Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bush Truth Commission

The Truth Commission proposed by Senator Leahy presents all of us with perhaps the only bright light that can lead this country out of the many dark crevices we have fallen into in our national and individual pursuit, not of happiness, but of wealth and power. The Commission's potential for cleaning our house and putting all of us back on the road toward honor and dignity in ourselves and our national purpose, reaches far beyond exposing the wrong-doings of the Bush Administration or any economic stimulus package that the Obama Administration may propose.

The beauty of it is that it will cost very little money and, if handled carefully and with tact, it may well snowball into accomplishing much, much, more than the goal it is currently proposing.

As a former state prosecutor the Senator is well aware of how the legal system works against itself - with the accused seeking every legal loophole to avoid prosecution. In this sense half the Law works to find the truth and the other half works to obscure it. He has said that such an approach against the trespasses of the Bush Administration would cost millions and take up to fifteen years to determine and end up punishing only those minions at the bottom of the pile.

By granting full immunity to all who come forward to confess their part in any and every machination to circumvent laws, we do not have a nation ratting on itself, but the opportunity for a once honorable people to finally vomit up all and everything vile contaminant that has blinded, demeaned and weakened us, not only in the eyes of an anxious world, but in the depths of our own hearts.

It is my hope that the value of such a forgiving Christian approach spreads far and wide into every dark corner of every institution in the nation - not with the object of punishing any single person or group, but of restoring ourselves and our nation to good health.

S.W. Pringle
Director Global Stewardship Foundation

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