Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who is god? What and Where is Heaven?

I was born into a religious cult named after its founder
I was baptized in his name
and raised to believe that he is the one and only god of the universe
and that of i worshiped him  faithfully
without question
i would go to heaven and be with him eternally

i was solemnly warned by my elders
that if i started to question that faith
and decided not to believe that he was my god and savior
my sin of being born as a human
could never be expunged
and i would fry in hell for eternity

at age 13
as a duly confirmed christian
taking holy communion every sunday
with countless hours in church in prayer
listening dutifully to endless sermons from the holy bible
a veritable host of unbidden questions
began to appear involuntary in my post-pubertal mind

if i keep the faith
believe god was masquerading as a carpenter' son
and go to heaven
what then?

were there any sports in heaven
would i get that souped-up mazzerati i wanted
any woman i wanted
become rich and famous

or would i have to spend the rest of eternity kneeling in church
signing hymns of praise to him
and listening to sermons

nobody could give me any answers
not even jesus

so i gave up my faith

i spent the next 20 years
loudly proclaiming myself as an atheist
while sub-consciously wrestling with these questions

I stumbled on the eastern faith of reincarnation
which allowed sinful man
to return to life endlessly
and in that process eventually rise to the highest order
of self realization

one day
while in deep in meditation
a question arose in my mind
if i die
and am reborn over and over again
but cannot remember a single instant from any of my past lives
what was the point
which self was i realizing

so i stopped meditating

at age 33
god finally spoke
only one word
my name
all of a sudden
in one eureke instant
i knew the mind of god
i knew who he was
and what heaven is

Consciousness is god
and the planet i stand on
and all that consciously happens on it
is heaven
since then
i have tried to make the best conscious use
of the life i presently have
trying to improve the state of the heaven
i live in

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