Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Enigma of Consciousness

There is no logical explanation for the existence and evolution of consciousness.

Organic life, according to physics is the net result of the random activity of a variety of chemicals eroded from solid rock and mixed with water in a primeval soup. If one follows that line of logic, then why would an essentially mechanical process need to progress beyond the basic survival needs of feeding and procreating? What motive would it have for evolving into a complex self-conscious being who would rise above the rest of Nature and become interested in the workings of the entire Cosmos?

Those questions can only be addressed in metaphysical terms and are, of course, the ancient origins of a wide variety of contentious theological belief systems.

If the arise of a conscious being that would one day become devoted to scientific determination has any intuitive purpose beyond physics, can it be that it's dual brain capacity was designed to eventually answer the Enigma of Consciousness in universal terms - and thereby put an end to seemingly ceaseless theological arguments?

If it seems ridiculous to state that consciousness arose of its own out of solid rock, would it not be more universally understood and logical to propose that the seed of conscious has been, all along, a charismatic attribute of the atomic nucleus?

Is the Universe not primarily a vast radiation of atomic consciousness?

Has human consciousness not especially evolved as an observing ego, which allows Cosmic Consciousness the illusion of seeing and experiencing itself via the drama of life in an illusory Creation?


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how self-consciousness, as you say, can be explained by a random chemical reaction. It has to be supernatural. Or else there would be no reason why, as humans, we could not recreate that reaction and thereby create a whole new consciousness... Would there?

S.W. Pringle said...

Very good point.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand alot of what you are implying Magnet Man, but for the most part it makes sense to me, I'd have to agree with Wham too, consciousness is too complex and fundamentally unnecessary to any specie evolved through entirely natural and evolutionary means… So I guess that was all you were saying mm…