Thursday, October 19, 2006

More Forum Debate on World Leadership

aspacia wrote:

In a nutshell, Magnet proposes a World Government, with the USA leading the way. Chuckle, right, like the UN really follows our lead. That is, at this point in human history, this is not possible, especially since globalization is nascent.

The UN would be only to happy to follow America's lead if we did just that, instead of just dismissing them. And it is because globalization is in its infancy that it needs responsible parenting.

MagnetMan discusses environmental issues, but fails to mention that the nations that signed to the Kyoto (sp) agreement, are not living up to their obligations, and the most polluting countries are Russia and China, at least according to much of the material I have read. The USA is a major polluter as well, but not nearly as bad as these two countries.

Maybe if we lead the way the bad guys will follow. Excusing ourselves because of them is the weakest of all excuses.

He mentions starvation, plagues, genocide and wars. Hello, haven't these always occurred.

Africa suffers these now because of the premature collapse of colonial rule. None of the present conditions existed before 1960. Another generation or two learning modern technology would have left them with a sound middle class and enough qualified technicians to go it alone.

Iraqis were very hungry under Saddam because he would not comply with the sanctions. We kick the bad guy out, we are damned.

It was the oil, stupid.
A tyrant like Saddam was the only guy who could keep a lid in Iraq. We had no business interfering with an ancient culture's internal affairs. They would have got rid of the tyrant themselves in due course.

We send food to Somalia and 18 of our troops are butchered.

The sacrifice of those young soldiers, saved many thousands of children from starvation. They died for a far more noble cause than the 2000 plus that are currently dying in Iraq. We need to send out our young people as peace-makers and educators, not as soldiers - and bring technology to more of the world's poor - that is the true business of a world leader - not running around policing. The cost of one guided missile could erect ten schools in Africa. The cost of two would pay for all the teacher's salaries.

Magnet discusses altruistic vision...right, try being altruistic with the Stalin's, Hitler's, Pol Pot's, etc. of the world. This is impossible as the current reality stands.
Without some measure of altruism, what kind of a world would this be? You do yourself no justice by mocking human kindness - no matter how naive it may seem.

The British Empire fell because of WWII. It was not dismantled, and her influence continues with the USA, India and many other lands.

The British Empire fell because it became too expensive to administer and keep building up the infrastructures in its colonies in the 3rd World. So when Africa's pseudo-intellectuals (mostly lawyers) came back from their sponsored education in Oxford and Cambridge, and started demanding self rule, England and Europe in general were only too happy to grab the opportunity to dump them - knowing full well the administrative ineptitude and corruption that would follow.

HELLO, the world hates us. We have not always had difficult world diplomatic relations, it is called Bush won and pissed off the world.

America pissed off England during the Revolutionary War and then Europe, when it bragged it won both World Wars. It came in late both times after millions had already sacrificed their lives. Bush has merely served to put salt on those old wounds.

Many of the US young are not reflective regarding politics, but then again, if not reflecting and searching for insight, why is almost every home with a computer and the Internet. The children will grow, and create their own identities, and develop insight. At least in the West they can do so, unlike many other lands.

Children grow and develop the family and social values that their parents instill in them to begin with. If every parent spent the first twelve years instilling the sharing and chore-based work ethics, and encouraged courage, and how to think things out for themselves, before indoctrinating them with predigested information out of text books when they are only three or four years old, children will indeed grow up to create their own unique identifies. right now all we have are robots face down on the mass production line, and growing poorer every year while the greediest get ever richer.

Magnet claims we are not self-aware??? Are you kidding, we, especially our young, are too self-absorbed, and self-aware to be aware of others.

One cannot be self-aware unless one is aware of one's relationship to the awareness of others. Without a keen sense of community, all you have is Narcissus staring at his own reflection. If we project this expanded sense of self-awareness on a global scale one can see why America would find it enlightening to reach out and step up to the plate.

He hopes to have a book published regarding this. I doubt if it

Psyche-Genetics, the base research work on which all my present and future books will be published, is itself already published. You can buy it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

as he is not an academic and this type of discourse is usually reserved for academics.

This kind of intellectual snobbery is disgraceful and it is why I feel that too many academics are are purely pseudo-intelligent - experts at rote learning and memory retention - yet too practically inept to tie their own shoe-laces.

Your position on this issue is particularly ironic Aspacia. I have never heard any academic espouse American isolationism as fervently as you do. If your training makes you so globally astute, and me so naive, please explain to me why America, long before it became the catch-phrase of the moment, inscribed its intent to establish a new world order on that most holy of all American Scriptures, the dollar bill? It seems to me (if you can read Latin) that I am far more in tune with our underlying national policy than you are.

(Check out the Latin inscription at the bottom of the pyramid)


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