Wednesday, July 17, 2013


A mutual beneficial interaction of dissimilar organisms

The Immoral Nature of the Profit Motif

All transactions between plant and animal life on this planet
are based on a delicate ecological balance of give and take
that is of mutual benefit to all three billion specie
who contribute to the symbiosis

this interactive balance between organisms cannot be sustained indefinitely
if any one specie decides on its own account
to extract from Nature
more than it returns

For a profit to be made
something else has to loose
and when the world ecology is delicately balanced on symbiosis
the selfishness of one specie
creates a catastrophic domino effect on the entire system

the question capitalism faces today
while training seven billion humans
to individually extract a profit out of every transaction
is not if that ideology will lead us to eventual species extinction
but how soon it will happen

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