Thursday, January 29, 2009

Definitions of Pseudo-Intellectual Phlosophers

1. Those who cannot make a simple common sense determination on what is good or bad without engaging in a convoluted argument over moral relativism.

2. Those who believe that they can determine the state of being by sitting in an armchair and never engaging the body in any form of ordeal that would cause physical discomfort.

3 Those who's life experience is obtained from books and have never suffered extreme pain and/or profound loss.

4. Those who life experience is obtained from books and have never experienced extreme ecstasy and/or profound peace

5. Those who are waiting for somebody else to prove that there is a Supreme Consciousness and have never investigated it for themselves.

7. Those who have already determined that a Supreme Consciousness does not exist

8. Those who think our ancestors where foolish for believing in ancient theological arguments that have served mankind for 6000 years and more

9. Those who do not realize that subsequent philosophical arguments over the nature of being are stumbling attempts to rehash what is already classic.

10. Those who take the above definitions as personal insults to their intelligence.

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