Monday, February 02, 2009

Death, Intuition & the Collective Consciousness

It appears to me that many humans are certain of an afterlife which I take to be a paradox, i.e. a logical contradiction. i.e. P and not P existing simultaneously.

It seems that we have a great dread of death and religion is our means for shoving our dread of death deep back into the unconscious so that we do not have to live with the anxiety of the consciousness of death.

I was an atheist throughout my late teens and twenties. That was my youthful pseudo-intellectual argument - fear of death made religion an opiate.. But even in atheism the specter of death does not impinge on daily consciousness, at least not until the fourth quarter of life. The whole point and focus of retirement is a preparation for death. There is no fear, other than hoping it is not a painful one. It allows for full savor of the life lived. Also time for correction. In the end the arms of death are welcome. (I am now 67 and know full well where of I speak.) There are of course elders who fear death right to then end. IMO it is because they are guilt-ridden and have not had the courage to review their trespasses.

What is your definition of intuition?

Basically, inspiration.
During experiments in the separation of the two hemispheres of the cortex, Prof. Roger Sperry has proved that each side of the brain has different modes of comprehension. The left side processes analytical information, intuitive insights are made on the right.

It is my belief that the intuitive side of the brain is the repository of 20 billion years of evolutionary experiences. From that vast resource inspired idealization surfaces in consciousness when the pressures of increasingly complex survival imperatives demand new solutions. The analytical side then takes over, systematizes the idea and then designs methods of practical application. That analysis is of course an expression of my intuitive insights. I have no proof of it. New advances in brain scanning will eventually tell us more exactly how consciousness works.

What do you mean by "collective consciousness"?

A little known hero of mine, Eugene Marais, a South African naturalist, once conducted an ESP experiment on a hive of termites, back in 1905. His findings were published in a treatise called "The Soul of the White Ant."
He drove a one eighth inch steel plate between the queen's chamber and the other half of the hive. There was no change of the behavior of each individual termite. But when the plate size was increased to a quarter inch, the behavior of the ants on the wrong side of the plate became erratic. That is the natural proof that consciousness can become collective.

I believe that the evolution of human consciousness is gradually leading us in that same direction. In a very real sense the advances in human communication mediums - oral. scripture, telegraph, radio, television and now the internet are all exoteric expressions of our collective consciousness. In another sense our central government serves as our collective consciousness. And yet another - our religions of Belief are also essential expressions of the collective will.

My intuition tells me that as our social and spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, we will transcend the artificial mediums of communication and directly achieve our natural esoteric potential

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