Monday, October 16, 2006

The Evolving Cycle of Consciousness

Satyr wrote:
This “imposition” (of social mores) is what makes society possible.
Rational man desperately wants to maintain access to his fate by making himself a total product of nurturing and the immediate environment. In this way nature can he ‘healed’ or ‘corrected’ and man can gain control over himself through reason. This way the entire historical process that lead up to the emergence of a particular being is minimized, because man has no access to the process before his birth. He is forced to live with what choices his ancestors made. He is, in fact, the sum of these choices, making his own by echoes of theirs or corrective, either trying to deny them or surpass them. This is how gender roles become entirely social constructs. Rational man, democratic man (social man), will have it no other way.

MagnetMan wrote: Very well put.

That imposed process was essential for our intitial developmental stages of growth - from the infancy of a Stone Age hunter/gatherer, through Bronze Age agriculturalist and Iron Age industrialist to the teenage angst of a Steel Age scientist, intent on empirical verfication.

Each Age initiated a logical progression of social and spiritual disciplines that allowed Nature to develope a specie that is capable of escaping extinction from over-population - by learning how to manage a planet and his own continued survival via the application of advanced technology.

The grand Cosmic strategy behind this was to allow Mother Earth's most advanced form of consciousness to complete its full cycle and be able to parade Her's and our Sun's creation around the universe.

Having arrived at the start of a new Nuclear Age, the first stage of an adult consciousness is about to emerge, one which will be able to transcend imposed social mores and directly access the original source of natural consciousness.

The final stage of the cycle will allow us to be completely natural, not as naive as were were at the begining of the cycle, but endowed with the sagaciousness gained from all the ages of experience.

Each individual life goes through and anticipates the entire evolutionary cycle in microcosm - all the way to the end game.

Hence a true sage is childlike.

And the death experience is transcendental.


Anonymous said...

Hello. Interesting writing and a very appealing blog. The evolutionary cycle, as you lay it out, makes sense to me in as much as it resonates as being a logical progression. My single hesitation is in reference to your indicating that the first stage of an adult consciousness is about to emerge... some how when one stops to look around, as our country's population hits 300 million, and all the other staggering figures and facts one hears daily... facts and figures and effects, but zero suggestions or ideas to accommodate our endless expansion.. adult is not the word I would use to describe our being. It still seems as though such an awareness is so very far off. Am I a pessimist? Is the world not actually falling to pieces around us? It is difficult for me to see the silver lining. I realize I rambled, I apologize, thank you for the perspective/hope anyway.

S.W. Pringle said...

There is a growing minority who have already taekn intiation into an ontological state of altered awareness. Many have become activists and are doing their bit to help initate a mass shift into a new paradigm. We are indeed in a dangerous moment of teen protestation and are quite capable of executing the ultimate teen dare of mass extermination.
We have to have faith in our long hsitory of ancestral disciplines and hope that our innate goodness will win out and take us past the drama of this moment into a more responsible era of global managment.