Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Transition to a Global Economy

Quote Again, you are burlesquing.
It almost seems like I have been hearing this rhetoric since the Stone Age.
This is the romance, the poetry of Socialism.
You talk as though you can hang a shingle on your garage, and six months later, you're a billionaire.
I am not totally opposed to every socialist idea (or those that are frequently characterized that way). I am opposed to hyperbolic Hegelian idealism as a substitute for practical economics

I think you are wrong. This is not old wine in a new bottle. We are in the cusp of a New Age. A mass change of consciousness is taking place. We are moving from and Age of nationalism to an Age of globalism. Neither Capitalism, Marxist Communism, or existing forms of socialism will be viable in the new paradigm. In this thread you are articulating the position of the Capitalist status quo - restating one of the economic philosophies of a dying exploitative nationalistic Age. As such you are adding nothing to our knowledge of the human condition. What you are saying, we were all raised on it. It is old wine. Valuable and full of flavor, but old. Two of my own companies grossed in the millions. I have worked as a junior and as a senior officer in others that grossed in the billions. I have nothing new to learn from this system.

In contrast, in my argument against capitalist exploitation of cheap human labor and natural resources; against our current money based exchange system; and against the concept of private ownership - which are all present in varying degrees in all current systems of human management - by presenting the ideal of a New Age social contract - based on custodianship and sustainable global stewardship, I am groping forward, like a half-blind seer, trying to see into the future. In this respect, I believe I am trying to add to our self knowledge. Whether or not I am deluded in this assessment only time will tell. But I do know that I am speaking directly to the historians of the future, who will be just as interested in the dynamics of this moment of human evolution as we are in the heated arguments that took place in the moment monarchical rule changed to democratic rule. This is a defining moment in human development I am profoundly conscious of the fact that I am taking part in it in a constructive way.

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