Monday, January 26, 2009


Ego is a concept of a separate self hovering above Nature.
Ego is a phantom. A ghost haunting within
In order for Ego to manifest in consciousness there has to be an observer and the observed
Within the individual consciousness this sense of duality is created by an internal communication between the analytical and intuitive halves of the brain.
The personality is thus split in two
In essence these two halves represent the masculine and feminine halves of the psyche.
The objective of the communication is resolution
If no resolution is reached the persona cannot act.
Stalled action leads to schizophrenia and hysteria
In order for action to take place one side or the other must dominate
Intuitive domination leads to increased depths of internal inquiries
Analytical domination leads to external inquiry
Survival imperatives favor analytical domination
Ego is therefore predominantly calculating

It is the arise of a calculating ego two and half millions years ago, leavened by intuitive precautions regarding ethical trespass, which has driven the evolution of human consciousness through four increasingly complex Ages of social. spiritual and technological development.

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