Thursday, February 12, 2009

Goodness & Badness

Define Goodness and Badness

Goodness: The evolution of consciousness from infnat naivete to cosmic sagaciousness
Badness: The Random dynamic

Does "random dynamic" exist in your perspective?I mean, you take god for granted and god is omniscience/omnipotent/omnipresent for you,most probably.
If so, it doesn't leave room for something other than god's intention.
Everything is god and good and by god for god for good of god, and so on.
Where is the badness you think of?

Very good question.

Indeed, God does not play dice with the universe. But He is not completely immune to the odd flutter now and then. So he added a joker or two to the pack. This ensures that no end-game can be absolutely computed. It also ensures that He can never be bored by the game. He has to stay alert and keep making tiny adjustements to His creation, ere it fall over the edge into chaos. In this sense randomness is Good.

Do you really think that humans can continue to multiply indefinitely?
And how about all other creatures?

The evolution of human consciousness is on a set cycle - with a definable beginning and end. We are about a quarter of the way into the cycle. Actually you and I are having this conversation at a very exciting moment in the cycle. Only four mass shifts of consciousness have taken place over the past 2.5 million years. The last one happened around 500. B.C. when human intellect had developed enough to challenge religious dogma and set off on a self-determinant tangent. That teenage rebellion of trying to analyze the infinite is now almost over. Einstein popped the Newtonian bubble. The universe is not a clock. So now that the clock has stopped, we are all caught up in an eerie time warp. We don't know what to do without a watch. The alarm button won't work either. It is a rather scary moment, I will admit. Millions of us are half awake. We are urging the rest of us to put away the dice. We have got stop gambling with the stocks and bonds of the family estate. Fast cars, fast women, playing Russian roulette with nuclear guns has got to end. The prodigal son has got to return to Our Father's house. The omens for mass change are all in place. We have a new doctrine in Nuclear Theory. Confidence in government and the economy is in a major free fall. All of this is telling a complacent collective conscious that it is time to move on, clock or no clock.

So, in answer to question: No. We will not multiply indefinitely and over-populate every planet in the universe.
But we still have a ways to go before we grow old and die on the home planet. How long each of the next development ages will take, only God knows. In the meantime, we have to press on with our evolutionary journey. We need families in order to continue towards our cosmic destiny. We must continue to breed. The larger each family group, the easier it is to socialize each child. This of course flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But zero population growth is an abomination. Nature will not allow it. She never developed this big brain in order for it to go negative on Her.

Is it really good if cockroaches and all other things multiplied to fill all spaces? :D
How about germs and bacteria and virus? Should they continue to multiply in your body to be good?

I have already mentioned that big brain of ours. And also that desperate teenage quest to find a logical answer to the meaning of existence. It was not a side trip after all. That whole age has given us the precise technology we need to successfully manage an entire planet in a sustainable way, while we continue to double our population every generation.
We know that the sun provides us with enough daily calories to support 1000 billion humans, as well as the existing ecology. Some say 2000 billion. So we know the limit, which is a good indication of the end-game for us.
So now the big brain must devise ways and meant to occupy less and less s earth space in order to allow our numbers to grow, without hurting the ecology. In fact, we have an initial huge task of cleaning up an age of untidy industrial effort - and getting it back to the way Nature had it in the first place. So the obvious answer for continued growth is for our specie to go UP not sprawl OUT.
High rise living.
High Rise farming.
High rise industry.
Mega ergonomic human hives, that generate their own clean energy, harvest water from the atmosphere, complete with tree-lined boulevards, plantations, streams and waterfalls. With the rest of nature a escalator ride from the entrances.

So in answer to your question. Don't worry about the rest of creation. Nature will keep it in in symbiosis. There will be no roaches indoors. No infestation. No need for deadly chemicals.

Other than your personal fear and worrying (about yourself and your family and maybe for others), are there any motivation to think about "goodness" and "badness", especially in non-relative manner?

I am a philosopher Worry is what I do. It would be nice if a got a small salary for it. But such is life.

"You have said elsewhere that Old fashioned family values are central to Goodness without them we are going nowhere"
"Family value" can vary wildly from one tribe/culture to another, which may lead to "goodness" relativism.

Not so. Who told to you that?
Every single culture on the planet originated from a common family group 2,5 million years ago. The family values that were established during the formative stages of the Stone and Bronze Ages, which constitute 99.9% of our time evolving a social and spiritual consciousness, remain common to every human culture on the planet.

What's the exact content of your "old fashioned family value"?
Amazing. the perfect final question!
Here are our seven basic survival ethics, in order of development between infancy and sagehood
1. Sharing
2. chores (home and garden)
3. courage
4. loving
5. conscientiousness (craftsmanship}
6. vision (intuition - expressed through art)
7. intellect (analysis - expressed through technology}

It is the parents responsibility to ensure that the first six ethics are seated by puberty
This produces an ethical self-policed consciousness, quite able to master text books without assistance
This "miracle of education" cannot be done artificially inside a state classroom
It has to be accomplished in the home environment, by BOTH parents.
It is the best investment any nation can make in its own future
It does away with the entire waste of heavily policed social administration (up to 60% of the GNP)

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