Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Critera for World peace & Economic Prosperity

b[b]]Imprinting the Custodian Ethic[/b][/b]

The recipe for a universally acceptable prescription that can establish a
global base of equal opportunity, and thereby promote peaceful coexistence
among all people, will never be found in the mix of any existing
systems of human government. In the present competitive milieu, the law
of the jungle will prevail; the eight hundred-pound gorilla will get most
of the bananas and the whole point and purpose of the cultivation of the
human spirit is thereby reduced to a meaningless exercise.

The basic reason why the solution to world peace fails us has been fully
articulated in[i] Psyche-Genetics.[/i] It has stated repeatedly that the fundamental
social and spiritual value of meticulous sharing that sustains the peace
and harmony in every cultured human family, has been hopelessly buried
under an artificial global economic structure that encourages several thousand
dispirit societies to all compete, independently and unequally, for the
biggest piece of the pie that they can get their hands on. The problem is
compounded when it is realized that we have artificially decided on how
big the pie should be. We have yet to realize that each individual human
being possesses enough latent creative power to replace a thousand-fold,
the amount of energy he or she consumes in a lifetime. The pie in fact, is
infinite and our argument over it, superficial.

So what is to be done about the situation as it stands? It is obvious that the
spiritual eye of most of us is closed, leaving us unable to see into the future
and recognize the marvelous feast our Father has laid out for us after so
many tens of thousands of generations of labor and hope.

But what our evolution has done is make the analytical half of our collective
psyche, if not fully operational, at least focused enough to see that the
current global situation is highly precarious. Under our current systems of
international management only a tiny fraction of the people on the planet
are enjoying the luxuries and full benefits of economic security. And in
the future, as our numbers keep growing, the gap between rich and poor
can only grow wider.

What we need is an entire planet makeover. The major hurdle confronting
us is the fact that there is no quick fix. The current policy of zero-population
growth is not only unnatural and morally reprehensible, all it will do
in the long run at best, is keep the wolves of global hunger at bay – not
produce the Garden of Eden our ancestors have worked for. Even if we all
get together and agree on mass change and begin to institute it tomorrow,
it will be at least a generation before any significant results will begin
to appear. In today’s atmosphere of short-term expectations, arriving at
a long-term consensus is going to be difficult, and implementing it even
more so.

The first reality that we have to face is that we have to return to the fundamental
family and extended-family values that defined our humanity and
separated us from the apes in the first place. We have to refocus our faith
on the compassionate nature of the Divine spirit that lives inside all of us.
In order for that to happen, the false foundations and synthetic edifice of
the Tower of Babel that we have constructed has to be dismantled. Either
we do it ourselves in an orderly manner, or forces beyond our control will
bring it crumbling down over our heads.

If we cannot all see what will work for us, at least we should all be able
to agree on what does not. In this era of ever-increasing global interdependence,
the whole world has to realize that the Age of National Independence;
competing political ideologies, scientifically-controlled determinism
and religious Protest should be buried and put to rest as soon as
possible, before this dying Age’s inability to deal with world poverty and
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, make nuclear war a terminal
reality for all life on the planet.

World consensus on what shape that future should take can only be
achieved initially via a universally accepted education policy, based on
the commonalty of basic social values and the spiritual essence of Atomic

If an education based on nuclear theory is to be introduced to the psyche of
the world child without a conflict between physics and metaphysics, then
the charismatic attributes of sub-atomic particles currently under observation
in quantum mechanics needs to be more holistically understood and

This Nuclear Age education designed to develop the dual nature of the human
psyche and evoke not only our technological ingenuity to deal with
the large scale planet management projects that lie ahead of us, but also
our soul power of compassionate understanding and thereby put an end to
the immaturity of ideological warfare, must be based on the recognition of
the commonalty of the Divine nature of our collective consciousness and
the Cosmic laws of Cause and Effect that govern our ethical behavior.
The human ego has to let go of the gross concept that the human form is
the only magical association of atomic forces that is capable of expressing
consciousness. Beauty of Form and behavior are expressed throughout the
entire Universe.

We have to rise above the biological impulses that are behind our current
reactions to environmental demands. The present urgency among
the industrialized nations of the World to achieve nuclear capability, not
simply as an alternative energy resource, or for reasons of national pride
and independence, but also (overtly or covertly) to arm themselves with
weapons of mass destruction, are subconsciously motivated by an ethical
imperative to achieve parity. That evolutionary principle is inviolate. No
man can be eternally subservient to another, nor can any nation. Global
thermo-nuclear warfare is therefore, most definitely on our horizon and
will certainly take place unless we make a concerted spiritual effort to
forestall it.

In previous Ages, environmental pressures demanding mass change have
traditionally been relieved through all-out war with a resultant period of
utter chaos before the New Age paradigm settled in. Population pressures
this time are global wide and conventional war no longer an option. The
present danger is magnified by the fact that we are only vaguely aware of
the underlying forces that are pushing us into the future. Our military supremacy
cannot protect the status quo forever. Nineteen young men with
box-cutters revealed how vulnerable we really are. International terrorist
organizations are determined to get their hands on fission material and will
eventually succeed.

What needs to be more fully understood by the powers that are currently
trying to defuse the global situation is that the drive for equality via nuclear
parity is profoundly spiritual as well as superficially political. The Nuclear
Equation has not yet factored in the infinite force of spiritual power that
resides inside Dark Matter. It is our manifest destiny for each and every
one of us to evoke and make use of that power. Without the assurance
that hard-won metaphysical insight provides, the unification of universal
forces can never be achieved and the presence of Dark Matter will forever
remain mysterious.

The question then, is what global policy can be instituted right now that
can defuse tensions and work towards achieving the equality that all humans
yearn for.

In order to answer what is perhaps the most pertinent question of this moment
in time, we need to look very carefully at exactly what the evolution
of human progression is telling us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have been following this blog for some time now, good job by the way