Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Originally Posted by gordon
Mr MagnetMan, I was wondering what kind of "psychic-soul powers" do you, and your children have? I was also wondering, is there a psychic skill able to "see" and to notice in other timelines?

It is my conviction that extra sensory perception represents the untapped potential of all human beings. I believe that it is related to uninhibited communicatioin between the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Some few people are born with a clear pathway between the two brains and consequently enjoy a high level of intuive insights. Domineering parents, siblings, text-book schooling, governments, police, etc. intimidate the child psyche. Adults redicule their natural tendency to fantatize and as a consequence gradually block natural access to the intuitive side of the psyche.

During the education of my kids I made sure they were not incarcerated inside a classroom or forced to prematurely analyze text books for six hours a day. I let them run and play throughout childhood. The only disciplines imposed on them where personal ethics, hygiene, chores, gardening etc. I encouraged arts and crafts, and regular yoga and meditation classes. They only hit the text books at puberty. All scored straight A in all subjects in final exams. Though none have as yet turned out to be especially clair-sentient, their intuitive powers are far superior to most people. I devised a telecommuncation test, transmitting random alphabetic letters to each other. Their "hits" were phenomenal - on 50% of the occassions getting six out of six right. Never less than 60%. The odds each transmission are of course 26 to 1.

If the future is forward and the past is the past, then the timelines are sideways?

Time is relative to consciousness. In the Absolute state, past, present and future co-exist. Everything is potentially in the present moment. The eerieness of deja vu happens when, for a timeless instant, consciousness breaks the light-speed barrier. Your consciousness is equally split between two space/time continuims at the same moment.

Some of my own ESP experiences are recorded in my book Psyche-Genetics.

What is clair-sentient?

The psychic ability to hear sounds and see entities or other-dimensional scenes vibrating at frequencies beyond the normal range of perception. The most common is to see auras radiating from people or objects.Clinical psychologists provide more prosaic explanations.

And what are the other "ranks". *Inrespect* I was hoping you could explain about timelines. As I am sure that timelines work on adifferent set of laws? I could be wrong. Thanks MagnetMan, for viewing and answering. Peace. Blessed Be.

I am not sure what you mean by "time lines".

At a very basic level time is relative to states of consciousness.
An infant, for instance has no concept of past or future. Everything takes place in the here and now.

As we age the survival demand to master technologies force us to artificially divide time into increasingly minute segments. The analytical side of the brain becomes a time-keeper. When you are young you live with your psyche focused on future ambitions and expectations. When old you dwell on past triumphs and mistakes. It is almost impossible for us to break the hypnotic time constrictions and try to live in the here and now. We rarely exprience the totality of the moment. When we do, the experience seems like a meeting with the Divine. It is as though you are directly connected to everything in the cosmos. You do not feel alone or separated.

Dream time has no relation to waking time and is in fact closer to "no time" and therefore is less artificially manufactured.

Many clair-sentients have "premonitions" about events that in our "normal" frame of time reference, have not yet happened. I have had a numbver of these premonitions about future events in my life. I have at least ten events which took place exactly as predicted. I was taking a casula look at new set of post cards I had just bought, when I had the eery feeling that I was looking at my future life. Its a long fascinating story about the power of premonition which I have related elsewhere.

The fleeting nature of time is regularly experiencied when one is deeply engrossed in a creative mode of expression. I can remember writing my first novel. My wife would bring me a cup of coffee in the morning and leave for work. She would come back in the evening eight hours later and I would ask her, "Why haven't you gone to work yet? Aren't you a bit late?" This time-loss happened repeatedly during the months I spent in creative writing. This clearly suggests that the right side of the brain, when in the creative mode, has no consciousness of time and is disconnected from the analyical side during that period Smoking marijuana also distorted "time" for me.
In contrast, if you are engaged in a tedious chore, time "drags".

Time is completely unreal. Minutes and seconds ticking away on a clock is a manufacture of the human mind. No other life force experiences time the way we do. A dog waiting at the door for its master can do so all day without impatience - even remain unconscious of "feeding time". The entire life span of a microscopic organism from birth to death can take place in a single day.

I hope that is explicit enough.
Common Sense Revisited


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