Tuesday, January 08, 2008

OSAMA & OBAMA - Twin Agents for Real Change

Obama would have no momentum if it were not for 9/11. Osama got the ball rolling and showed that might is never right by making a multi-trillion dollar military establishment look like a crippled Goliath. It has scared the shit out of the West.

Obama is still technically an agent of the establishment. He needs the Democratic Party apparatus to keep him on the ballot list. The main question is; are there enough pissed off voters to give him a personal mandate to forego politics as usual and throw that whole out-dated socio/economic system overboard and set us all on a new course of global cooperation into the 21st Century. Hopefully he has the broadness of mind to see the big picture.

I would take the trouble to enumerate all the necessary changes here and what general policy could replace them , if it were not for the fact that it takes a book to do that and i have already published such a global agenda in "Psyche-Genetics". With a bit of luck, maybe he will read it.

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