Friday, September 15, 2006


God knows how uncool it is to keep moralizing on so many issues of both a domestic and foreign nature. Surely a more mature Age must evolve that lies beyond the pseudo-intellectual debates about Church and State and Individual Rights that we are mired in at present, and consciously arrive at a universal consensus about what truly is and what truly is not the right thing to do at all times and places, and thereby get on with the good life that God meant for us, with a clear conscience?

The Evolution of Social Complexities that Confuse Moral Issues

Once upon a time, in A Stone Age of family group values, all of us were intuitive Animists, naively aware of the ever-present Spirit of Mother Nature and the need to step carefully over Her thorns and poisonous fangs. Parents instinctively taught their children that it was not a good idea to trespass on a neighbor’s hunting territory. But ever since our evolution into a Bronze Age of clan-based agriculture, mankind has grown up forced to moralize on ever more complex social and spiritual issues. Artificial trespasses were necessary to domesticate Nature and deal with pestilence. A chore based work-ethic had to be introduced at a young age. An Iron Age of national industrialization introduced the moral issues of conscientious craftsmanship and script-based learning. These two New Ages unearthed and permutated a veritable host of seemingly imponderable moral issues. Reliant on the artificial nature and difficulties of script-based communication and interpretation, we gradually lost our intuitive connection with the Good. Shamans and priests had to evolve in order administer to our troubled consciousness. They tried to point out the good from the bad – but they too lost their spiritual insight and became confused and corrupted by the complexity of social intercourse. Consequently, over the millennia, very serious moral issues have never been resolved – not in any of our regional wars – territorial, religious or otherwise.

When we moved on, into a Teen Age of scientific determinism, endless pseudo-intellectual debates began, and the Ages-long evolution of human consciousness got completely out of hand. Tens of millions of words have been scribbled in endless stream of religious scriptures and political manifestos. None of that wisdom has stopped us from engaging in two world wars, or a Cold War, where for forty years two super-powers, both armed with enough WMD to destroy several planets, screamed Capitalist Pigs and Commie Rats at each other. Not a damn thing has been resolved since the godless Soviet Union collapsed.

So we sit today, with half the planet starving to death while the rich continue to argue over the relative merits of our atavistic totem images, our ideas of God and our self-centered political ideologies. Meanwhile a whole new generation of 3rd World teenagers have grown up, prepared to blow themselves and the whole planet to kingdom come.

The Moral Reality

When all of us know, virtually at first hand, that some four billion fellow human beings are right at the bottom of the pile and that a quarter of them are actually living on the extreme edge of starvation and sending their babies hungry and confused to bed most nights, its hard to get laid back, bite into fat Big Mac, and let the cards fall as they are dealt. The grim reality that exposure to the extremes of wealth and poverty forces on one, is in realizing that most of the suffering can be evened out – ‘cause its mostly related to intellectuals engaged in endless pseudo-intellectual masturbations that have no basis in reality, and to a small number of international bankers dealing out the cards.

Evoking a New Era of Common Sense

Nothing is more motivating or creative than living with a clear conscience. That can only happen when one clearly sees the adult nature of giving and the childish nature of exploitation and can appreciate the difference in maturity. America is the sleeping giant that can change the order of business on this planet if it can only wake up to its evolutionary destiny. If the political and religious spin-doctors on the mass media can shut up for a while and if the fat cats in this country can only be shown what real profits can be like if everybody on this planet is fully employed, a world of new opportunities will open up for all of us. .

In the meantime, if somebody reading this blog can fill me in with a cooler way to spell out the moral dilemmas and the answers to them than I have presented so far, I will be more than happy to tune in and try a new approach.

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