Friday, January 30, 2009

More anti-Nietzshe

My argument against all modern philosophers who disdain man's belief in a larger consciousness is that none of them did their homework. Religion has never been an "opiate". There has never been a time in the whole of our evolution when mankind did not have an intuitive sense of an under-lying universal force governing the ethical laws of cause and effect.

It was present as Animism throughout the 99,000 generations of the Stone Age.
It was present as Shamanism throughout the 600 generations of the Bronze Age
It was present as Scriptural Orthodoxy throughout the 160 generations of the Iron Age.

Subsequent religious Protest, beginning more or less with Aristotle, is simply a reaction to the gradual corruption of religious administration and its dogmatic attitude that refused to accommodate further scientif9ic investigations as to the meaning of existence..

What was not recognized by any of our so-called "big philosophers" whether they chose to be dead to their intuitions or not, is the enormous debt we all owe to our vast spiritual heritage. Not one of those developmental Ages would have progressed in a social context without a corresponding ethical governor. The eventual invention of scripture trying to define God via the written word was not only crucial to national cohesion and administration, it was also vital in the development of conscientious craftsmanship and a marked evolution of intellectual development .

Generations of painstaking learning the mechanics of grammar and syntax was the exact lesson required to organize human though into abstract thinking. If it was not for those thousands of unsung catholic missionaries and scribes who civilized the tribes, Nietzsche and his like would still be running around in bear skins.

IMO all our modern philosophers are dwarfs in comparison to the ancients who intuited and wrote our Scriptures. Nietzsche is simply a rebellious teenager. No brighter than I was as an atheistic teenager.

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