize with them
we seek patterns in order to achieve a sense of certainty
in a universe of seemingly concrete probalilities
under-cut by invisible uncertainties
In order to survive we all need
energy to combat the elements
Once we have assertained a pattern
that reasonably ensures survival
we work to maintain its certainty
All moving organisms exhibit basic survival genius
Man is different
where once the daily paterns was set by the
certainty/uncertainty of a Stone Age of hunt and gathering
the uncertainties were accommodated by
paranormal sense of reverence for Mother Nature
we know as Animism
abeyance to Her
more or less ensured the luck of the hunt
and thus with prediction accompanying pattern
much of our anxiety over the uncertainty principle was allaid
on the day we were forced by changing circumstances
to break the daily pattern and domesticate Nature
we took he future into our own hands
we evolved to have he paranormal perception
of a future harvest
lying many months of hard work down the road
thus a Bronze Age survival pattern
of planting, nurturing and harvesting set in
while at the same time
forcing us to factor in the uncertainties of the weather
thus the need for shamanistic mediumship interceding with dead ancestors
ameliorating with the weather gods
pattern and prediction
removed much of our anxiety caused by the uncertainty principle
for instance most seek a job with an established income
and with a minumium of a months notice for lay-off
then we enter a daily and weekly pattern
which will lead to a month of certainty
if we can wangle a yearly contract
so much more certain
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Dingaan's Legacy
In the months preceding the massacre of the school children
I worked for several months in Soweto
producing a TV documentary on urban shamanism for the SABC
at that time there were over 1000 sangoma's practicing traditional healing
in the shadow of the giant Baragwanith hospital
each shaman had several 'amatwasa" ( apprentice trainees) living in their home
i went into the townships most week days before dawn
to film the morning training ritual
towards the end of the shooting
several witchdoctors with whom I had entered a personal friendship
expressed concern about my continued safety
they had premonitions that something bad was about to happen
I too had felt growing tension in the streets
I remember standing in front of Credo Mutwa's house (Indaba My Children")
while he recounted a lucid dream
in which he saw blood flowing in the streets of Soweto
he was near tears and pleaded with me to do something
I had several warning meetings with the documentary department back at the SABC
urging that we all work together on a series focused on race relations
mass communication via TV was still a new phenomenon in those days
the answer i got was "Whites want white faces in their living rooms"
BOSS wanted to know if i was in contact with the ANC
I was already on their list as a kaffir boetie after a previous doc
with Alan Paton and Fatima Meer was banned from broadcast
i was threatened house arrest if i did not reveal my sources about impending violence
I urged a mass walkout of our whole English Documentary department
but was assured by my peers (who had never set foot in any black location)
that I was over-reacting
the bloodbath a couple of weeks later
which might well have been avoided
is now a definitive chapter in SA history
the point of this story
happened the day after the massacre
while the shooting was still going on
I tried to get into Soweto to film it
but the only road in and out
was barricaded by the police and army
"no rooinek press allowed in"
I drove around the giant townships
hoping to find a track that led inside
on the way I picked up a black man hitching a ride
He got in smelling of native beer
tears were streaming down his face
"I ran! I was afraid. My girl friend is back there facing the bullets!"!
we drove in silence while he sobered up
then he spoke again
"You know Baas. Dingaan made a bad mistake!"
I let him off in Randburg and gave him some money.
Dingaan made a bad mistake
All South Africans might well have experienced a more harmonious future
if that earlier massacre at kwaBulawayo
had never happened
1700 years ago
Rome colonization fell
the tribes took over Europe
and initiated the Dark Ages
which lasted for 60 generations
before the Renaissance
European colonization fell
the tribes have taken over Africa
and initiated their own Dark Ages
for how many generations?
who knows
I worked for several months in Soweto
producing a TV documentary on urban shamanism for the SABC
at that time there were over 1000 sangoma's practicing traditional healing
in the shadow of the giant Baragwanith hospital
each shaman had several 'amatwasa" ( apprentice trainees) living in their home
i went into the townships most week days before dawn
to film the morning training ritual
towards the end of the shooting
several witchdoctors with whom I had entered a personal friendship
expressed concern about my continued safety
they had premonitions that something bad was about to happen
I too had felt growing tension in the streets
I remember standing in front of Credo Mutwa's house (Indaba My Children")
while he recounted a lucid dream
in which he saw blood flowing in the streets of Soweto
he was near tears and pleaded with me to do something
I had several warning meetings with the documentary department back at the SABC
urging that we all work together on a series focused on race relations
mass communication via TV was still a new phenomenon in those days
the answer i got was "Whites want white faces in their living rooms"
BOSS wanted to know if i was in contact with the ANC
I was already on their list as a kaffir boetie after a previous doc
with Alan Paton and Fatima Meer was banned from broadcast
i was threatened house arrest if i did not reveal my sources about impending violence
I urged a mass walkout of our whole English Documentary department
but was assured by my peers (who had never set foot in any black location)
that I was over-reacting
the bloodbath a couple of weeks later
which might well have been avoided
is now a definitive chapter in SA history
the point of this story
happened the day after the massacre
while the shooting was still going on
I tried to get into Soweto to film it
but the only road in and out
was barricaded by the police and army
"no rooinek press allowed in"
I drove around the giant townships
hoping to find a track that led inside
on the way I picked up a black man hitching a ride
He got in smelling of native beer
tears were streaming down his face
"I ran! I was afraid. My girl friend is back there facing the bullets!"!
we drove in silence while he sobered up
then he spoke again
"You know Baas. Dingaan made a bad mistake!"
I let him off in Randburg and gave him some money.
Dingaan made a bad mistake
All South Africans might well have experienced a more harmonious future
if that earlier massacre at kwaBulawayo
had never happened
1700 years ago
Rome colonization fell
the tribes took over Europe
and initiated the Dark Ages
which lasted for 60 generations
before the Renaissance
European colonization fell
the tribes have taken over Africa
and initiated their own Dark Ages
for how many generations?
who knows
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Broken Familie - Broken Nations - Broken World
Nothing more illustrated the selfishness
and dysfunctional nature of modern societies
than the sheer amount to old folk dumped in nursing homes
to live out the rest of their lives alone
and the sheer amount of toddlers dumped crying for mama in nurseries
by parents pursuing their own self-serving agendas
using economics as an excuse for un-natural social behavior
only serves to underline the current state of mass dysfunction
and unwillingness to seek more humane solutions
this uncaring attitude to the Nature and meaning of family values
is a disgrace to the human race
and if not stopped forth with
will continue to increase national disunity
an acceleration of disaffected "terrorists"
and possible all out global warfare
a return to family values as Nature intended
with parents caring for their young
and the young caring for their parents in later life
is the one and only solution
to each and every one of our current
and global problems
and dysfunctional nature of modern societies
than the sheer amount to old folk dumped in nursing homes
to live out the rest of their lives alone
and the sheer amount of toddlers dumped crying for mama in nurseries
by parents pursuing their own self-serving agendas
using economics as an excuse for un-natural social behavior
only serves to underline the current state of mass dysfunction
and unwillingness to seek more humane solutions
this uncaring attitude to the Nature and meaning of family values
is a disgrace to the human race
and if not stopped forth with
will continue to increase national disunity
an acceleration of disaffected "terrorists"
and possible all out global warfare
a return to family values as Nature intended
with parents caring for their young
and the young caring for their parents in later life
is the one and only solution
to each and every one of our current
and global problems
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
In Tune with Divine Design
Twenty years ago
after a sober examination
of my selfish material ambitions
and the emptiness the degree
of wealth and fame I had gained from that approach to life
i adopted an anti-capitalist philosophy for my family
and began the difficult process of deprogramming myself
from that deeply indoctrinated cultural paradigm
cutting all extraneous expenses
living with the minimum of income
and staying non-profitinstead of worrying over money day in and day out
scheming and plotting to stay ahead of the bills
or trying to get ahead of them
created a remarkable freedom of mind
it sharpened my improvisation skills to a marked degreewhich has proved to be an extra-ordinarily successful life exercise
It opened my psyche
to a broader sense of living a satisfying and productive life
most amazing of all
it put me in tune with High Design
i was not working for a bossy God
I felt that I was working with Him
it is pure magic how all the materials I needed
to improve our family estate
seem to appear of their own accord
even occasional luxuries arrived unasked for
of course it has not only been roses these past twenty years
but always
I have seen the wisdom
amidst the thorns of disappointment
i believe that mankind in general
and the planet estate
can be managed far more intelligently
and definitely more morally
without the artificial limitations
endlessly corrupt promises
and distractions
of a monetary system
and the vast waste of policing it
a mind cleared of money
is a priceless commodity
with no capital
out of mud and stone
with the help of invisible forces
I have created a family estate
money cannot buy
I can only Imagine the magic
seven billion cleared minds
can accomplish
after a sober examination
of my selfish material ambitions
and the emptiness the degree
of wealth and fame I had gained from that approach to life
i adopted an anti-capitalist philosophy for my family
and began the difficult process of deprogramming myself
from that deeply indoctrinated cultural paradigm
cutting all extraneous expenses
living with the minimum of income
and staying non-profitinstead of worrying over money day in and day out
scheming and plotting to stay ahead of the bills
or trying to get ahead of them
created a remarkable freedom of mind
it sharpened my improvisation skills to a marked degreewhich has proved to be an extra-ordinarily successful life exercise
It opened my psyche
to a broader sense of living a satisfying and productive life
most amazing of all
it put me in tune with High Design
i was not working for a bossy God
I felt that I was working with Him
it is pure magic how all the materials I needed
to improve our family estate
seem to appear of their own accord
even occasional luxuries arrived unasked for
of course it has not only been roses these past twenty years
but always
I have seen the wisdom
amidst the thorns of disappointment
i believe that mankind in general
and the planet estate
can be managed far more intelligently
and definitely more morally
without the artificial limitations
endlessly corrupt promises
and distractions
of a monetary system
and the vast waste of policing it
a mind cleared of money
is a priceless commodity
with no capital
out of mud and stone
with the help of invisible forces
I have created a family estate
money cannot buy
I can only Imagine the magic
seven billion cleared minds
can accomplish
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Fortune Telling
I have just been reading the late Carl Sagan's book
The Demon Haunted World
Sagan was a science purist
in this book he rails against claims
to any and all forms
of super-natural phenomena
calling fortune telling, astrology faith healing etc
and those that believe in it a regression
to the realm of medieval superstitions
his argument
of course
flies in the face of millions of personal meta-normal testaments
made over thousands of years by people of all faiths and climes
including the claims of our saints
for me his insult s personal
I have lost count of the super-natural phenomena
that i have experienced over the past forty years
just for the fun of it
is one of the earlier I experienced
Back in the 1970's, I remarried,
I landed a job as a television producer for SABC
bought a house in, Parkhurst, a suburb of Johannesburg
and settled down for the long haul
our next door neighbors where an elderly couple
a couple of years after we moved there the husband died suddenly
the shock of his death triggered latent clairvoyant capabilities in his widow
she became an over-night sensation when she solved a murder case
telling the police exactly where to find a missing body
thereafter cars with number plates from as far as Natal and the Free State
were regularly parked outside her house
obviously customers come for personal readings
My wife
eager to have her own fortune told
got friendly with the old lady
and brought her over to our house for tea one day
eventually the old lady hauled out a marvelous crystal ball from a velvet bag
and stared into it
" I cannot see anything about you. my dear" said the old lady
to the disappointment of my wife
"But I do see a lot about your husband"
I was a total a atheist in those days and would have none of it
I had removed myself to a couch with a book and left them to it
"Please Stu, I know you are not into it - but let her."
I shrugged.
"Go ahead - if you really must."
We sat waiting while she peered into the crystal,
"You will be leaving South Africa for good soon."
"Yeah!" I scoffed to myself
I have just got married
got new house and a new job
fat chance.
"And just where will I be going?" I asked politely
"I see palm trees.
I see snow-capped mountains.
I see a building of many pillars with a crowd staring up at man wearing white.
I see great wealth"
Some months later I tangled with the SABC
who banned my programs on race relations
The Bureau of State Security threatened me with house arrest
I resigned my post at the SABC
we sold the house
bought two round the world tickets
and left South Africa for good
searching for a new home in a new country
After five years in the Middle and Far East
I settled in an apartment in. Hollywood, California
I lived there in the same apartment for ten years
I moved and settled on this ranch here in Nevada
I have been here 20 years
If you go to Google Earth
and zoom down on my old address. Carlton Way, Hollywood
you will see a short side street
dominated on both sides
by 90 foot high palm trees
If you zoom down on Fish Lake Valley, Dyer, Nevada
you can see my ranch in the midst of alfalfa crop circles
surrounded by 14,000 feet high snow clad peaks
3 completely unlikely predictions right out of 5
so far
in the wake of 9/11
New York ran an architectural competition
wanting to build a monument in memory of those who died
I was interested in entering
a month earlier while climbing in the mountains with my kids
I had a vision of a monumental building
I built a scale model
and sent it in as my entry
fifty huge pillars
each one 400 feet high
each representing a United State
with each's history inscribed
all 50 standing like a white forest on a huge pedestal
with a vast interior hall
and a gigantic statue of an eagle taking flight off the roof platform
on 9/11 each year the sun would shine down thu a hole in the roof
and illuminate a plaque with 3000 names on it
not modern
classic Greek
just ten times higher than anything they could have ever attempted
perhaps the most massive man-made monument on the planet
walking amongst the pillars
one would be dwarfed - much like strolling under the redwoods
rejected of course
I have since seen that same monument standing on top of white mountain peak
as a monument to the Western Pioneers
I will be submitting a visual reality of that monument idea on the web shortly
who knows
There never has been any great tribute to the tens of thousands
who pioneered the West
prediction No 4 might well happen yet
as far as i am concerned No 5 has already happened
what greater wealth could a man ask for
seven amazing kids
and a ranch
now worth a few million
The Demon Haunted World
Sagan was a science purist
in this book he rails against claims
to any and all forms
of super-natural phenomena
calling fortune telling, astrology faith healing etc
and those that believe in it a regression
to the realm of medieval superstitions
his argument
of course
flies in the face of millions of personal meta-normal testaments
made over thousands of years by people of all faiths and climes
including the claims of our saints
for me his insult s personal
I have lost count of the super-natural phenomena
that i have experienced over the past forty years
just for the fun of it
is one of the earlier I experienced
Back in the 1970's, I remarried,
I landed a job as a television producer for SABC
bought a house in, Parkhurst, a suburb of Johannesburg
and settled down for the long haul
our next door neighbors where an elderly couple
a couple of years after we moved there the husband died suddenly
the shock of his death triggered latent clairvoyant capabilities in his widow
she became an over-night sensation when she solved a murder case
telling the police exactly where to find a missing body
thereafter cars with number plates from as far as Natal and the Free State
were regularly parked outside her house
obviously customers come for personal readings
My wife
eager to have her own fortune told
got friendly with the old lady
and brought her over to our house for tea one day
eventually the old lady hauled out a marvelous crystal ball from a velvet bag
and stared into it
" I cannot see anything about you. my dear" said the old lady
to the disappointment of my wife
"But I do see a lot about your husband"
I was a total a atheist in those days and would have none of it
I had removed myself to a couch with a book and left them to it
"Please Stu, I know you are not into it - but let her."
I shrugged.
"Go ahead - if you really must."
We sat waiting while she peered into the crystal,
"You will be leaving South Africa for good soon."
"Yeah!" I scoffed to myself
I have just got married
got new house and a new job
fat chance.
"And just where will I be going?" I asked politely
"I see palm trees.
I see snow-capped mountains.
I see a building of many pillars with a crowd staring up at man wearing white.
I see great wealth"
Some months later I tangled with the SABC
who banned my programs on race relations
The Bureau of State Security threatened me with house arrest
I resigned my post at the SABC
we sold the house
bought two round the world tickets
and left South Africa for good
searching for a new home in a new country
After five years in the Middle and Far East
I settled in an apartment in. Hollywood, California
I lived there in the same apartment for ten years
I moved and settled on this ranch here in Nevada
I have been here 20 years
If you go to Google Earth
and zoom down on my old address. Carlton Way, Hollywood
you will see a short side street
dominated on both sides
by 90 foot high palm trees
If you zoom down on Fish Lake Valley, Dyer, Nevada
you can see my ranch in the midst of alfalfa crop circles
surrounded by 14,000 feet high snow clad peaks
3 completely unlikely predictions right out of 5
so far
in the wake of 9/11
New York ran an architectural competition
wanting to build a monument in memory of those who died
I was interested in entering
a month earlier while climbing in the mountains with my kids
I had a vision of a monumental building
I built a scale model
and sent it in as my entry
fifty huge pillars
each one 400 feet high
each representing a United State
with each's history inscribed
all 50 standing like a white forest on a huge pedestal
with a vast interior hall
and a gigantic statue of an eagle taking flight off the roof platform
on 9/11 each year the sun would shine down thu a hole in the roof
and illuminate a plaque with 3000 names on it
not modern
classic Greek
just ten times higher than anything they could have ever attempted
perhaps the most massive man-made monument on the planet
walking amongst the pillars
one would be dwarfed - much like strolling under the redwoods
rejected of course
I have since seen that same monument standing on top of white mountain peak
as a monument to the Western Pioneers
I will be submitting a visual reality of that monument idea on the web shortly
who knows
There never has been any great tribute to the tens of thousands
who pioneered the West
prediction No 4 might well happen yet
as far as i am concerned No 5 has already happened
what greater wealth could a man ask for
seven amazing kids
and a ranch
now worth a few million
Friday, November 16, 2012
Idolized Self-Images
I have argued that the collective psyche
which continues to insist rebelliously
on independent self-determination
in a universal milieu that is patently inter-dependent
is still in the evolutionary process
of experiencing a teenage growth stage
teenagers need mentors
in order to idolize their own self image
initially in childhood
that should be a boy's own father
and a girl's own mother
beyond that
after puberty
in the idealized teens
we all secretly yearn to be super-beings
whom we eventually choose as the super idol
to represent our self image
defines the nature of our out-look on life
and to some extent influences our future behavior
I was orphaned early
and never had a father to lionize
In my teens I never idolized any human
to model my self image on
no movie star
no rock star
no military general
no statesman
no scientist
admiration for their extra-ordinary achievements - yes
adoration just for being - no
I was aware of devout Christians
who idolized Jesus
i admired Jesus' message of love and peace immensely
but never felt like idolizing him
my nature is more action-orientated
Jesus was too passive
and with his long hair and dress
too effeminate for me to model on
so I grew through my childhood and teens and my twenties
without an idolized self image to model myself on
essentially a non-being groping through the motions of survival
materially ambitious
spiritually atheistic
unaware of the affect of my life and deeds on Cosmic Consciousness
or that I had an obligation to enhance it
in my early 30's
the Cosmos reached out
called my name
and woke up my spirit
all of a sudden
I was emotionally reborn
and found myself back to being 9 years old again
the year my father was killed
that is when I began searching for a personal idol
to model myself on
I knew it would have to be a super-natural hero
I discovered Krishna in the Hindu Vedas
and became enamored with yoga for several years
but again
found Krishna too effeminate for me
I discovered the Buddha
entered a Zen monastery for deeper comprehension
but found the Buddha too nihilistic
too detached from the meat of action
for my liking
I studied Islam
worshiped in mosques
but could not relate to Mohammed
too intellectual
too analytical
going all the way back to into mythology
I found my hero
the personalized God
whom I wanted to model myself on
His name is
which continues to insist rebelliously
on independent self-determination
in a universal milieu that is patently inter-dependent
is still in the evolutionary process
of experiencing a teenage growth stage
teenagers need mentors
in order to idolize their own self image
initially in childhood
that should be a boy's own father
and a girl's own mother
beyond that
after puberty
in the idealized teens
we all secretly yearn to be super-beings
whom we eventually choose as the super idol
to represent our self image
defines the nature of our out-look on life
and to some extent influences our future behavior
I was orphaned early
and never had a father to lionize
In my teens I never idolized any human
to model my self image on
no movie star
no rock star
no military general
no statesman
no scientist
admiration for their extra-ordinary achievements - yes
adoration just for being - no
I was aware of devout Christians
who idolized Jesus
i admired Jesus' message of love and peace immensely
but never felt like idolizing him
my nature is more action-orientated
Jesus was too passive
and with his long hair and dress
too effeminate for me to model on
so I grew through my childhood and teens and my twenties
without an idolized self image to model myself on
essentially a non-being groping through the motions of survival
materially ambitious
spiritually atheistic
unaware of the affect of my life and deeds on Cosmic Consciousness
or that I had an obligation to enhance it
in my early 30's
the Cosmos reached out
called my name
and woke up my spirit
all of a sudden
I was emotionally reborn
and found myself back to being 9 years old again
the year my father was killed
that is when I began searching for a personal idol
to model myself on
I knew it would have to be a super-natural hero
I discovered Krishna in the Hindu Vedas
and became enamored with yoga for several years
but again
found Krishna too effeminate for me
I discovered the Buddha
entered a Zen monastery for deeper comprehension
but found the Buddha too nihilistic
too detached from the meat of action
for my liking
I studied Islam
worshiped in mosques
but could not relate to Mohammed
too intellectual
too analytical
going all the way back to into mythology
I found my hero
the personalized God
whom I wanted to model myself on
His name is
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Zen and the Art of Desert Golf
Every muscle and sinew in the body
from brow to toe
is engaged
when striking a golf ball
300 yards down the center of a fairway
the secret behind a perfect drive
is an envisioned trajectory
a practiced swing
prefect timing
and zen mind
zen mind
is clear mind
no thought
practiced action
allowing the body
to do what is at hand
without the hesitations of analysis
I have employed zen mind
in a round of Desert golf
almost every morning for the past 20 years
non-Desert golf
costs green fees
lots of it
its a rich man's sport
$40 per game
$1000 per month
$12,000 per year
$240,000 over 20 years
Desert golf has no greens
thus no green fees
a shade harder putting on sand
just as challenging to score par
and a whole lot more fun
for a poor man
from brow to toe
is engaged
when striking a golf ball
300 yards down the center of a fairway
the secret behind a perfect drive
is an envisioned trajectory
a practiced swing
prefect timing
and zen mind
zen mind
is clear mind
no thought
practiced action
allowing the body
to do what is at hand
without the hesitations of analysis
I have employed zen mind
in a round of Desert golf
almost every morning for the past 20 years
non-Desert golf
costs green fees
lots of it
its a rich man's sport
$40 per game
$1000 per month
$12,000 per year
$240,000 over 20 years
Desert golf has no greens
thus no green fees
a shade harder putting on sand
just as challenging to score par
and a whole lot more fun
for a poor man
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Self Realization - The Door of Natural Perception
at birth
the clear minds of all babies
perceive the flavors of reality in the same way
while the infant mind remains unaffected by reason
all five sense inputs are pure
uncontaminated by cultural influences
they reality
as is
if infants were all left to run wild as feral children
it would be safe to say
as adults
all individual perceptions of reality would remain the same
cultural indoctrination during childhood
gradually influences our original clear perception of reality
as a result
by adulthood
we each have different artificial perceptions of reality
in this state of mind
no two people are able to see the world in precisely the same way
one man's taste
has become another mans poison
if one brain has been influenced to embrace the social altruism in communism
another has been influenced by capitalistic competition
if one heart has been cultured to adore Christ
another has been cultured to adore Buddha
one cultivated eye can be transported by a Picasso
and another can see only nonsense
one ear may find the music of Mozart exquisite
and another may find it boring
if reality
when unaffected by cultural influences
is what it is
what then has happened to the nature of reality?
has it been distorted?
or has it been improved by culture?
what is the standard value of cultural perception?
which of the great cultures on the planet
has the most accurate perception on reality?
the one currently with the most powerful army?
with the strongest economy?
if that is true
can one culture force all other cultures
to share its own perception of reality?
will current winners influence reality beneficially
who is to decide?
natural selection?
jungle law?
if reality has been unnaturally altered
by cultural indoctrination
and we cannot collectively decide
on a set standard of perception
with any universal sense of reality
can an individual adult mind
be deprogrammed
and again see reality as it naturally is?
and if one mind can be deprogrammed
can the influence of one clear mind
deprogram an entire culture?
is it possible for every culture in the human family
to once again clearly see reality in its natural state?
is that not what the objectivity of science
trying to achieve?
or will the world of social and religious jihads of discrimination
continue to distort reality
and hide unbiased perception
from the minds of everyone
if that is the case
if no two minds can see reality in the same way
then what is the ultimate fate of natural reality?
does it morph into an artificial construct of the indoctrinated mind
a fluctuating illusion
flavored by each individual mind
to suit one's own taste?
and if that is what the fate of reality is
who has the right
to criticize another perception
who decides what is beautiful?
and what is ugly?
the clear minds of all babies
perceive the flavors of reality in the same way
while the infant mind remains unaffected by reason
all five sense inputs are pure
uncontaminated by cultural influences
they reality
as is
if infants were all left to run wild as feral children
it would be safe to say
as adults
all individual perceptions of reality would remain the same
cultural indoctrination during childhood
gradually influences our original clear perception of reality
as a result
by adulthood
we each have different artificial perceptions of reality
in this state of mind
no two people are able to see the world in precisely the same way
one man's taste
has become another mans poison
if one brain has been influenced to embrace the social altruism in communism
another has been influenced by capitalistic competition
if one heart has been cultured to adore Christ
another has been cultured to adore Buddha
one cultivated eye can be transported by a Picasso
and another can see only nonsense
one ear may find the music of Mozart exquisite
and another may find it boring
if reality
when unaffected by cultural influences
is what it is
what then has happened to the nature of reality?
has it been distorted?
or has it been improved by culture?
what is the standard value of cultural perception?
which of the great cultures on the planet
has the most accurate perception on reality?
the one currently with the most powerful army?
with the strongest economy?
if that is true
can one culture force all other cultures
to share its own perception of reality?
will current winners influence reality beneficially
who is to decide?
natural selection?
jungle law?
if reality has been unnaturally altered
by cultural indoctrination
and we cannot collectively decide
on a set standard of perception
with any universal sense of reality
can an individual adult mind
be deprogrammed
and again see reality as it naturally is?
and if one mind can be deprogrammed
can the influence of one clear mind
deprogram an entire culture?
is it possible for every culture in the human family
to once again clearly see reality in its natural state?
is that not what the objectivity of science
trying to achieve?
or will the world of social and religious jihads of discrimination
continue to distort reality
and hide unbiased perception
from the minds of everyone
if that is the case
if no two minds can see reality in the same way
then what is the ultimate fate of natural reality?
does it morph into an artificial construct of the indoctrinated mind
a fluctuating illusion
flavored by each individual mind
to suit one's own taste?
and if that is what the fate of reality is
who has the right
to criticize another perception
who decides what is beautiful?
and what is ugly?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Angels and Demons
in the article on Self Realization
I have talked about the atomic polarity of our physical lives
and how nuclear energy affects consciousness
the same dynamic of positive and negative radiations
affects our spiritual development
with good and bad results
the mythologies and written scriptures
of ll cultures
refer to the existence of
gods and devils
angels and demons
as children
and as adults
we are encouraged to believe that gods and devils
are super-natural entities that exist separately
outside of ourselves
in heavens and hells
that are separate from the earth plane
none of that is true
there is no reality apart from the self
everything exists inside the mind
each human psyche is possessed of both an angelic aspect
and a demonic aspect
in our collective mind they are referred to as God and Devil
most of us are only vaguely aware of the duality
of our own spiritual forces
we draw cartoons of a little angel sitting on one shoulder
and a little demon sitting on the other
each one whispering into an ear
trying to influence us one way or another
those subtle feelings are in fact
and essential aspect of our spiritual reality
this spiritual vagueness underscores the vagueness
of our religious belief systems
and the existence or non existence of God and devil
some have a stronger sense of faith than others
some have none at all
this ambiguity in spiritual faith
is the way it is supposed to be at this stage of our evolution
while we are currently trying to analyze the meaning of existence scientifically
collecting evidence that is subject to empirical verification
only a small percentage (4%) of people actually make direct contact
with super-natural nature of the spirit
an intense relationship with the inner angelic forces
leads the neophyte into a life of beneficial healing
and goodness towards others
a demonic contact with the negative side of the spirit
leads to a life of debasement
and harm to others
one's first ecstatic meeting with the inner angel
can be a seemingly unearned grace
filled with beauty and seeming enlightenment
meeting the demon
is a trip into darkness
filled with filth and shame
to be fully enlightened
a true sage must be graced by the heavenly angel
that dances in the heart
and be burned in the fires of the hellish demon
that churns the stench in the stomach
I have talked about the atomic polarity of our physical lives
and how nuclear energy affects consciousness
the same dynamic of positive and negative radiations
affects our spiritual development
with good and bad results
the mythologies and written scriptures
of ll cultures
refer to the existence of
gods and devils
angels and demons
as children
and as adults
we are encouraged to believe that gods and devils
are super-natural entities that exist separately
outside of ourselves
in heavens and hells
that are separate from the earth plane
none of that is true
there is no reality apart from the self
everything exists inside the mind
each human psyche is possessed of both an angelic aspect
and a demonic aspect
in our collective mind they are referred to as God and Devil
most of us are only vaguely aware of the duality
of our own spiritual forces
we draw cartoons of a little angel sitting on one shoulder
and a little demon sitting on the other
each one whispering into an ear
trying to influence us one way or another
those subtle feelings are in fact
and essential aspect of our spiritual reality
this spiritual vagueness underscores the vagueness
of our religious belief systems
and the existence or non existence of God and devil
some have a stronger sense of faith than others
some have none at all
this ambiguity in spiritual faith
is the way it is supposed to be at this stage of our evolution
while we are currently trying to analyze the meaning of existence scientifically
collecting evidence that is subject to empirical verification
only a small percentage (4%) of people actually make direct contact
with super-natural nature of the spirit
an intense relationship with the inner angelic forces
leads the neophyte into a life of beneficial healing
and goodness towards others
a demonic contact with the negative side of the spirit
leads to a life of debasement
and harm to others
one's first ecstatic meeting with the inner angel
can be a seemingly unearned grace
filled with beauty and seeming enlightenment
meeting the demon
is a trip into darkness
filled with filth and shame
to be fully enlightened
a true sage must be graced by the heavenly angel
that dances in the heart
and be burned in the fires of the hellish demon
that churns the stench in the stomach
Friday, November 09, 2012
Self Realization
Each person on the planet today
is an expressions of organic life
that evolved out of our primal cell
which first divided itself into two
three billion years ago
each cell has one hundred trillion atoms
of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium and phosphorous
operating via the dynamic of positive and negative polarities
each body has one hundred trillion of those cells
there is enough nuclear energy compressed in each human body
to light up a city
and more than enough to destroy a city
this vast association of atomic energy
operating independently in every person
provides the organic vehicle for our sense input
which uploads the survival data of life experience into our minds
for intelligent analysis and individual creative ideation
and possible technical application
in effect
each of us is as creatively and destructively complex
as the universe that birthed us
each one a microcosm within the macrocosm
operating under the same atomic principles
our full super-natural potential of explosive atomic energy
has to remain latent
our minds are young
our cosmic ideas are still immature
our specie is still evolving towards full maturity
we are still struggling with comprehension
we are in a teen mode of pseudo-intellectual argument
we have yet to realize exactly who we are
and what we are really capable of
social and spiritual disciplines
have been instinctively and constantly at work
evolving and using reason analytically for survival
ever since our first Stone Age ancestor chipped a flint into a spear point
and wondered why luck played such a mysterious part in the hunt
As it stands now at this point in our evolution
each human being has evolved enough latent mental power
to ignite and fuse atomic energy into a brilliant idea
and explode into creative expression
or destructive mayhem
the ultimate answer is there
waiting for eventual discovery
which can only come
via a social and spiritual union of minds
sharing an identical vision
such energy can only be released when we are certain
within the depths of each individual self
that we will not use it collectively
to destroy our home planet
and put an abrupt end
to three billion years of evolutionary effort
this eventual union of combined human genius
is our evolutionary destiny
this is no longer a supposition
our science investigation has proved
that we all originated out of the same primal cell
which manufactured the first trace of organic life three billion years ago
thus we all remain
an expression of the consciousness of that Original cell
and have the potential of bringing seven billion individual minds
into a single point of focus
and unite our combined atomic genius
the power of which could effect
or negatively
the future evolution
of our planet
of solar system
of our galactic system
and of the Universal system
which birthed every star
is an expressions of organic life
that evolved out of our primal cell
which first divided itself into two
three billion years ago
each cell has one hundred trillion atoms
of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium and phosphorous
operating via the dynamic of positive and negative polarities
each body has one hundred trillion of those cells
there is enough nuclear energy compressed in each human body
to light up a city
and more than enough to destroy a city
this vast association of atomic energy
operating independently in every person
provides the organic vehicle for our sense input
which uploads the survival data of life experience into our minds
for intelligent analysis and individual creative ideation
and possible technical application
in effect
each of us is as creatively and destructively complex
as the universe that birthed us
each one a microcosm within the macrocosm
operating under the same atomic principles
our full super-natural potential of explosive atomic energy
has to remain latent
our minds are young
our cosmic ideas are still immature
our specie is still evolving towards full maturity
we are still struggling with comprehension
we are in a teen mode of pseudo-intellectual argument
we have yet to realize exactly who we are
and what we are really capable of
social and spiritual disciplines
have been instinctively and constantly at work
evolving and using reason analytically for survival
ever since our first Stone Age ancestor chipped a flint into a spear point
and wondered why luck played such a mysterious part in the hunt
As it stands now at this point in our evolution
each human being has evolved enough latent mental power
to ignite and fuse atomic energy into a brilliant idea
and explode into creative expression
or destructive mayhem
the ultimate answer is there
waiting for eventual discovery
which can only come
via a social and spiritual union of minds
sharing an identical vision
such energy can only be released when we are certain
within the depths of each individual self
that we will not use it collectively
to destroy our home planet
and put an abrupt end
to three billion years of evolutionary effort
this eventual union of combined human genius
is our evolutionary destiny
this is no longer a supposition
our science investigation has proved
that we all originated out of the same primal cell
which manufactured the first trace of organic life three billion years ago
thus we all remain
an expression of the consciousness of that Original cell
and have the potential of bringing seven billion individual minds
into a single point of focus
and unite our combined atomic genius
the power of which could effect
or negatively
the future evolution
of our planet
of solar system
of our galactic system
and of the Universal system
which birthed every star
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Colonial Fruits
Nice to know that America
for all its crass excesses
is sophisticated and diversified enough
to elevate a man
with an African Muslim father
as its
Commander in Chief
for all its crass excesses
is sophisticated and diversified enough
to elevate a man
with an African Muslim father
as its
Commander in Chief
Monday, November 05, 2012
Catch 22
in order for sustainable global stewardship to become a New Age
social, spiritual and economic paradigm
the preset generation of school children have to be avoid state-controlled
Capitalistic, Communistic or Socialistic programming
in order for that decision to be be made a global consensus
all current parents
already deeply indoctrinated into the existing paradigm
have to transcend their own mind-set
and see the value of the new
that cannot happen without extensive deprogramming
and reeducation
Change is the 1st Law of the Universe
it is how evolution advances
so where do we go from here
how do we get past Catch 22?
do we have to wait for total system collapse
or for Mother Nature to make up our minds for us
and keep piling on ever larger disasters?
social, spiritual and economic paradigm
the preset generation of school children have to be avoid state-controlled
Capitalistic, Communistic or Socialistic programming
in order for that decision to be be made a global consensus
all current parents
already deeply indoctrinated into the existing paradigm
have to transcend their own mind-set
and see the value of the new
that cannot happen without extensive deprogramming
and reeducation
Change is the 1st Law of the Universe
it is how evolution advances
so where do we go from here
how do we get past Catch 22?
do we have to wait for total system collapse
or for Mother Nature to make up our minds for us
and keep piling on ever larger disasters?
Sunday, November 04, 2012
A Brief Outline of Cultural Development
Below is a rude argument I had with a fellow on a philosophy forum
about the date of the Bronze Age
I put down the start date as circa = 20.000 BCE
end date 4000 BCE
which totally contradicts conventional history books
those interested in history might find my reasoning illuminating
I am well aware of the arbitrary dates allocated for the Bronze Age
by unknown historians who did so without rhyme or reason
We have no records of the Bronze Age
simply because there was no need for script during that era of human development
all modern arguments about it are suppositions
except mine
if we are ever to understand and deal with human relations
in a more kindly and comprehensive manner
the bridge date between prehistoric and historic cultures
needs to be more precisely defined
go by the book if you will
the book is dead wrong
our recorded history begins with the first Iron Age scriptures
about 4000 BCE
Sanskrit etc
before that both the prehistoric Stone and Bronzes would be forever a blank
if it were not for the survival of those two formative Ages of the specie
in remote areas of Africa up to 40 years ago
when I began my studies there producing documentary films
on preliterate African cultural practices
My estimates of our species mass conscious graduations
are the result of those years of direct observation
In addition anybody taking the trouble
to read the diaries of the first European missions in pre-colonial Africa
The diaries of Henry Francis Fynn Lt Farewelland Nathanielk Isaacs
are priceless records of Zulu culture before any missionary got hold of them
with Shaka's despotic reign
taking place right on the cusp of a mass change of consciousness
moving 80 from clans from petty feuding
to national union
via total war
all of it witnessed and on record!!
reading those diaries will get you a far better insight into how Bronze Age cultures functioned
than any history book in existence
and i saw some of it myself in East Africa in 1959
I have been criticized for extrapolating from Africa's Stone and Bronze Age cultures
and wrongly applying them to those prehistoric cultures that once existed elsewhere in the world
anyone with a practical field experience can tell that is pure poppycock
survival in different climate conditions at any time past or present
has always only had a marginal effect on group survival behavior
whether it be hunter families
or clan farm coops
the development of human consciousness
experienced almost identical schooling
throughout all the Ages in all climes
Prior to scripture
all Stone Age cultures throughout the globe practiced hunter/gather survival
techniques via oral-based family cooperatives
with their spirituality intuitively experienced by each individual
All Bronze Age cultures across the globe
practiced identical oral-based clannish farming cooperatives
with the social culture revolving around predatory invasions
with pubertal ceremonies designed to prepare young men as fearless lion fighters
and border protectors
and a trading economy based on bride priced polygamy
with the spirituality administered by shaman psychics
the Iron Age is defined by the federation of feuding clans
via total war
with the enlarged population requiring cohesive government
vial the invention of an orthodox scripture
with the economy extending beyond agriculture
to include industrial craftsmanship
that is my history
and I am sticking to it
you can have it the conventional way if you insist mate
its a free world
in dire need of a dose of common sense
about the date of the Bronze Age
I put down the start date as circa = 20.000 BCE
end date 4000 BCE
which totally contradicts conventional history books
those interested in history might find my reasoning illuminating
The Bronze Age was 3600-300 BCE depending upon what part of the world you pick and writing was quite evident during that period. Code of Hammurabi was written circa 1750 BCE |
I am well aware of the arbitrary dates allocated for the Bronze Age
by unknown historians who did so without rhyme or reason
We have no records of the Bronze Age
simply because there was no need for script during that era of human development
all modern arguments about it are suppositions
except mine
if we are ever to understand and deal with human relations
in a more kindly and comprehensive manner
the bridge date between prehistoric and historic cultures
needs to be more precisely defined
go by the book if you will
the book is dead wrong
our recorded history begins with the first Iron Age scriptures
about 4000 BCE
Sanskrit etc
before that both the prehistoric Stone and Bronzes would be forever a blank
if it were not for the survival of those two formative Ages of the specie
in remote areas of Africa up to 40 years ago
when I began my studies there producing documentary films
on preliterate African cultural practices
My estimates of our species mass conscious graduations
are the result of those years of direct observation
In addition anybody taking the trouble
to read the diaries of the first European missions in pre-colonial Africa
The diaries of Henry Francis Fynn Lt Farewelland Nathanielk Isaacs
are priceless records of Zulu culture before any missionary got hold of them
with Shaka's despotic reign
taking place right on the cusp of a mass change of consciousness
moving 80 from clans from petty feuding
to national union
via total war
all of it witnessed and on record!!
reading those diaries will get you a far better insight into how Bronze Age cultures functioned
than any history book in existence
and i saw some of it myself in East Africa in 1959
I have been criticized for extrapolating from Africa's Stone and Bronze Age cultures
and wrongly applying them to those prehistoric cultures that once existed elsewhere in the world
anyone with a practical field experience can tell that is pure poppycock
survival in different climate conditions at any time past or present
has always only had a marginal effect on group survival behavior
whether it be hunter families
or clan farm coops
the development of human consciousness
experienced almost identical schooling
throughout all the Ages in all climes
Prior to scripture
all Stone Age cultures throughout the globe practiced hunter/gather survival
techniques via oral-based family cooperatives
with their spirituality intuitively experienced by each individual
All Bronze Age cultures across the globe
practiced identical oral-based clannish farming cooperatives
with the social culture revolving around predatory invasions
with pubertal ceremonies designed to prepare young men as fearless lion fighters
and border protectors
and a trading economy based on bride priced polygamy
with the spirituality administered by shaman psychics
the Iron Age is defined by the federation of feuding clans
via total war
with the enlarged population requiring cohesive government
vial the invention of an orthodox scripture
with the economy extending beyond agriculture
to include industrial craftsmanship
that is my history
and I am sticking to it
That aside, it still is a lot of verbiage saying not much of anything. |
you can have it the conventional way if you insist mate
its a free world
in dire need of a dose of common sense
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Feminine Mystique
I have an old-fashioned religious view of womanhood
as living embodiments of Mother Earth
Bride and womb of the Divine seed
to be worshiped and protected
as living embodiments of Mother Earth
Bride and womb of the Divine seed
to be worshiped and protected
A Brief History of Religious Belief
A Brief History of Religious Belief
The division of society by Creationism and Evolution
will continue while each side holds fast to its position
Worst of all it confuses our children in the classroom.
It is unfair for scientists to hold that civility can be sustained in a society
without an Absolute standard of Goodness as base of judgement
(The collapse of Communism supports that)
It is also unfair for those who believe in God
to enjoy the fruits of science
yet deny its basic empirical tenets.
We all need to realize
that it is not a matter of proving whether god exists or not
it is basically a matter of personal choice
Choosing to Believe
injects the psyche with a profound sense of personal accountability
it forces one to monitor ones own behavior
to strive religiously for improvement
and take responsibility for one's actions
Choosing the latter
allows the psyche to coast
shift blame to another
and allocate correction to a police force
I am well aware that the information presented below
will satisfy neither the scientific purist or the religious fundamentalist
Never the less it is presented as a basis
for an harmonic between Creation and Evolution
Is Consciousness Divine?
The invisible force and emotional influences of Consciousness exists.
All beings are endowed with it at various levels of awareness,
from the lowest to the highest order.
And because all things
from rocks to humans
are constructed of the same base of atomic elements
in various combinations of association,
it is reasonable to accept that atomic radiation
has to be the basic source of Consciousness.
And because this invisible force of Consciousness
distinguishes its self-expression predominantly
via a display of natural order, beauty and symmetry,
juxtaposed against lesser expressions of mutation and ugliness,
it can be reasonably supposed that the Nature of Consciousness,
both organic and inorganic
is fundamentally G(o)od. Divine.
How is Divine Consciousness Expressed?
The Rise of Ego. 2.5 million B.C.
Enough neuron connections in an evolving
hominid’s brain allowed for the dawning
of a dim light of self-reflection.
An ego able to see itself as separate
from the rest of Nature
arose out of the Divine dust of atomic matter.
A divine apeman became divinely human.
Stone Age Animism 2.5 Million B.C. – 20.000 B.C.
Animism is an intuitive sense that Nature has soul,
that Mother Nature will reward the hunt and
will punish trespass.
Bronze Age Shamanism 20,000 B.C - 4000 B.C.
Ancestral totemic worship.
Oral-based superstitious belief
that the clan founder was Divinely born
that ancestral spirits
contacted via sacrificial offerings
with psychically gifted shamans
acting as spiritual mediums
could intercede with the Gods
and bring good weather for crops
and good fortune.
Iron Age Scriptures 4000 B.C. – 500 B.C.
The need for a binding national document that unified
clannish totemic superstitions about Divine origins.
The divinely inspired scriptures gave the Priest caste
the authority to anoint the dynastic rule of a paramount chief ( king).
The Holy Scriptures gave the proletariat the promise of heavenly rewards
as a boon for their civil obedience to the crown.
They encouraged the artistry of conscientious craftsmanship
engaged in the erection of monuments in honor of the Divine.
Study of the scriptures stimulated the intellectual
development of the masses. (Start of classroom education).
(Hindu/Buddhist Sutras, gave the promise of reincarnation )
Steel Age Protestation 500 B.C. – 1900 A.D.
The rise of Aristotelian scientific empiricism
A Protest against the Divine rites of royalty and papal infallibility.
leading to the separation of Church and State.
the assumption of democratic rule
governed by man-written codes of conduct.
The civic promise of private wealth via hard work and industry.
(and lately by gambling on the market or lottery ticket)
Nuclear Age Ontology 19.000 A.D. ---
The rise of Atomic theory and Quantum Mechanics.
An analytical realization that consciousness
has an atomic origin.
An intuitive realization that atomic matter
and consciousness (spiritual energy)
are one and the same.
Extracted from
Psyche Genetics
The Soul of the Atom
The Origination of Holy Scriptures
Speaking generally
Script was not required in the Bronze Age - 20,000 BCE - 6000 BCE
which is defined by an oral-based agricultural economy
with society divided by clan totemism
ruled by petty clan chiefs.
Clan chief's spoken words were law
heard by all physically during clan harvest gatherings.
Oral based mythological claims of divine totemic sanctification
together with superstitious claims
regarding ancestral spiritual intervention with the weather Gods
with psychically gifted shamans acting as mediums
sealed clannish spiritual unity
The Bronze Age ended in fertile regions
when population pressures
escalated petty clan border disputes into outright war,
despotic warlords forced eventual clan federation
and the formation of the first national mind-sets.
For national union to remain binding
despotic rule was essential
in order not revert to individual totemic arguments of Divine favor,
a rigid Scriptural orthodoxy of laws
largely based on early oral-based mythological explanations
regarding Divine origination
was needed to rule the Union
and give the paramountcy Divine rights of succession.
A learned priest caste emerged
as interpreters of the inspirations of the early Scribes
Script was not required in the Bronze Age - 20,000 BCE - 6000 BCE
which is defined by an oral-based agricultural economy
with society divided by clan totemism
ruled by petty clan chiefs.
Clan chief's spoken words were law
heard by all physically during clan harvest gatherings.
Oral based mythological claims of divine totemic sanctification
together with superstitious claims
regarding ancestral spiritual intervention with the weather Gods
with psychically gifted shamans acting as mediums
sealed clannish spiritual unity
The Bronze Age ended in fertile regions
when population pressures
escalated petty clan border disputes into outright war,
despotic warlords forced eventual clan federation
and the formation of the first national mind-sets.
For national union to remain binding
despotic rule was essential
in order not revert to individual totemic arguments of Divine favor,
a rigid Scriptural orthodoxy of laws
largely based on early oral-based mythological explanations
regarding Divine origination
was needed to rule the Union
and give the paramountcy Divine rights of succession.
A learned priest caste emerged
as interpreters of the inspirations of the early Scribes
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